? "Kill, kill!"

"Long live the King of India, long live the King of India!"

"Everyone is willing to be the King of India, to make the world even!"

The black sergeants are astonishing.

These black sergeants at first glance were elite sergeants, and each sergeant showed a strong killing intention.

"Start! Kill the enemy!"

India Wang Zhen arm called.


Hundreds of thousands of black armor soldiers, hundreds of thousands of resident troops, swallowing thousands of miles like tigers, looting powerful, came outside the city walls.

The King of India stood on the city wall, and looked down at Nantian and others.

"Which of you is the flying king, and who is the violent king? You haven't come out soon, and took the initiative to die."

Inking Wang sneered.

The King of India is, after all, the third-rank prince in the melee kingdom.

The third-class prince king can barely be regarded as a senior prince.

A third-class prince's fief was beaten by two unknown people, Cao Mang, to the gate of the capital.

It can be said that in the vast and immense raging kingdom, it is also sensational news, a big event!

This is not like the war between the little princes such as the season king, the beast king, and the king king.

Some big figures are paying close attention to the seal of the King of India.

For example, King Bucky, King Tan, King Yue and so on, all sent spies to investigate.

The eyes of countless intelligence spies are all focused on the forbidden city.

Yin Wang was carrying his hands, his face was cold.

His chief of intelligence, also knowing some other princes and spies, came over.

Yin Wang sneered in his heart: "Well, you all look at it! Today, I will let you competitors know that I am powerful."

"I am the king of India. I have been paying for my job for so many years. Today's World War I will surely be famous throughout the melee kingdom."

India King is confident.

Yang Fei stepped forward and replied in a cold voice: "Shameless villain, dare to speak loudly? Today, I will destroy you under the leadership of the Master!"

"Want to destroy me? You are too arrogant!"

Inking king laughed.

"Where are the elite soldiers? You really have collected my hundreds of thousands of captive army, you can do whatever you want? Still wanting to kill me? Since I can lead these soldiers, I must have my skills!"

Yin Wang snorted.

"Come here, give me up, kill them!"

Inking king shouted.

Black armor warriors are at the front.

Nantian also used the Valkyrie system to explore various attributes of the Indian King.

Character: Yin Wang

Identity: King of the Third Class Prince of the Kingdom of the Melee Warriors-King of India

Wealth value: 500 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 37.93

Spiritual strength: 36

Vitality: 37.92

Strength: 37.91

Agility: 37.93

Comprehensive combat power: 37.538

Main occupation: Ancient Warrior / Yipin Wuzun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: Virtual Dao

"Yi Pin Wu Zun! They are all of the same level as the black-faced Yan Luo!"

"The third-class prince king, but that's it!"

Nantian laughed.

After a series of battles, Nantian's cultivation base has risen straight up, and he has taken another big step!

Look again, the attributes of the Wushen system are as follows:

Host: Nantian

Identity: The third baron of the Galaxy Alliance, the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Galaxy Army

Wealth value: 1 million galaxy contribution points +1000 meritorious service value + 10 billion galaxy coins

Physical fitness: 35.9 (38.9)

Spiritual strength: 41

Vitality: 35.9 (38.9)

Strength: 35.9 (38.9)

Agility: 35.9 (38.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 36.12 (38.12)

Main occupation: Mech Warrior / Four-grade Mech Warlord

The first job: Ancient Warrior / Shipin Wuzun

Second secondary occupation: accountant / accounting practitioner

Talent level: Virtual Dao

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of Tianyin Pavilion or raise Li Leyin into the main master of Tianyin Pavilion! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Feeder mission: annex the King of India! (Completion reward: a bag of magical rice seeds) (Failure punishment: reduce all sub-professional levels of the host)!

Nantian is currently a fourth grade Wu Zun.

Four-rank Wuzun is fighting against one-rank Wuzun, and the hundreds of thousands of troops behind this first-rank Wuzun. Nantian and others seem to be at an absolute disadvantage.

However, Nantian did not take it for granted.

Fear of a fart!

"Taigu spaceship!"

Nantian knows that the Indian King is more insidious and cunning. Do n’t look at the Indian King now, but the Indian King is not like the generals such as Porot.

Borrot is a military officer, so he naturally kills enemies, singles out, and worships personal force.

Yin Wang does not do this.

The King of India is on a tall building, surrounded by sergeants.

Hundreds of thousands of people surrounded the armored city wall.

If you want to go heads-up and attack, it is impossible.

However, Nantian has a big weapon.

"Hey, that's the Taigu spaceship!"

"S-class battleship, extremely powerful firepower, killing people like hemp!"

Nantian entered the spaceship while everyone was watching.

"Boom! Bang!"

The spacecraft takes off.

"Destruction Weapon-Sun Bomb Ready! Launch! Launch!"

Nantian presses the button.

The rainy sun flew down.

The walls of the capital of the Indian King were destroyed in an instant and turned into ruins.

"Fresh again!"

Nantian pressed the button again.

This attack is "Destruction Weapon-Laser Cannon!"

"Ah!" The screams kept coming.

Countless people are heartbroken and painful.

The original arrogant Yin Wang is now gray-faced.

His black armor fighters are indeed extremely powerful, one of the best in individual combat.

But what does it compare to modern technology?

The solar projectile is comparable to nuclear weapons, and it has great power. It is not the top ancient warrior who can't compete.

Yin Wang's face looked stunned, and he had become a coke army.

Just now there are five or six hundred thousand.

Now, it's one of the few, but it's very rare ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only seven or eighty thousand soldiers have been defeated, and most of them are injured.

"Live to capture the King of India!"

"Live to capture the King of India!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie exclaimed generously.

The captured captive army was also blinded by the sudden victory.

"Haha, the King of India is just like that!"

Wacker laughed even more.

These captive troops are all standing in line with Nantian.

They are very clear in their minds. They have become traitors, and they must not be able to mix up under the king of India.

India King will still want these people.

Only when they follow Nantian will they have a lifeline.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

India's remnants are only 70,000 or 80,000.

Of course, among the 70,000 or 80,000 people, the black armor warriors are still the main

After all, the black armor warriors have strong fighting ability, and the armor on their body is also amazingly defensive. They were lucky to survive the bombing of the sun bomb and laser cannon.

The army of seven or eighty thousand kings of India and hundreds of thousands of captive troops launched a fierce fight.

Blade sword, **** and rainy wind!

The army of seven or eighty thousand kings of India is also really powerful, and it is fighting with hundreds of thousands of captive army.

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