Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 881: 3600 points lost and recovered!

"It doesn't matter, just wait patiently." Hearing Zhou Kan's words, Xu Xiang said with a smile, "The market is at this position, the longer the adjustment time period and the greater the space height, the more conducive it is for the chips within the market to continue to change hands, and the more It is conducive to the concentration of the internal chip structure, thereby bringing better explosive power to the second stage of the bull market."

"But..." Zhou Kan paused and said, "The line of 'film and television media' feels a bit strange. The core lines of 'big consumption', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'mobile Internet' serve as the market When the popular main line continues to rise against the trend, the line 'Film and Television Media' follows suit.

Nowadays, the main lines of ‘big consumption’, ‘smartphone industry chain’ and ‘mobile Internet’ have begun to adjust.

But the line of ‘film and television media’ did not follow.

I won’t talk about it if you don’t follow, but it actually followed the rise of the core main lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ that have just recovered.

Let’s talk about the core themes of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

It has formed an obvious seesaw effect with the core main lines of "big consumption", "smartphone industry chain" and "mobile Internet".

That's right too.

But it seems very strange to include the line ‘film and television media’.

Moreover, unknowingly, the line of 'film and television media' has become the strongest conceptual theme line among the popular main line concept themes in the two cities.

This is unbelievable, simply outrageous! "

Xu Xiang smiled slightly and said: "There is no problem with the 'film and television media' line. Why can't the 'film and television media' line be the strongest concept theme line among the two cities and one concept theme line? What? Why can't the 'film and television media' line lead the rise in the two markets?

In the market, any major market trend basically has a certain reason.

Judging from the current situation.

Regardless of the core lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

It is still the core main lines of "big consumption", "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain".

In terms of short- and medium-term expectations, as well as the corresponding positive recent news, who can match the expectations of the ‘film and television media’ line?

The New Year's Day period, plus the Spring Festival period, plus the visible to the naked eye, the entire movie box office exploded in the second half of the year.

At the current stage, the expectations of the ‘film and television media’ line are the strongest.

Since we have the strongest expectations, is there any problem if the trend is significantly stronger than the performance of other major main lines in the market and the performance of the index?

I don't think there's any problem at all.

Moreover, in the second half of this year, when the five ministries and commissions jointly released favorable news, the line of 'film and television media' was also speculated by major funds in the market.

It was just that at that time, due to the full outbreak of the two core main lines of "big infrastructure" and "military industry".

Everyone’s eyes are on the two core themes of ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

This is why the line of ‘Film and Television Media’ has not gone out of an obvious continuous surge trend, and has been relatively ignored by the main funds.

However, that's exactly why.

The core line of ‘film and television media’ does not have too many profit-making and major financial institutions.

This also makes the "film and television media" line's recent trend elasticity much higher than other conceptual themes and core industry lines in the market.

So, there's nothing surprising about this.

On the contrary, it is a pattern trend that is very consistent with the expected changes in market trends. "

"Then according to the situation you mentioned, boss..." Zhou Kan thought for a while and said, "Since the line of 'Film and Television Media' is the most expected conceptual theme line among the major core lines in the market recently, and the current main funds The degree of aggregation is not high, and there is still room for continued growth and speculation, so...should we appropriately increase our positions and gain some chips on the main concept theme of 'film and television media'?"

Xu Xiang thought for a while and said, "It's not necessary."

"Why?" Zhou Kan asked.

Xu Xiang responded: “First of all, the market adjustment is not over. It is obvious that the Shanghai Stock Index cannot support 3,600 points, and there is a high probability that it cannot support 3,500 points.

Since the index is obviously downward in the short- to medium-term trend.

So why go against the trend and take advantage of such uncertain investment opportunities?

Secondly, although the 'film and television media' line has strong short- and medium-term expectations and is supported by positive expectations for the New Year's Day and Spring Festival stalls, because the overall market is too small, it is difficult to compete with 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'. 'Such core weights are the same as the main line, relying on the local profit-making effect to affect the market trend of the entire market.

In other words, even if the market trend of the 'film and television media' line is very likely to be much stronger than the overall market trend, it can have a relatively independent trend.

But when the market is always in a downward channel of continuous adjustment.

It is also difficult to get rid of the continuous profit-making effect and create high space.

In other words, even if there is a high probability that you will not lose much money when investing in such a main line, it will be difficult to make much money during a market downturn.

Whether it is short-term investment or long-term investment.

When it comes to buying points, we still have to pay attention to the resonance between the emotional side and the financial side.

As far as the 'Film and Television Media' line is concerned, only the fundamentals are currently good, and other financial and emotional aspects are not strongly affected by the continued adjustment of the overall market.

Generally speaking, compared with other main lines of the market, the line of 'film and television media' is good.

However, considering the overall investment strategy and trading strategy, at this current position, no matter which main line, no matter which strong or weak concept theme, there is no value in participating, and there is no clear buying point. "

"I understand." Zhou Kan said, "During the market downturn, even if the main line of the market is upward, it is difficult to create a high space, and there is no value in participating."

"That's right." Xu Xiang said, "In trading, you still have to pay attention to the resonance between funds and emotions."

As the two men spoke, market trading time continued to move forward.

As the market trading time continues to move forward, the main line market pattern of the two cities has become more and more obvious, and the seesaw effect has become more and more clear.

I saw that several core main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', which had fallen for 5 consecutive days last week and were extremely weak, have now rebounded across the board, while 'big consumption' and 'mobile Internet' have rebounded across the board. , 'smartphone industry chain' and several core main lines have ushered in continuous market adjustments.

At 10:01, the securities and Internet finance sectors began to advance hand in hand, and the corresponding sector indexes expanded to 2% during the day.

At 10:02, ‘Huaxin Securities’ rose by more than 2%.

At 10:03, the stocks of the Three Musketeers in the Internet financial sector, namely Great Wisdom, Flush and Oriental Fortune, rebounded across the board.

At 10:04, 'Architectural Decoration', 'Building Materials', 'Commercial Real Estate Development', 'Mechanical Equipment', 'Non-Public Transportation'... and other core industry sectors in the main line of 'big infrastructure' saw daily gains. They have reached more than 1% one after another, and stocks with "Chinese prefix" such as "Huaguo Construction, Huaguo China Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction..." are also following the "big infrastructure" main line fields. The core sectors rebounded across the board, showing a trend of sharp rises.

At 10:05, the check "Yingkou Port" made a desperate counterattack. From the close to the limit in early trading, it continued to rebound to a red trading status, attracting the attention of countless investor groups inside and outside the market, and also making the market heat and attention of this check begin to rise. Soaring straight up.

At 10:06, ‘Huaxin Securities’ rose by about 5% during the day.

At 10:07, the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector index broke through to 75% of the day's increase, and began to lead the rise of the industry sectors in the two cities.

At the same time, the price of "Blue Stone Reload", which has been plummeting continuously for many days, even fluctuated.

In just an instant, the check of 'Blue Stone Reload', under the influence of continuous bargain-hunting funds and speculative funds, rose from a drop of about 5 points underwater to a drop of less than 1 point, and has always been the same as 'Blue Stone Reload'. Shi Chongzhuang's 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery', 'Aerospace Development', 'Hongdu Aviation'... these popular stocks with the concept of 'military industry' that have a strong correlation with the trend also rebounded across the board.

At 10:08, the check of ‘Yingkou Port’ continued its counterattack, with an intraday increase of 76%.

10:09, 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'Northeast Revitalization', 'China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Zone', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' '...These have also continued to fall last week, and have rebounded and risen one after another with drastic adjustments. Among them, the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' has become a concept sector that all major funds have gathered to speculate crazily.

At 10:10, the main line of "big finance" continued to riot.

At 10:11, the stock 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' turned red. At the same time, the check 'Huake Dawn', which was highly correlated with its trend, also followed the trend and turned red, showing a considerable profit-making effect.

At 10:12, the three stocks of ‘Great Wisdom, Flush, and Oriental Fortune’ all rose by more than 2% during the day.

At a time when the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' are rebounding and counterattacking, the field of 'film and television media' is also attracting everyone's attention.

Suddenly, the check for ‘All Access Education’ continued to hit the daily limit under the main attack of big funds.

At 10:13, the check for 'Quantong Education' hit the daily limit, continuing to show its strong posture, and at the moment of its daily limit.

The conceptual sector of Internet online education has once again been sought after by funds.

And with the "Internet online education" once again being sought after by funds.

'Mobile games', 'film and television production', 'celebrity stock participation' and other corresponding conceptual theme sectors also received huge amounts of buying funds in an instant, and corresponding concept theme stocks rose one after another.

At 10:14, the intraday increase of ‘Huaxin Securities’ reached 67%.

At 10:15, the intraday increase of the 'Film and Television Media' sector also reached the 5% increase position, ranking among the top five industry sectors in the two cities.

At 10:16, the ‘Securities’ sector’s intraday increase reached 2%.

At 10:17, ‘Western Securities’, a core stock in the brokerage sector, suddenly shot up to a 5% increase.

At 10:18, a number of industry sectors and conceptual theme sectors in the three main areas of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' all fell again.

And at this time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, GEM Index, and A50 Index.

In terms of trends, there is also an obvious seesaw effect.

I saw that the gap between the intraday increase of the A50 index and the intraday increase of the GEM Index widened to more than 1%.

At 10:19, the intraday increase in the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector exceeded 78%. At the same time, 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery', 'Hongdu Aviation'... and other popular 'military industry' sectors 'Stocks with concept themes have all achieved a trend of rising in popularity.

At 10:20, ‘Huaxin Securities’ rose by more than 3% during the day.

At 10:21, the market price increase of the check ‘Blue Stone Reload’ exceeded 2%, and the market amplitude reached 10% in nearly an hour.

At 10:22, the Shanghai Stock Index was close to its 1% daily gain and returned to 3,600 points.

At 10:23, the check for ‘Great Wisdom’ suddenly jumped 5%.

At 10:24, Flush and Oriental Fortune rose more than 3%. However, the two weight stocks of LeTV and Wangsu Technology, which are both core components of the GEM Index, still maintained a slight green market at this moment. The state is not even in the trend of becoming famous.

At 10:25, the check for ‘Huake Dawn’ turned red. At the same time, the intraday increase in the sub-new stock sector reached 23%.

At 10:26, all industry sectors and conceptual theme sectors included in the four core main areas of 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure', 'Military Industry' and 'Film and Television Media' all achieved a trend of rising red stocks, and 'National Defense and Military Industry' , securities, architectural decoration, building materials, film and television media's major industry sectors are in the leading position of the two cities, and the market growth has reached more than 2%.

At 10:27, the check from ‘Western Securities’ suddenly hit the daily limit.

At 10:28, 'Western Securities' successfully reached its daily limit, and the intraday increase in the securities sector index expanded to about 5%, which is likely to exceed the increase in the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector index.

At 10:29, the check for 'Fushun Special Steel' rose from deep water and turned red.

At 10:30, the stock of "Beijiang Communications Construction", which had gone out of a continuous plummeting pattern in the early stage and frequently fell to the limit, also began to rebound and turn red.

At the same time, all the core indexes in the two cities have now achieved an upward trend.

"The trend in the first hour since the opening of trading today has been really strong."

Noting that the market trends of the two cities have completely reversed, as well as the overall rebound of the main line market trends of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', at this moment, in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, inside the Xiniu Fund Company, in the main fund trading room, funds Manager Mou Zhengxing stared at the market of the two markets and couldn't help but sigh: "Look at this... After the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3600 points several times, it retreated. There will probably be a strong support here, and it may form a shock range." The bottom position!" (End of this chapter)

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