"What, Lord Lord, was forced to retreat!"

"What is this man's origin, and how is his cultivation? Looking at the organic armor aura above his head, he is obviously also a strong mech warrior!"

There was a lot of talk all around.

The green-eyed old man is also dumbfounded.

"I'm wiping, just kidding! Such awesome!"

"The master of the Great Fort can compete with the Intermediate Inspector, one is higher than the other, it is a veritable first-class mech warrior. This kid is so young, he has just stepped into the realm of mech warrior and ranked Jiu Pin! How can Jiu Pin be compared with Yi Pin? "

Originally, the green-eyed old man saw the black-faced Yan Luo shot, and thought Nantian would die!

The more you practice, the harder it is to get to the end. Every step you take is extremely difficult.

Black-faced Yan Luo is also extremely angry!

He is a master of long-time fame, and among the first-class colonial stars such as Yan Luoxing, he can be described as a big man in the wind and rain.

In the final analysis, Nantian is still an officer with a very small reputation. Whether it is a horizontal comparison or a vertical comparison, it is far inferior to Nantian.

"I was forced to retreat by this kid!"

Black-faced Yan Luo set off a storm in his heart.

One of the most involved parties, the black-faced Yan Luo knew that although he had not exerted his full strength, he had at least 70% or 80% of his strength.

The black-faced Yan Luo knows that even if he was just a third-rank mech warrior and was hit, he would have to crush his bones in no time.

Not only did Nan Tian not die, he also bounced the black-faced Yan Luo a few steps.

The black-faced Yan Luo thought to himself: "Is this man a first-class mech combatant?"

Black-faced Yan Luo thought with horror.

Look at Nantian's age, but just twenty!

A twenty-year-old Yipin Mecha Zun Zun, even looking at the entire Galactic Alliance, is one of the best.

Black-faced Yan Luo was taken aback. Compared with Nantian's potential stock, he is a lot of his age, and it still can't be compared.

Nan Tian also had a bit of trouble.

This is the first time I have played such a strong mecha!

The black-faced Yan Luo deserves to be said, Yan Luo star leader.

Under the leadership of the black-faced Yan Luodi, Yan Luoxing, the local forces in the black market, have already overwhelmed the military bases prepared by Yan Luoxing's Galaxy Army.

Nantian didn't seem to be hurt.

actually not.

Nantian's current attributes are like this:

Host: Nantian

Identity: The third baron of the Galaxy Alliance, the lieutenant officer of the internal organization of the Galaxy Army

Wealth value: 1 million galaxy contribution points + 1000 meritorious service points + 10 billion galaxy coins

Physical fitness: 31.9 (34.9)

Mental Strength: 37

Vitality: 31.9 (34.9)

Strength: 31.9 (34.9)

Agility: 31.9 (34.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 32.12 (34.12)

Main Class: Mech Warrior / Eight Grade Mech Warlord

The first vice occupation: Ancient Warrior / Bapin Wuzun

Second Vice Profession: Accountant / Accountant Practitioner

Talent level: psychic

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of the Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the Tianyin Pavilion Master! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Side mission: to win the championship of the current black market competition (completion reward: ultra-intelligent mecha fusion chip; failure penalty: smooth out all sub-professional levels of the host)

In terms of overall combat power, the gap between Nantian's 32.12 and black-faced Yan Luo's 37.046 is very large.

Even though Nantian is a violent shatterer, he also has a variety of ancient martial arts skills.

Sometimes, the absolute gap in strength cannot be completely avoided.

Nan Tian and the black-faced Yan Luo fought hard.

Nantian's internal organs and organs were all greatly shaken.

According to the common sense, Nantian should be the place to be blown out.

However, fortunately, Nantian has the ancient martial arts skills.

At the critical moment, Nantian used a one-shot "unloading technique."

Through, the ancient martial art skill-unloading force technique, Nantian introduced this force to the underground.

This didn't let Nan Tian fly out.

However, it was a fact that Nan Tian was injured in the dirty.

Nan Tian was tenacious and swallowed the blood in his throat.

So now, apart from being pale, Nantian can't see anything unusual at all.

In the eyes of outsiders, Nantian is a bit more powerful than the black-faced Yan Luo.

Black-faced Yan Luo wants to get back the game, but also shot.

Nantian's eyes narrowed.

This time, if the black-faced Yan Luo shot again, Nantian could only summon Xiaoyan, Zat and others from within the realm of life.

Big deal, fuck-he turned upside down!

Nan Tian simply wanted to open!

At this time, the Intermediate Inspector stopped the black-faced Yan Luo.

"Stop it, Yan Luo!"

Intermediate Inspector said coldly.


Black-faced Yan Luo was a little dissatisfied.

"Isn't it shameful enough?"

The Intermediate Inspector snorted.

"Retreat! Let me talk to him!"

Intermediate Inspector said coldly.

"Inspector General, I respect you as a big man in the Galaxy Army! But, don't forget what you said before, if this kid can't get the magic soldier, he must be executed!"

Black-faced Yan Luo said.

The black-faced Yan Luo hated Nan Tian.

The black-faced Yanlu wants Nantian to disappear completely. The potential of Nantian deeply shakes the black-faced Yanlu.

The black-faced Yan Luo was afraid that once Nantian developed, it would be fine!

Once this kind of character with endless potential grows up, it will be clear to the sky!

The black-faced Yan Luo wanted to take advantage of the fact that Nantian hadn't developed yet, and kill Nantian.

The Inspector General did not think so.

Haha, kidding, who is Nantian, who is the star base of the Galaxy Army!

Counting, Nantian is still under his jurisdiction!

Such a peerless figure emerged in the territory of his own inspection area.

The Intermediate Chief Inspector was broken.

The Intermediate Inspector-General made up his mind, no matter what, he must have a good relationship with Nantian, and he must keep Nantian!

Nantian's potential is too great!

The Intermediate Inspector General is expected to help him a little, and Nantian will surely be a big figure in the internal organization of the Galaxy Army!

Don't look at the black-faced Yan Luo, his mouth is shouting affectionately ~ www.readwn.com ~ yelled "boss" and "boss".

In fact, they are very affectionate.

The two are not in a system at all.

"Boy, you are very good! There is a terrific figure in Xingluo Base! If I remember correctly, Yan Lian's boy really picked up a baby! Haha!"

The Intermediate Inspector exclaimed.

The black-faced Yan Luo was not a fool, and felt something was wrong.

Black-faced Yan Luo's face was cold, and he said in a humble voice: "Boss, we had agreed before. You can't look at him as a good man, just protect him! My child's hatred must be avenged! This account can only be cancelled in one lump of money! "

Intermediate inspector general Tie Qing waved his hand: "Huh, Yan Luo, did he die the successor? Isn't the second child dead? The white horse killer of his family is much worse than the son of Yan Luo of your family? No more, what are you shouting! Noisy! "To find this site, please search" "or enter the URL:

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