Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 342: : Stray into a black hole

Snow Eagle Lord, Legend of Dragon King, Super Soldier King, Cultivation Cloud, Cloud Supreme, Martial King, My Neighbor is Banshee, Legend of Fairy Wood

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Life is like this, day by day.

The spacecraft flew in the space tunnel for about two months.

Suddenly one day, the spacecraft inside the entire cabin began to tremble violently.

The warning lights in the cabin kept flashing, and the sound of "ding ding" was also endless.

For a time, the entire spaceship was alarmed.

Nantian also walked out of the training room and quickly came to the main control cabin.

Captain Zou was on the console in a hurry, maneuvering nonstop.

Nan Tian asked, "Captain Zou, what happened?"

Captain Zou was cold and sweaty on his face.

"Report to Chief Nantian, the spacecraft does not know what is going on. Suddenly, the space shuttle of the spacecraft broke down. Now, we have deviated from the normal course, and the spacecraft accidentally strayed into the turbulent space.

"The situation is very critical, Chief Nantian, I can't explain more to you. I must now concentrate on trying to repair the spaceship."

Having said that, Captain Zou no longer answers Nan Tian.

Captain Zou kept snapping the button.

Some followers also walked over to help.

In fact, some intrepid fearless deceased, wearing special space suits, ran outside, turbulent against the space, and began to repair outside.

However, how turbulent the space is.

As soon as the entourage went out, even if they were protected by special space suits, it was not long before they were wiped out by the turbulent space.

"Didi Didi!"

The sirens in the spaceship grew louder.

The entire hull of the spaceship is also shaking.

Nan Tian frowned, and took the opportunity to stand firm: "Well, you all retreat into my spaceship. I brought a spaceship with me."

Captain Zou's face was iron gray: "It's too late! It's too late! Officer Nantian! Now, the spaceship has entered the black hole, and the spaceship will be swallowed up!"

"The gravity of the black hole is too great, we can't break free! Even the S spaceship is not a special speed type, and it can't escape!"

"Senior Nantian, he is incompetent and hurts the adults!"

Captain Zou and some of the attendants looked weak and collapsed to the ground.

Nantian gritted his teeth: "Relax, nothing will happen!"

As soon as Nantian's voice fell, all the lights in the cabin of the spacecraft suddenly disappeared.

It was dark and silent.

At this moment, it seems as if time and space have solidified.

Nantian, who is in this wonderful state, also felt an unspeakable feeling.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Suddenly, a light appeared between heaven and earth.

Nan Tian opened his eyes and found himself in a virgin forest.

The original spaceship has been turned into wreckage, standing quietly aside.

Nan Tian's side was lying with Captain Zou, and a dozen more followers.

"Hey, everyone wake up!"

Nantian tried to wake up Captain Zou and others.

On the one hand, Nantian stimulated Captain Zou and others with acupuncture. On the one hand, he took out the fountain of life from the world of life and instilled them.

Just now, through the black hole, I experienced the process of space-time solidification.

If there weren't one, the A-class spacecraft was used as protection. Captain Zou and others were already torn to pieces by space-time forces.

But Rao is like this, and Captain Zou is also seriously damaged.

Fortunately, Nantian provided the fountain of life in time.

After half an hour, Captain Zou and others were sober.

"Chief Nantian!"

"We are not dead?"

Captain Zou is ecstatic!

"With me, you won't die so easily."

Nantian chuckled.

"First locate with the instrument, where is this!"

Nan Tian ordered.

Captain Zou and others have advanced military equipment.

These military instruments were imported into the Galaxy Army to compile a map of the input space.

As long as the instrument is turned on, you can determine your position and coordinates.

Captain Zou responded with a few words, and several entourages began to arrange instruments for detection and positioning around.

After a while, Captain Zou walked over with sweat.

Nan Tian asked: "How is it? Is there a result?"

Captain Zou shook his head: "Report to Nantian! It ’s so special here. We used the instrument to detect it for a while, but we did n’t find it. Maybe it ’s not part of the universe map!"


Nan Tian drank coldly.

"Even if we get lost in a space tunnel and stray into a black hole, we can't be transported out of the galaxy! And even if it is a dark galaxy and a light galaxy, our galactic army should have a complete map!

Nan Tian said.

Captain Zou nodded: "It is true, but the universe is vast, and there are always some that the military department has missed."

Nantian also calmed down and thought for a while.

Nantian said slowly: "It was my verbal conflict just now! Perhaps as you said, the universe is vast, the other side of the world inside the black hole, the Galaxy Army has not set foot, and it is justifiable."

"Nantian, now, we are in the world inside the black hole, how should we go out?"

"Without the spaceship, our own strength alone is far from enough!"

Captain Zou smiled bitterly.

Nan Tian laughed: "Who said there is no spaceship? I'll drive out one!"

Nan Tian said that from the boundary of life, the "Taigu" spacecraft was driven out.

Looked at the imposing "Taigu" spacecraft.

Captain Zou and others were also surprised.

"This spaceship, this workmanship, this configuration, this volume, this momentum! It should be S-class!"

Captain Zou drove the spaceship for a long time and was very familiar with all kinds of spaceships.

The "Taigu" spacecraft, from the appearance, is much more advanced than the A-class spaceship!

"Let's go to ~ and get on the spaceship! Let's hurry to the vast star!"

Nan Tian waved his hand.

After boarding the spacecraft, Nantian started the autopilot system.

However, the "Taigu" spacecraft made a loud noise.

On the big screen, a line of words is displayed.

"Failed to find the interstellar map, no navigation route, the automatic driving system failed to start!"

"Please ask the driver to manually drive or enter the complete navigation route and start it!"

Nan Tian took a thigh shot: "Ah! We don't know where it is now. Enter the origin and destination, and the system simply cannot automatically recognize it."

Captain Zou was also depressed and said: "Yes, the key is that this is an unfamiliar area, there is no cosmic map, navigation route. Only manual driving! Chief Nantian, let me hand drive, my spaceship driving technology, not bad."

Captain Zou was also very tickled. He had never driven an S-class spaceship.

This time, I really want to experience the experience.

Nantian waved his hand: "Manual driving? Yes, but do you know the route to go out? There is no accurate route, chaos, but in vain to consume spacecraft energy!"

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