Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 332: : Landing Yan Luoxing

Nantian contacted Gu Gu, an intermediate inspector.

As an intermediate inspector general, Gu Quan has a much stronger intelligence network and news channel than Yan Lian.

According to some information provided by Gu Quan.

Nan Tian temporarily locked Nicholas Blood Count on a first-class colonial star-Yan Luoxing.

Yan Luoxing is three thousand light-years away from Sea Blue Star, and three-thousand light-years away from Xingluo Base.

Without delaying time, Nantian directly launched the "Taigu" to locate Yan Luoxing and take off!

The space wormhole was opened, and the "Taigu" began a space jump.

In order to save energy, Nantian did not let the "Taigu" attack at full speed.

Fly to Yan Luoxing, so it takes half a day.

Nantian is not idle either.

Nantian took out the "Super Intelligent Mecha Fusion Chip" from the system storage box.

As always with new things, the system comes with instructions.

Although, the instruction manual only has a few sheets of paper.

However, Nantian still read it carefully, and finally got a general understanding of what this "super intelligent mecha fusion chip" is all about.

In fact, this chip can upgrade Meteor Mecha.

Now, Meteor Mecha is in an intermediate state.

The most important step to upgrade to advanced status is to have artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is standard for mechas in the mecha era.

However, after all, Meteor Mecha was cast by Master Ou Yezi in the ancient Wu era.

Master Ou Yezi was from the ancient Wu era. In the ancient Wu era, artificial intelligence is a thing without a shadow, and I have never even heard of it.

Even if Master Ou Yezi is a mortal, there is no way to make the Meteor Mech all the way.

At this time, the advantage of the Wushen system is reflected.

The super intelligent mecha fusion chip tailored by the Wushen system provides intelligent programs for the meteor mecha.

According to the instructions, Nantian was very happy.

As long as the Meteor Mecha is equipped with this chip, you can communicate with yourself freely in the future.

Even, in the future, Meteor Mecha will be upgraded to advanced status, laying a good foundation.

With the intelligent program, in the following days, as long as Nantian seizes the opportunity, Meteor Mecha can leap into an advanced state.

At that time, the fighting power will skyrocket!


Nan Tian thought happily while putting the super intelligent mecha onto the meteor mecha.

The chip touched the Meteor Mech.


A meteor glowed like a flash.

"The chip is automatically merging ..."

"Progress 1% .... 2% ........ 3% ........ 10% ......."

In Nan Tian's mind, a line of meteor mechas fed back electronic information.

A row of blue progress bars is slowly moving forward.

Nantian waited patiently.







"99% ... 100%! The chip fusion is complete! The ultra-intelligent mecha fusion chip is being initialized and it will take about 10 seconds!"

"1, 2, 3, 4 .... 10! All loaded! Perfect integration!"

A few more lines of electronic information were clearly transferred to Nantian's mind.

Nantian is also very happy.

"Haha, the fusion is complete? So what's going on with this mech now?"

Nan Tian couldn't help saying to himself.

"Hello, Master! I am your faithful little assistant-Xiaoxing!"

"small star?"

Nan Tian Yiqi began to look for the source of the sound.

"Master, you don't need to find it anymore, Xiaoxing is just created by the master, you just created it. In short, now I am the super intelligent program of Meteor Mech."

"I have a super intelligent function that is 100 years more advanced than the current Mecha era technology. Master, you can also treat Xiaoxing as a person!"

"In short, in every battle, Xiaoxing will fight side by side with his master, and he will never leave!"

Xiaoxing said aloud.

"Good, meteor, meteor! You can accompany me to talk, just fine!"

"In this way, you are not a cold mech!"

Nan Tian laughed.

"Master, in the future, if you want to summon Xiaoxing, as long as your heart is there, Xiaoxing, I will appear anytime and anywhere, and I will always send you the master, detailed combat information, and mech status. "

Said slowly said.

"Good! With your help, my future battles will be great!"

Nan Tian smiled slightly.

"Well, Xiaoxing is also very happy to meet his master."

Xiaoxing also laughed.


After flying for most of the sky, space teleports.

"Taigu" finally landed on the first-class colony star-Yan Luoxing.

The master of Yan Luoxing is the black-faced Yan Luo, the leader of the black market!

The official forces of the Galactic Army on Yan Luoxing are very weak.

It stands to reason that as a first-class colonial star.

The senior members of the Galaxy Alliance must attach great importance to it, and they will send elite soldiers to stay.

However, the black-faced Yan Luohu with the same series of fish and dragon mixed in the black market, disturbed the entire Yan Luoxing.

Brigadier General Wu Di, currently the guard of Yan Luoxing's Yan Luo base, was also weak and incompetent, and was suppressed to death by the black-faced Yan Luo.

In short, on Yan Luoxing, the internal strength of the Galaxy Army is very weak.

Similarly, the colonial government's territorial power is also very weak.

Some underground forces are rampant.

Nantian first contacted Yan Luo base.

Nantian is now also a lieutenant colonel internally organized by the Galaxy Army.

Nan Tian came forward and showed his identity.

The reception at the Yanluo base, some of the officials, also greeted Nantian in the past.

A receptionist at Yanluo base asked with a smile on his face: "I don't know, what's your job in Nantian Lieutenant Colonel coming from afar?"

Nan Tian went straight in and opened the door straight away and said, "Nicholas, this bat, you should have heard of it?"

The reception chief frowned: "I don't know this. I have to ask the intelligence director in the base. You can wait a moment."

The hospitality director's rank is relatively low, with only the rank of major.

It took a long time before the receptionist brought a gloomy middle-aged man over.

This man is the deputy director of the intelligence department at Yanluo base.

The Intelligence Service is an important department with great responsibilities. The Chief and Deputy Directors of the Intelligence Service are senior officials.

The chief of the intelligence department at Yanluo Base is already a rank of colonel, and he simply does not look down on the colonel Nantian.

So ~ ~ Only one deputy chief came over reluctantly.

"Listening to the receptionist, do you ask another person named Nicholas?"

The Deputy Director of Intelligence asked.

"Yes, is there any news about this bat?"

Nan Tian said.

"Nicholas is a hereditary blood lord of the Dark Dynasty and a senior spy. Our intelligence department has been staring at him for a long time. However, the news about Nicholas has always been confidential. You are just an officer in the military base outside. What ordered me to send you information? "

"Without the orders of the superiors, our Yanlu base intelligence department will not be open to anyone!"

The Deputy Director said coldly.

"Not open to anyone?"

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