Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 317: : Eye of the Blue Sea

"Get your life!"

The Yuren patriarch screamed, and his body was up and down, his momentum soared.

A long trident stabbed Nantian fiercely.

Nantian just waved his hand gently.

Nine Heavens Dragon, like a row of mountains and seas, greeted the past.


The head of the Murloc cried out, and the whole body flew out immediately, like a kite with a broken thread.


The fishman patriarch fell to the ground, and several bones were broken.

The fishman patriarch, immediately twitching, fainted.

"Patriarch, patriarch!"

Little two, little three, little four screamed out the fishman hunters.

Nan Tian's tone was cold: "He's dead! You don't want to call anymore!"

"We fight with you!"

Little two, little three, little four, a few fish hunters, thought Nantian's cultivation was the same as before.

However, the facts are not like that at all.


Nan Tian roared, all over him, burst into flames!

For these ferocious, human-eating murlocs, Nantian does not have a soft heart, and he will kill him in a unified attack.

This is the case in nature, with weak meat and strong food. Sometimes there are so many benevolences and morals to talk about!

See, Nantian is so amazing!

Even the tyrannical fishman patriarch was not an enemy of Nan Tian's blow.

Captain Wu and Captain Ni were terrified.

Now, the lives of both of them are pinned on Nantian's body.

Not waiting for Nantian to do it.

A large number of murloc soldiers were very angry and acted!

General Fishman headed, shouted: "You blame you **** humans, killed our patriarch! Several of you are companions, associates, must be buried!"

The general combat strength of the fishman general is comparable to the second-class mecha combatant at 17 standard stars.

With a trident, General Murloc pushed Captain Wu and Captain Ni all out of the boiling boiler.

Captain Wu and Captain Ni are both mech warriors, and the most powerful is mech abilities, not their own flesh!

They are far from ancient warriors!

When the mech was lowered by the fish people, Captain Wu and Captain Ni went over the boiler several times, and in a moment, they screamed sternly.


"Ah ..."

It didn't take long for a few people to become a pot of fat broth.

Salsa looked disgusted.

Nan Tian hugged Salsa in her arms and comforted a few words softly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Nantian chuckled.

General Murloc began a fierce attack on Nantian.

There are seven or eight hundred murloc soldiers.

Every murloc soldier has a trident in his hand.

The trident is also the most commonly used weapon of the murlocs.


Nantian summoned meteor mecha possession!

"Wuwu, the nine swords, my sword is like the wind!"

"The sword of Du Gu Nine Swords is in full swing!"

The first two swords of Du Gu Nine Sword are also the most direct kills, and the sword is fast!

It is most suitable for group combat and killing people!



Nan Tian waved the sword in his hand, and the heads of the murloc soldiers were cut down.

Since the fish people take human race as food.

As a strong human race, Nantian must protect the human race and kill this scourge for the human race!


Nantian kills the sky, matches himself, and his powerful cultivation is just after a scent of incense.

Nantian killed all the murlocs.

The underground nest is also stained with blood, and several underground rivers have become blood red.

"Tianqi Nantian, I'm so scared!"

Although Salsa was compiled within the regular Galaxy Army, it was a little nausea to see such a **** scene in the dark for a while.

Nan Tian patted Sasa: ​​"You have a good night's sleep!"

Nantian used some dementia to hypnotize Salsa.

Later, Nantian put Salsa into the realm of his life.

The world of life has changed a lot after so long.

Although the space area has not changed much, the interior can be described as prosperous.

In the realm of life, the trees are shaded and the oxygen is sufficient, which is very suitable for ordinary people to live.

It's no longer like that, when Nantian just took over, the environment was harsh and chaotic. Only a few elites or special groups can adapt to survive.

After all this, Nantian exhaled.

Nantian walked quietly to the dry well.

There was a rusty well cover above the dry well.

Speaking of Nantian, I would also like to thank you, this fishman patriarch.

If not, they belonged to the fish-men family, and after many generations, they searched for dry wells on the desert island.

Nantian is really not necessarily, can find it!

The location of this dry well is really too hidden!

Hidden under the ground, such an obscure place.

Ordinary people, even those who spend their entire lives, may not be able to find them.

Nantian moved the manhole cover of the dry well with joy.

Remove the manhole cover.

At the wellhead, there was a sudden glare of golden light.

Jin Guang continued for a while, and then gradually disappeared.

Nantian did not hesitate, and immediately jumped into the dry well.

All secrets, the eye of the blue sea, will be revealed soon!

The dry well is like a mysterious passage. The process of Nantian crossing the dry well makes Nantian feel familiar for a while, just like doing a space teleportation array.

The dry well's passage is very long, and the surroundings are all eccentric.

Nan Tianrao is now cultivated so much, his physical fitness is very strong, and he still feels dizzy.

Gradually, Nan Tianmo closed his eyes vaguely and fell asleep.

I don't know how long.

Nantian opened his eyes again.

The scene in front of me has changed a lot!

What appeared to Nantian was a magical place.

Here the crystal is shining and shining brightly.

The sea water flows backwards.

A huge turquoise blue sea water swirled fast.

In the center of the vortex, there is a long pillar.

Above the pillar, it is extremely smooth, very thick and ancient.

However, there is a stele at the foot of Nantian.

Nantian picked up the stele ~ ~ and looked at it.

I saw the stone tablet read: "Dinghai Shenzhen, suppress the eye of Bihai here!"

"This long, seemingly straight pillar, is really the Dinghaishen Needle!"

"One of the Twelve Divine Soldiers!"

"However, this pillar is so thick, how is it called a **** needle? The needle is very small, how to look, this pillar does not touch the edge! Also, how should I carry this pillar away?

"Furthermore, as the chief of the murloc said, where is the darling of the murloc-the tears of the mermaid?"

Nan Tian was puzzled.

Although, came to the Eye of Bihai, this mysterious place.

However, there are many things that Nantian needs to explore!

Nan Tian thought about it and opened the travel book "Mysterious Journey of the Eye of the Blue Sea", hoping to find the answer. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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