Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 336: : Snare ambush

Nicholas's headquarters in the Black Triangle area is very gloomy.

If it weren't for the secret information provided by the Yanlu military base, Nantian might not be able to find it here.

After some on-the-spot investigations, Nantian already had some confidence in his heart.

Nantian will sneak into Nicholas' spy headquarters.

"Master Nantian!"

Nantian was about to leave.

Blood Nineteen very strangely appeared in front of Nantian.

Nan Tian froze: "Well, isn't this deputy director? Why are you here?"

Blood Nineteen said respectfully: "Adult, I know the guilt of disrespecting adults in the base before. Now, the Chief of Defense has punished me. I really know wrong."

"This time, I came here deliberately to help Master Nantian."

Blood Nineteen said humbly.

Nantian nodded slightly: "I don't need your help, you can go!"

Just kidding, who are you in Nantian!

Nicholas' spy headquarters is also the Longtan Tiger's Cave. With the burden of blood nineteen, Nantian has not dragged him to death.

Nan Tian waved his hands impatiently, trying to get the blood to go.

Blood nineteen was anxious, his face flushed red.

"Master Nantian, don't do this. I'm specializing in intelligence work anyway. I can provide great help to adults."

"Don't hide, sir! I just saw the Earl of Nicholas in the downtown of the Black Triangle. The Earl of Nicholas took some people to the direction of the jungle of the Black Triangle and seemed to do something big."

Blood Nineteen said nonchalantly.

"Count Nicholas Blood? Did you really see it?"

Nan Tian frowned, somewhat unbelievable.

Nicholas is also a big man anyway, how could he be seen by blood nineteen in the downtown.

Moreover, Blood Nineteen also specifically followed Nicholas, knowing that Nicholas and others were in the jungle of the Black Triangle?

Nantian's heart was teleported, and he immediately judged that nineteen out of ten bloods were lying.

Blood Nineteen saw the doubt in Nantian's heart.

"Master Nantian, as I said, I am also a professional intelligence officer. I have been working underground for decades. Our military base has attached great importance to giants such as Nicholas. In the ordinary days, I have been very familiar with Nicholas. This Once, they met in a busy city. It was indeed accidental. However, they are sure to move forward in the jungle. "

"Anyway, I am also an officer of the internal organization of the Galaxy Army. Master Nantian, you are also an officer of the internal organization of the Galaxy Army. I am brave enough, and I dare not deceive you!"

Blood nineteen said sincerely.

Nan Tian was suspicious.

As blood nineteen said, blood nineteen engages in intelligence work, and the time is not short.

Perhaps, he really happened to meet Nicholas.

Now, Nicholas, a sinister and spooky alien, is playing an unknown little secret in the jungle.

Nicholas's conspiracy must not succeed!

I have to destroy it!

Nantian made up his mind.

"Okay, I'll take a look with you!"

Nan Tian waved his hand.

"Hole, lord! I will show you the way, slow down!"

A **** smile spread across the corner of Blood Nineteen's mouth.

Nan Tian did not pay attention, and followed the blood nineteen and left.


The jungle of the Black Triangle is in the center of the Black Triangle.

Blood Nineteen took Nantian through a downtown area, and then finally arrived near the jungle.

Nantian is not a fool, walking all the way, observing secretly all the way.

The place brought by Blood Nineteen was filled with poisonous malaria and birds and insects disappeared.

Nantian frowned: "This is not a good place!"

"Oh, why is it not a good place? This is the graveyard specially selected for you under the crown of the Honorable Blood Count Nicholas!"

Blood Nineteen laughed, his body retreated, and he quickly disappeared into the thick poison.

Nan Tian beat his thigh.

Nantian knows to count

"Damn, damn! Well, you little deputy director of intelligence, even daring to pass the enemy treason, do you still have a conscience! Nicholas is an alien, he is a person of the dark dynasty, came to the Galaxy Alliance to destroy!"

"You are missing even the most basic human nature, you are a beast, a big traitor! You don't even love your own country, the Galaxy Alliance, and you are still alive!"

Nan Tian roared.

Nantian wanted to immediately shoot and give this blood nineteen to the broken corpse!

"Jian Jie ......."

"Ji Jie ..."

In the jungle, there was a cry of groaning.

Soon, the wind calls!

The malaria in the dense forest gradually disappeared.

A group of people in black robe scattered around the jungle.

Behind the black robe, there is a group of fully-duplex armed, well-trained underground combatants.

Nantian swept roughly, roughly estimated.

There are at least three or four thousand of these people.

In particular, the people in black robe scattered not far from the surroundings are all good, and the body is very powerful!

"Nantian, Nantian! Today, I will ask you to pay the price of blood, and you will pay back my life!"

The black-faced Yan Luo strode forward with a terrible look.

It was followed by Nicholas and several alien giants.

Nan Tian scolded: "Black-faced Yan Luo, you are actually guilty of colluding with aliens, it really is a sin that should die! The death of your son, Yan Luo's son, is the act of unrighteousness that will kill you. He is the one who wants to kill me first If I did n’t fight back, would I kill him obediently? "

"Tao Xinghe, the strong is the most respected, I am a human race strong, life and death have life and wealth in the sky, even if you have thousands of complaints and resentments, you should not be mixed with the dark dynasty and other galaxies! What are you now? A splendid Yan Luoxing black market leader, turned out to be a traitor! "


Nan Tian took a sneer of disdain!

Black-faced Yan Luo smiled coldly, revealing two fangs.

"It's true, I have accepted the blood from Nicholas 'crown, and it has become the first embrace under Nicholas' crown ~ ~ It won't take long before I can become a genuine blood family!"

The black-faced Yan Luo ha ha smiled, and the thick wings behind him became blood-red in an instant!

"Birth of the blood clan? You are a good person, improper, if you want to become a blood clan, it's **** it!"

Nantian hated the black-faced Yan Luo even more.

Nicholas stared at Nantian, emitting a cold light.

"Nantian, Nantian! You are all dead, so much nonsense! Hey, this time, I waited for the Tianludi net to be laid, and let Blood 19 lure you over, you have been caught in our trap trap! Enjoy it, your flesh and blood will be our food in the plate! "

Nicholas stuck out his scarlet tongue and said gruffly.

"If you want to kill me, it's not that simple! At first, you couldn't do it by putting me in the sun, and you can't do it today!"

Nantian looked solemn. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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