Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 355: : Dark Demon Gate

"Adult, what do you want to ask, just ask! We must know what we know, and we can't stop talking!"

Warry, Wacker nodded and said with a waist.

Warri, Wacker has been completely convinced by Nantian's strength.

Warri, Wacker are very proud of their strength.

After serving under the Indian King account for so many years, Warri and Wacker knew that if they joined forces, even Indian King would not be their opponent.

However, Nantian defeated them easily!

Two words appeared invariably in Warri, Wacker's hearts.

"Wu Wang!"

Warri, Wacker is already a second-class Wu Zun, and together he can fight against a first-rank Wu Zun!

[Can easily defeat us, indicating that the young man who is not showing the mountains and dew in front of him is a master of Wuwang Realm! By the way, he is also so young, maybe he really came to the King of Cultivation and returned to the original performance! 】

Warry and Wacker thought of each other.

"Who did you learn your ancient martial arts skills and ancient martial arts? Especially your ancient martial arts skills, ghost buddha hands, are very unusual!"

Nan Tian asked.

"Ghost Buddha Hand? That's what our Master passed down to us."

Vari replied.

"Could it be that adults want to learn, it doesn't matter, I can teach adults!"

Warri said kindly.

"Your master? Who is he? Is there a school?"

Nan Tian continued to ask.

Warry frowned, and a flash of perceptual light flashed in his eyes.

"My master, no one, no one, one person, ghost buddha. According to the master, this ancient martial art skill was excavated accidentally in an extinct.

Vari said slowly.

"Master, he is lying! According to the frequency of his brain waves, my lie detector system has identified that this person has a probability of lying at least 99.99%!"

Xiaoxing reminded Nantian.

Nantian replied with Shennian: "Okay, I know! Xiaoxing, doing a good job, continue to closely monitor the two, and investigate all their physical attributes and electrocardiographic fluctuations for me!"

"Okay, master!"

After knowing that Warri deceived people.

Nan Tian knew that there might be hidden feelings among them.

No matter what this hidden feeling is, Nantian, in short, it is unforgivable that this Warri dares to deceive himself!

"Do you treat me as a fool?"

Nan Tian screamed and kicked, hitting the midsection of Warri's belly.

With a "touch!" By Dan Tian of Warri, it exploded!

Vary screamed and passed out.

Wacker on the side looked shocked.

"Big ... man, you are too heavy to start!"

Wacker said tremblingly.

Dan Tian is the root of the warrior!

The true spirit of the warrior is stored in Dantian,

When Dan Tian broke, the warrior was abolished!

Since then, there will be no further improvement in the cultivation of martial arts!

Warri and Wacker are all second-class Wu Zun. It is not easy to practice at this point.

Who wants to be an ordinary body again.

Nan Tian's voice was cold.

"I am in the sky, the most annoying thing in my life, others cheated me! Dare to deceive me, you have to pay the price!"

After all, Nan Tian's eyes swept and fell on Wacker.

"You answer the question I asked just now! I hope you do n’t lie to me. Now I ’m in a bad mood, maybe I ’m dissatisfied, I will kill you! That ’s not, it ’s simple. Dan Tian is broken! "

Nan Tian said coldly.

"Sir, I must not dare to deceive you! I must tell the truth! Please, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Wacker cried.

"Hurry up, a big man, don't cry!"

Nantian despised the Indian King and his men more and more!

This, this is a group of men of what quality!

It's just rubbish!

Nantian was extremely contemptuous!

Wacker was frightened by Nan Tian and quickly lost his voice: "I told my lord, I and Warri are brothers and sisters. Just now, Warri did lie, we teach a mysterious sect. Our sect is very mysterious and has strict Sect rules do not allow claims to the outside world. "

Nan Tian waved his hand and urged: "Give me your sect clearly, maybe this way, I can spare you not to die!"

"Yes, since the adults have words and sectarian rules, I don't take it seriously!"

Wacker smirked.

"Our denomination is called the Dark Demon Gate. According to the elders in the sect, our sect was not originally born in the melee kingdom. We passed on another mysterious place, only because a sinister war broke out in our hometown. Forced to move here. "

"The elders in the denomination also said that in the melee kingdom, there are many hidden sects like us who have moved from the outside world. The hometown of the elders is a magical place, and I heard that masters are like clouds, Wu Zun is only the lowest level of existence, and the truly powerful are comparable to the gods! "

Wacker said slowly.

"Dark Gate!"

When you hear these three words!

Nan Tian couldn't help but shake his heart!

What a familiar name!

In the age of ancient martial arts, one of the three major demons sect-the dark demons!

The Dark Demon Gate heritage is extremely ancient. In the ancient Wu era, there were rumors that the Dark Demon Gate has been handed down from the Shenwu era.

"There are dark demons in the melee kingdom, which really makes me dumbfounded! What are the great secrets of those powerful human ancestors?"

"It seems that there is a reason for everyone practicing ancient martial arts in the melee kingdom. I think there must be many unknown secrets, but I don't know yet. Wacker, Warri It ’s a small person, they certainly do n’t know, just do n’t ask! ”

"I still get the starry sky map first, and then go to the vast main star, which is the right thing! These things in ancient times, my current cultivation is not enough to blend in!"

Nantian is well-known.

The history of the human race on the sea blue star is extremely long!

There are three periods of ancient Wu, which can be tested and verified.

The time span of each period is 10,000 to 20,000 years.

Among them ~ ~ every millennium is an epoch.

The time when Nantian was titled "Undefeated Martial King" can be accurately determined to: the ancient Wu era-the ancient period-the ninth era.

Before, the ancient Wu era was also brilliant, and has a history of tens of thousands of years!

Nantian has never experienced it.

Not to mention, above the ancient Wuwu era, it is said that there is also a mysterious Shenwu era!

In some mythological ancient books, it is said that the age of the gods and martial arts is based on the era of 100,000 years and the period of one million years!

The history of the Sea Blue Star human race is too long and vast!

Among them, how many mysterious strongmen are there, who can make it clear?

"go to hell!"

Porot, who had always been lying on the ground, suddenly broke out, holding an axe in his hand, and while Nan Tian was thinking about things, he launched a sneak attack.

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