Rebirth of the Li Family

Chapter 459 Second Level

Unlike Li Qianqing, Li Xunting met a Jindan early stage cultivator in Cangyun Realm in five days.

When this Jindan early stage cultivator found her, he quickly hid far away and didn't want to contact her at all, fearing that she would do something after contact.

After working with Thirteenth Grandpa, Li Xunting immediately told her experience in Cangyun Realm.

"The Cangling people of the small tribe are not peace-loving, but they don't have the strength to deal with us." Li Qianqing gave Li Xunting a more accurate answer.

According to Li Xunting's narration, she had a good impression of the Cangling people.

"In comparison, the big tribe is different. You are right to say that you must be careful of the Cangling people of the big tribe."

"Why?" Li Xunting asked, so far, she has not encountered the Cangling people of the big tribe.

The harvest from these days is two third-level spiritual medicines and some information about Cangyun Realm.

Obviously, Thirteenth Grandpa has much more information than her.

"To the Cangling Clan, we are outsiders. Killing outsiders will bring them rewards from this world." Li Qianqing gave a general idea.

A remnant world like this has all kinds of rules.

Cangyun Realm is generally considered a relatively ordinary remnant world, without too many strange rules.

"Grandpa Thirteen, I understand." Li Xunting nodded thoughtfully.

If the Cangling Clan in this world would be rewarded for killing them, those powerful Cangling Clan would see them as if they saw treasures with their eyes shining. This is the main source of danger for them in Cangyun Realm.

After talking about this, Li Xunting took out the Cangyun Token and talked about the important information she got.

"At the beginning, I thought that when the time on the token was over, we could leave Cangyun Realm. Later, I knew that things were not that simple... Grandpa Thirteen, I think the opportunity related to breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage should be in the forbidden land mentioned by the Cangling Clan."

This is also Li Xunting's guess based on what he has gained these days. If you go out after the time on the token is over, no cultivator should be able to really get the spiritual object that helps break through the Dan and become an infant.

"Yeah." Li Qianqing nodded, expressing his approval, "Tingting, you are right... The forbidden land you mentioned should be the place we are going to next, but before that, we have to survive here for 30 days."

After being praised, Li Xunting continued to narrate everything she had experienced, down to every detail.

As she talked more and more, combined with the information given to her by Thirteenth Grandpa, Li Xunting found that she understood Cangyun Realm more and more thoroughly, and she became more and more excited.

"Thirteenth Grandpa, why don't we go to the big tribe of the Cangling Clan and see if we can get any good things." Li Xunting suggested.

Li Qianqing shook his head after hearing this, "Although the Cangling Clan in Cangyun Realm is restricted and can only cultivate to the peak of the third level and cannot go any further, but going to their tribe... With the blessing of regional treasures, their strength will reach the level of the fourth level."

"Is that so."

Li Xunting could only give up the plan in her mind. If she fought with the fourth-level Cangling Clan, and what she got in the end was ordinary, it would be a big loss.

"In the next twenty days or so, the third-level Cang Ling tribe of the big tribe should all look for cultivators like us. We just need to deal with them when we meet them. What we can get depends on what they bring with them. Some crystal stones collected by the Cang Ling tribe are excellent materials for refining the life treasure."


After more than half an hour, the grandfather and grandson finished their chat.

In addition to whether they can meet the "lucky" Cang Ling tribe, what is important to them is whether they can find Li Xunming and others.

As time goes by, the number on the Cang Yun Order is getting smaller and smaller.

The situation in the Cang Yun Realm is even more chaotic later. Some of the cultivators who came here with weak strength have died at the hands of the Cang Ling tribe. Among the powerful cultivators, some have captured many Cang Ling tribe members who went out. Of course, there are also powerful Jindan peak cultivators who finally fell into the hands of the Cang Ling tribe.

Seeing that the number on the Cang Yun Order is about to become zero, Li Xunming, Yan Xuewei and the Devouring Demon Boy, Li Qianqing and Li Xunting have not met.

After all, they didn't stay in one place, so the possibility of meeting was really small. Li Qianqing felt it was very good to meet his granddaughter Li Xunting on the fifth day of entering Cangyun Realm.

At this moment, Li Qianqing brought Li Xunting to a place similar to the one where he entered the forbidden land in his previous life.

Li Qianqing knew very well that the forbidden land mentioned by the Cangling Clan, that is, the second level they were going to, was in the sky.

"Time is up."

Li Xunting took out the Cangyun Order and took a look. The number on it had returned to zero.

It was also at this time that the Cangyun Order turned into two light doors, one white and one yellow, and Li Xunting received a message.

The message told her that entering the yellow light door would allow her to leave Cangyun Realm, while entering the white light door would lead her to the next destination.

"Go to the next level, there must be a better opportunity there." The Cangyun Order in Li Qianqing's hand turned into two light doors like Li Xunting.


I still remember that in his previous life, he, Li Qianqing, had a very embarrassing first level and almost fell into the hands of the third-stage late Cangling Clan.

He has now passed the first level with ease and gained a decent amount.

Compared to the first level, where he had to face the pursuit of some third-level Cangling people, the second level was generally more of a reward level. The spiritual object, the fairy spring water, which helped to break through the Nascent Soul, was obtained in the second level. As for the third level in the Cangyun Realm, he had never been there.

Because only ten people can go from the second level to the third level.

In his previous life, he was not qualified to enter the third level.

Therefore, after obtaining the opportunity in the second level in his previous life, he left the Cangyun Realm.

After Li Qianqing saw Li Xunting enter the white light gate, he also entered the white light gate on his side. The four gates disappeared almost at the same time and turned into two balls of light flying into the sky.

Like them, after the countdown on the Cangling Order ended, two choices were placed in front of them. Most cultivators chose to go to the second level, and a small number of cultivators chose to leave at this time.

The cultivators who chose not to go felt that the first level of the Cangyun Realm was so dangerous, being chased by aliens all the time, and these aliens were very smart and knew how to set traps and wait for them to jump into them.

The second level should be more dangerous. If you are not careful, you will stay in this place forever.

Of course, there are still very few cultivators in this part. Most of the cultivators who come to the Cangyun Realm will try to break through even if they know there are dangers. There is an opportunity here to help the Jindan break through to the Yuanying stage.

The tokens of the cultivators who died in the first level fell into the hands of the Cangling Clan.

Unlike their situation, after the tokens fell into the hands of the Cangyun Clan, only a white light gate appeared, and there was no yellow light gate that left the Cangyun Realm.

"Grand Elder, this light gate should lead to the legendary forbidden land."

"Yes, I know."

"Grand Elder, do you want to go?"

"The mysterious token comes from foreign aliens. Many of these aliens are powerful. Without the blessing of the divine stone in the tribe, I am no match at all... The forbidden land is really a taboo for us."

The Cangling Clan on the side understood that the great elder was afraid of encountering aliens who entered the legendary realm in the forbidden land.

"Elders with ideas can go and take a look."

The elders of the Cangling Clan of the large tribe had no ideas.

For them, going to the forbidden land is to die. When the aliens see them, they will definitely take action immediately.

Moreover, each of these aliens has a token, which means that the surviving aliens have gone to the forbidden land. According to the news from other tribes, the number of aliens who came to their world is at least three digits.

Even if they were eliminated by them, those who were eliminated were the weaker aliens.

Overall, going to the forbidden land is to die.

After thinking about the pros and cons, the elders of these large tribes have no idea of ​​going to the forbidden land, unless they feel that they have lived enough.

"The door to the forbidden land is open, and we cannot relax our vigilance. We cannot rule out the possibility that there are still aliens who choose to stay."

"Yes, elder!"

Similar things happened in nine of the ten tribes of the Cangling clan, and there is still a large tribe that has not completed the killing of an alien.

And other smaller tribes are even less capable. Some small tribes were directly destroyed in the disaster brought by the aliens.

"Is this the sky?"

After entering the white light gate, Li Xunting seemed to have lost consciousness. When she opened her eyes again, she saw this incredible scene in front of her.

The ground was white and bright, as if she was stepping on white clouds, while the sky was gray and there seemed to be nothing.

"It should be the sky in the Cangyun Realm." Li Qianqing gave his explanation, "We are probably on the ground and were transmitted to the sky in a straight line, otherwise the two of us should be assigned to different places, or the cultivators who came to the second level would gather in one place."

"No wonder the more we fly up, the more spiritual power we consume... We can't even fly here."

Li Xunting tried it and found that she couldn't continue to fly directly with spiritual power, and she couldn't even do the simplest floating.

"There is a reason why they can't come up to the forbidden place in the mouth of the Cangling Clan." Li Qianqing couldn't help but say.

Even with his strong spiritual power, flying from the bottom up, the spiritual power would be consumed completely when he flew to the middle of the air.

No matter what world, the power of rules is the most terrifying.

Even in their Fanmao Realm, due to the restrictions of the rules, it is impossible for the world to have cultivators in the Refining Void Stage.

"Fortunately, the spiritual sense is not suppressed." Li Xunting used her spiritual sense to explore the surrounding situation. Except for the inability to explore downwards, she could explore other directions.

Extending upwards, she still could not explore anything, everything was gray.

"Let's take a look around first, be careful."

"Okay, Thirteenth Grandpa." Li Xunting quickly put away her spiritual sense.

Thirteenth Grandpa's spiritual sense is much stronger than hers. If Thirteenth Grandpa is exploring, it would be a bit redundant for her to join.

Li Xunting felt that the biggest gain of this trip to the Cangyun Realm was meeting Thirteenth Grandpa on the fifth day, and then she followed Thirteenth Grandpa all the time.

Now they can also go through the second level together.

The reason why she is interested in the Cangyun Realm is because Thirteenth Grandpa is coming. If Thirteenth Grandpa did not get the Cangyun Order in the Ming Kingdom, she would not be interested in the Cangyun Realm.

Following Thirteenth Grandpa, she feels that everything goes smoothly, and there has been no small mistakes so far.

This gave Li Xunting a feeling that the Cangyun Realm was Thirteenth Grandpa’s own home.

‘Xunming definitely doesn’t like this feeling.’ Li Xunting couldn’t help thinking that if Thirteenth Grandpa didn’t meet her on the fifth day, but met Li Xunming, Li Xunming would definitely feel very bored in the next twenty days.

As the eldest sister, she also knows her eleventh brother quite well.

But she, Li Xunming, is different. What she wants is the feeling of exploring with Thirteenth Grandpa. In her daily practice life, she and Thirteenth Grandpa just meet, and the time they spend together is less than a day.

Li Qianqing, who has opened his spiritual consciousness, began to go in the direction of his previous life, and Li Xunting followed him.

The first level is thirty days, and the second level only has three days.

On the third day, ten light pillars will light up in the gray sky, attracting cultivators to the center of this forbidden land, and these ten light pillars are heading to the third level, and the light pillars will last for one day.

When the light pillars disappear, all cultivators in the second level will be teleported out of the Cangyun Realm.

In fact, the exploration only lasted two days, because after the light column lit up, all the cultivators would rush over there, and no cultivator would want to miss the light column that lit up in this mysterious space.

Although the second level is a reward level for surviving thirty days in the first level, it is also dangerous.

There are phantoms in this level.

Phantoms are a kind of spiritual body, not a living being, just like the energy bodies that Li Qianqing encountered when he helped Lu Shangqing complete the third assessment of the vice president of the Fuyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Here, the phantom's method is to create false rewards and get the cultivators to fall into the trap.

It is worth mentioning that the rewards that the phantom can conjure are all real in this second level.

Li Qianqing felt that he was really lucky in the second level of the Cangyun Realm in his previous life. The first thing he explored was the fairy spring water that assisted in breaking through the Nascent Soul.

It was the next day that he encountered the phantom.

Compared with the cautious exploration in his previous life, Li Qianqing, who brought Li Xunting with him, was much faster in this life. In less than an hour, he found the fairy spring water.

"Grandpa Thirteen, did you find anything?" Li Xunting saw Li Qianqing stop, and she couldn't help asking.

Along the way, she looked at Li Qianqing's back the most, and the rest of the time she paid attention to the changing environment around her.

The environment here is very special. Everything seems to be made of clouds, but it feels solid.

"Maybe I found something good." Li Qianqing smiled mysteriously, "Follow me."

There are a total of five portions of fairy spring water harvested in the previous life. Unlike many spiritual objects that assist in breaking the pill and becoming an infant, fairy spring water can be used in a superimposed manner.

In his previous life, he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, not only using three portions of fairy spring water, but also using two portions of fairy spring water to exchange for a portion of the spirit object Yuehua Ningjing that broke through the pill and became an infant before breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage.

In this life, one portion of fairy spring water is enough. (End of this chapter)

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