Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 235 Spirit Stone Ore and Reaction

"It's a spiritual stone mine!" Li Li replied with a chuckle.

Among the metal spirit mines of the same scale, few are more valuable than the spirit stone mines.

The most important thing is the raw ore of spirit stone. After being mined and processed simply, it can be turned into spirit stone for use.

Other metal spirit mines, in addition to meeting their own needs, must be sold in exchange for spirit stones, and then exchanged for useful cultivation resources. For the foundation-building immortal cultivating family, the most important exchange is the foundation-building pill. Only when the family has continuous monks in the foundation building period can it achieve good development.

"Lingshi Mine, very good." Li Qianqing nodded, he must be satisfied with the result.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Liqing went down after receiving the corresponding reward. At this time, Li Qianqing also left Changqing Mountain.

As a foundation-building monk, he needed to detect the size of the spirit stone mine.

It is relatively simple for monks in the foundation-building stage who have spiritual consciousness to do this, but it would be more troublesome if it is detected by monks in the refining stage. Li Li will dig out the spiritual stone mine and come out. If he still has the task of detecting the size of the spiritual stone mine, It will be at least three days before I can come back.

If the scale of the spirit stone mine is relatively large, it will take him longer.

However, the scale of this spirit stone mine should not be much larger. The overly large metal spirit mines were directly eliminated by the mutated gold-eating rats. There is currently a metal spirit mine in the boundary of Changqing Mountain that cannot be mined. He needs to break through to the Dan Formation stage.

Soon, Li Qianqing arrived at the location of the Lingshi Mine.

After being dug out by Li Liqing, even a mortal warrior could go down and come up smoothly.

It is precisely because of this kind of excavation that it takes a lot of time.

He flew directly to the bottom and activated his consciousness to detect the situation of the spirit stone mine.

"What a pity."

This is a top-notch micro-spiritual mine, and it is almost ready to turn into a small-scale spiritual mine. However, it is just this close. Given the environmental conditions here, it will take at least a thousand years of evolution before it can become a small-scale spiritual mine.

No matter what, top-notch micro-spirit mines are always better than ordinary micro-spirit mines.

The cooperatively mined miniature spiritual stone mine is relatively ordinary.

If this top micro spiritual stone mine is mined properly, it can earn 1,500 low-grade spiritual stones every year, and it can be mined for more than a hundred years. That is to say, the guaranteed income of this top micro spiritual stone mine is More than 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

This income can be exchanged for six or seven foundation-building pills.

After knowing that this was a top-notch micro spirit stone mine, Li Qianqing also knew how to arrange the subsequent mining, and the rewards for Li Xingsheng needed to be supplemented.

The candidates to dig this top micro spiritual stone mine are still mortal warriors.

After the Li family's mortal base continued to grow, the number of mortal warriors in the family also increased a lot.

The family encourages mortals to practice martial arts. Compared with ordinary mortals, mortal warriors are of some use to monks, such as mining micro-spiritual mines. Generally, mortal warriors are the main force.

Mortal warriors who mine spiritual mines are also rewarded with contribution points, but these are mortal contribution points and cannot be exchanged for things used by monks. They are generally used in Liyang City.

In addition to mortal warriors, a monk in the late stage of Qi refining is also needed here to guard and manage.

Now there are many monks in the late stage of Qi refining in the Li family, so it is much easier to choose them.

Late March.

Another news spread in Wutong County.

The land of spiritual veins previously occupied by the Ma family was sold to the Xiangshui Li family.

In this way, the Li family can be regarded as the foundation-building immortal cultivating family in Wutong County. After all, they have a land of spiritual veins.

For many forces in Wutong County, this news is undoubtedly a bombshell.

"Have you heard? That land of spiritual veins does not belong to the Ma family, but to the Li family!"

"Li family? Which Li family? It's the Foundation-building family in Xiangshui County, the one with five Foundation-building monks."

"It turns out to be the Li family of Xiangshui County. You know a lot about it."

"That's natural... No, that's not the point. The point is that the place where the Feng family's spiritual veins were destroyed now belongs to the Li family."

"Oh, so what, whoever owns the land of spiritual veins has no influence on me."

Many casual cultivators in Wutong County are indifferent to this news. Under normal circumstances, no matter how the power changes, it will be difficult to affect them.

And when casual cultivators are not casual cultivators, they are easily involved in power disputes.

"It won't affect us, but don't you think this is interesting?"

There are also some casual practitioners who want to have fun. This change is fun for them, so they find it very interesting.

"I didn't expect that the Ma family would sell this land of spiritual veins to the Li family. It's amazing that they can make such a decision..."

"I have also heard that the reason given by the Ma family is that the Li family also participated in the process of eliminating the robbery cultivator. It is precisely because of this that the land of spiritual veins came into the hands of the Li family. Strictly speaking, this spiritual land is in the hands of the Li family. The Pulse Land is not sold by the Ma family to the Li family."

"Haha, if you want to understand the specific situation, you have to look at the previous events. You must know that the Li family has taken the initiative to contact the Ma family before. It is very likely that the two families have reached a cooperation. In any case, the Li family has a spiritual vein After the war, Wutong County will only become more chaotic in the future.”

Regarding what is happening now, the casual cultivators who like to analyze this and that all have their own set of views.

Listening to their various analyses, it was also a very interesting thing to do after dinner.

Compared to the casual cultivators' indifference and fun-loving mentality, the forces in Wutong County are different, especially the forces at the foundation-building level.

As soon as the news came out, the head of the Chen family learned about the situation at the first time.

"This spiritual vein land is now in the hands of the Xiangshui Li family. It is both surprising and not surprising." The head of the Chen family couldn't help but speak after learning the situation.

What surprised him was that the Ma family sold the spiritual vein land to the Li family so easily. If it was their Chen family, it would definitely take a long time for this spiritual vein land to fall into the hands of the Li family.

No matter what kind of cooperation, it requires bargaining chips, and this spiritual vein land is a good bargaining chip.

If it takes a long time, you may get more things in the end.

It is not surprising that this spiritual vein land is naturally sold by the Ma family to the Li family. There is no problem with the Ma family selling it to the Li family. According to the intelligence he collected before, the two families have cooperation.

"Patriarch, what should we do now?"

No matter what, the Li family is a first-class foundation-building cultivation force. After this force intervenes in their Wutong County, the situation in the county will become more complicated.

There is another key point. Because the Chen family had a very good relationship with the Jiang family before, their relationship with the Li family can be described as bad.

The Chen family did not attend the Li family's several foundation-building banquets, and of course the Chen family did not want to go.

If the two families had no relationship before, but no conflicts, and the Li family had a spiritual vein in Wutong County, the conflicts between the two families would slowly emerge.

When it comes out from the dark, the two families may have a conflict.

"Don't worry, there is no use in rushing this matter... After all, our Wutong County is not other counties." The head of the Chen family looked very calm on the surface.

There are not many counties in Zhao State like their Wutong County.

There are two foundation-building forces affiliated with the Jindan forces in one county.

In this case, the cooperation between the Ma family and the Li family, even if they have a bad relationship with the Ma family, the Ma family will not give priority to dealing with them. Even if the Ma family really wants to do this, will Qingfeng Valley agree?

Although their relationship with the Ma family cannot be said to be good, it certainly cannot be said to be bad.

Therefore, the choice of the head of the Chen family is to wait and see what the Ma family will do next, or what the Li family will do.

The actions of these two families in the future will affect his decision.

The Chen family cultivators felt more relieved when they saw the calmness of the head of the family.

As a family intelligence scavenger, he knew that the strength of the Li family was not only strong in strength, but also strong in reputation.

In Xiangshui County, among the Qi-refining and immortal cultivation families that were previously affiliated with the Jiang family, some had their spiritual veins taken away by the Li family, and some spoke well of the Li family.

This is why he thinks that the Li family has a strong reputation, and it can make such Qi-refining and immortal cultivation families think that they are good. Although not all the cultivators of the Qi-refining and immortal cultivation families that were previously affiliated with the Jiang family are in this situation, some of them are already very telling.

Such a foundation-building immortal cultivation force intervening in the power dispute in Wutong County is bound to have a great impact.

The Chang family and the Sun family are affiliated forces of the Tianhe Sect.

Because the Li family got a piece of spiritual vein land in Wutong County, Sun Wubin came to the Chang family again.

If the spiritual vein land was only owned by the Ma family, it would not be a big problem for them, but when this spiritual vein land was in the hands of the Li family, the nature of it changed for them.

After the Li family owned the spiritual vein land here, in a sense, the Li family was also a foundation-building immortal family in their Wutong County.

"Uncle Chang, have you heard the news?" Sun Wubin asked first.

The head of the Chang family nodded.

When he heard the news, he felt bad.

In Wutong County, their Chang family itself is the weakest foundation-building immortal family. Compared with some Qi-refining immortal families, they feel less secure.

The result of the last discussion between the two of them was that this matter would not be reported to the Tianhe Sect for the time being, mainly to see the situation, but now the situation is different.

The head of the Chang family felt that no matter what Sun Wubin said this time, it was necessary to inform the upper sect of this matter, otherwise once there was a problem, among the foundation-building immortal families in the problem county, the first one to go would most likely be their Chang family.

"Now that the Xiangshui Li family owns a piece of spiritual vein land here, it can be seen that they will definitely invest more energy in this county." The head of the Chang family said first.

Last time, Sun Wubin refused to inform the upper sect Tianhe Sect about this matter because he thought that the Li family might not invest too much energy in Wutong County.

Now this situation has appeared, which means that the Li family will invest a lot of energy in Wutong County.

If they don't invest more energy, they will not buy the next piece of spiritual vein land from the Ma family.

"But there is still no movement from the Chen family and the Li family, which means that they are not a solid block." Sun Wubin said this reason, and seemed to be trying to delay something.

"I have investigated the relationship between the Chen family and the Li family. I think it is difficult for them to cooperate together, but the Li family now has a piece of land in Wutong County. Who can guarantee that they will not want two or even three pieces? This is enough to show that they will invest a lot of energy here. Even without the help of the Chen family, we can't afford the Li family and the Ma family alone."

The head of the Chang family has expressed his meaning clearly enough. This time, he will tell the Tianhe Sect the news no matter what.

The next game in Wutong County is no longer for him, the weakest foundation-building immortal cultivation family, to affect the direction of things.

After reporting this matter to Tianhe Sect, they will definitely get some support, there is no doubt about that.

"The destruction of the Feng family this time is a bit problematic in itself. Even if the Ma family handles it well and people can't find any flaws, I still think that this is planned by the Ma family." The head of the Chang family added this sentence, the purpose is to show that the current situation is urgent.

If it weren't for taking care of the Sun family, he would have reported this matter to Tianhe Sect long ago.

In fact, when the Feng family got into trouble, their Chang family had been investigating the situation.

However, the results of the investigation showed that the news conveyed by the Ma family was not wrong. This group of robbers and the Feng family did have a conflict, and there were also cultivators from the Feng family involved, and the Feng family also admitted it in disguise.

But even if there is no substantial evidence that the Ma family planned it, as a foundation-building immortal cultivation family affiliated to Tianhe Sect, they have reason to suspect one hand, although they don't say it on the surface.

"Okay, Uncle Chang, I understand." Sun Wubin thought about it and sighed.

If the situation in Wutong County before was under their control, now that the Li family has a spiritual vein in Wutong County, he has to admit that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to control the situation.

Unless a cultivator in their Sun family successfully builds a foundation and becomes a three-foundation cultivation family, they can control a certain direction. The problem is that they currently have no cultivator at the peak of the ninth level of Qi Refining who has successfully built a foundation.

After Sun Wubin gave in, the head of the Chang family also breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Sun family still can't see the situation clearly, they will have to consider their relationship with the Sun family.

At this time, they still think that they can win the opponent with the strength of their two families. This is already impossible.

"I heard that in the recent Four Sects Trial, Qingfeng Valley also sent out Li's cultivators, and they seemed to have achieved good results. After reporting the Li family's involvement in Wutong County to the upper sect, the upper sect's reaction will probably be even more..."

When he said this, Sun Wubin smiled.

The Sun family has also been asking about the Li family's situation.

It must be said that the Li family's cultivator with a special physique in the early stage of foundation building is indeed amazing, and he can achieve certain results in the Four Sects Trial.

"Oh, that's interesting." The head of the Chang family obviously hasn't heard the news yet, but he heard that the Tianhe Sect's performance in the Four Sects Trial was not very good.

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