Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 319: : Tears of Mermaid

Xiao Hei kissed the shell again.

"Seashells open, shells open!"

Little Black murmured.

Not to mention, Xiao Hei yelled in two voices, and the shell really opened the shell.

Among the shells, there is a gray pearl in autumn.

It ’s no wonder that the peerless strongman who wrote the travel notes did not find the mermaid ’s tears!

"This is the so-called tears of the mermaid?"

Nan Tian was amazed.

With that, Nantian took the pearl in his hand and played it a few times.

Nantian did not find anything special.

"Xiaohei, have you made a mistake?"

Nan Tian asked with a frown.

The little black "wang" banged the pearl into his hand.

"Master, if you don't want it, just give it to me!"

"Hey, yes, this is not worth the money, it's not a good thing, give me!"

Little Black licked his mouth greedily.

Nan Tian glanced at Xiao Hei, and gave Xiao He a burst of chestnuts.

"Xiaohei, don't make trouble! Hurry up and make things clear. The tears of the mermaid are of great use. What we want is that big pillar, which is the Dinghaishen Needle! Tears, replace them and throw them into the eyes of Bihai! "

Nan Tian said.

Xiao Hei put out his tongue: "Yes! I didn't make trouble! Master, did I tell you? This is the mermaid's tears. I don't know. It's a good baby, don't look It ’s gray, but it ’s definitely an amazing thing! ”

"I roughly estimated that this thing is only a little inferior to that big pillar."

Xiaohe said slowly.

"That should be right! Among the eyes of Bihai, there are only two things, the most precious, one is the Dinghaishen needle, and the other is the tears of the mermaid!"

"I really didn't think of it. This looks like the pearls in the autumn are actually the tears of the mermaid! It's amazing!"

Nantian was quite surprised!

The tears of the mermaid, in the mouth of the mermaid clan, that is the treasure that can revitalize the mermaid clan!

As long as the murlocs get this, they can unify the entire Bihai world immediately.

[This kind of thing, there must be a magical place, but I do n’t know it yet, just! 】

Nantian heart said.

Nan Tian thought while thinking.

"Little black, can you see this pearl, what's so special about it?"

Nan Tian asked.

Xiao Hei is known as "Treasure Hunting Radar".

Little Black waved his dog's paw wildly.

"Well, I naturally know it!"

Little Black laughed.

"From inside this pearl, I saw a beautiful mermaid who was alone on the reef on a moonlit night and secretly cried and sad. The tears from the mermaid's cry turned into this pearl!"

Xiaohe picked up the pearl and said affectionately.

Xiao Hei said nothing but wiped the pearl vigorously.

Wipe all the dust from this pearl.

In an instant, the dazzling light came!

Originally, the pearls of the autumn are not gloomy, and they have regained their dazzling glory again!

At the same time, an unspeakable sense of sadness was dispersed in the air.

Rao is, Nantian is determined and infected.

Nan Tian rubbed his eyes and inexplicably sighed: "Strange, why do I suddenly want to cry? So sad!"

"So sad, so painful!"

Nan Tian whispered softly.

Xiaohei didn't look good, "Ah" swallowed this pearl in his stomach.

The strong sense of sorrow, which diffused in the air, also disappeared at this time.

"what happened!"

Nantian also returned to normal.

Xiao Hei said, "I blame me just now, and wiped the dust off the pearl."

"This is what caused you, Master, to be badly affected!"

Xiaohe explained.

Nan Tian patted his head.

"I'm relieving my heart, so much, everything is really in vain! I was confused by a small pearl!"

Nan Tian smiled self-deprecatingly.

You know, Nantian's previous life was an undefeated martial king, even if all attributes are not restored to the peak now!

However, the one that exists in the bottom of the heart, undefeated momentum, Wu Wang Ba singing, is unchanged!

However, Rao is so, Nantian is still infected, confused some minds, it is difficult to imagine, what kind of power is the pearl-the tears of the mermaid!

"No wonder, the fishman patriarch has always said that with this pearl, you can unify the blue sea world!"

Nan Tian suddenly realized.

Xiaohei has some magical talents that Nantian does not possess.

In addition, Xiaohei gradually grew up, and slowly began to unlock some of the memories of the ancestors in the brain.

These memories are very profound, all from the age of Shenwu, those who are super powerful who swallow the moon and eat the moon!

Xiao Hei thought for a while, and said slowly, "Master, I now know why, the tears of the mermaid have such a great ability to infect people's hearts!"


Nan Tian urged.

"I used my ancestral talented eyes to see that scene from this pearl, which is also regarded as the past and present life of the pearl land. The beautiful mermaid in the beginning must have encountered something very sad, the mermaid was so sad, it The teardrops contain the sadness and pain that cannot be relieved! "

"After thousands of years of hardening, the tears of the mermaid contain the spiritual power of the land, which is more and more terrifying, which affects you, the master!"

Xiaohei reasonably analyzed.

"Xiaohei, you are so smart!"

Nan Tian smiled and touched Xiao Hei's head.

"Master, you only know!"

He was praised by Nantian, who raised his head high.

"Come on! Hurry up and spit out the tears of the mermaid! We will use it to replace the Dinghaishen needle!"

Nantian smiled.

There are also some reluctances in Nantian's heart. The spiritual magic weapon that can affect people's hearts is very precious everywhere.

However, in order to save Pi Xiu, Nantian had to give up something.

Since ancient times: "You can't have both fish and bear paws!"

"Master, do you want to return the food you eat?" Xiaohei is very dissatisfied ~ ~ Xiaohei's gastrointestinal digestibility is amazing.

The tears of the mermaid, for Xiao Hei, once refined, can also increase part of its spiritual power, and even talent skills.

"Must spit it out!"

Nan Tianyi's righteous words.


I have to say that although Xiaohei is a bit "greedy", when he finally faces Nantian, he is still an obedient good dog!

Xiaohei came near the sea eye, opened her mouth, and spit out the tears of the mermaid she had just eaten.

When the tears of the mermaid fell into the sea eyes.

There was a slight "snap" coming!

Immediately afterwards, the Dinghaishen needle, the large pillar that had been suppressed in the sea eye, began to slowly become smaller! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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