"The gentleman said, the horse is hard to chase! Not to mention, I am the king! Rest assured, I will not regret it! As long as your son has the ability, this time the autumn hunting can get the first!"

King Wen laughed.

The beautiful women in the Xiangchun Palace frowned lightly, giving the King Wen a glance.

This Han Gongzi is famous in Xiangyang City!

Having won the three-time championship, coupled with the support of the Han family, even some powerful people dare not fight hard with Han Gongzi.

"Okay, Weichen again, thanks King!"

Han Jinwu looked ecstatic and saluted Wang Wen.

Han Gongzi was smug and full of pride!

Han Gongzi shouted to Nantian again.

"Hey, you guys, do you agree? Are you interested? Let's compare in autumn hunting?"

Han Gongzi said proudly.

Wait until later, he became the deputy head of the Wuxu Corps, and remembered the happy life afterwards!

With the palace guards, acting as a follower, Han Gongzi can basically be in the Yangyang City, more wanton, domineering!

[Haha! 】

Han Gongzi, his heart is excited and surging!

Among the young generations present, only Princess Xiang shook her head secretly, and she was very unhappy.

Originally, Princess Xiang didn't like Han Gongzi!

Now, it seems that Han Gongzi will take the first place again, rightly acting as deputy head of the Wuxu Corps.

"Ah, this is bitter, this is the people of Limin in Xiangyang City!"

Princess Xiang was worried.

"What a hope, at this time, there is a peerless hero! That peerless hero, can give a good lesson to the bully, Han Gongzi!"

Princess Xiang, looking forward to it.

Nan Tian glanced contemptuously at Han Gongzi, who was proud.

"How about playing with you? I'm Nantian, I won't lose to others in my life, I haven't been afraid of anyone!"

Nan Tian smiled lightly and his demeanor was aloof.

As an undefeated martial king in the past, he tempered Nantian's state of mind and momentum to be round and transparent.

Look at the past clouds and smoke in the past life.

Nantian, willing to continue undefeated!

"Good! Then, let's see you in the virgin forest! I want you to know and see how powerful I am!"

Han Gongzi shouted arrogantly.

The left and right attendants of the Han family gave Han Gongzi a whole set of good hunter tools.

Princess Xiang, there are also special hunting magic weapons of Xiangchun Palace.

As for Nantian, he did not follow suit.

Nantian did not deliberately prepare for this hunting.

Nantian had to ask Gongsun Changzhi for help.

Gongsun Changzhi smiled awkwardly: "Sir, my Gongsun family has no outstanding young people in these years, so I don't pay too much attention to hunting tools. Here, I only have some ordinary bows and arrows!"

With that, Gongsun Changzhi ordered his servants to bring it.

Nan Tian looked at it. The bows and arrows were made of ordinary wood and iron. They were dark, heavy, and very ordinary.

Gongsun Changzhi suggested: "Sir, you might as well ask King Wen, ask for some! King Wen, there are palace treasure chests. There are a lot of good things, there must be good hunting tools.

Nan Tian chuckled and waved his hand: "No need, every arrow and bow can wear Yang with hundreds of steps, and it's indestructible!"

"In my hand, this arrow is not an ordinary arrow. In my hand, this big bow is not an ordinary arrow!"

In fact, originally, there were meteor mechs.

Nantian can summon mecha possession after entering the virgin forest.

Meteor Mecha has arrived, the intermediate form, basically, can change a variety of science fiction weapons!

Using sci-fi weapons to hunt, it is better than this broken bow and arrow.

However, Nantian also has some of his own scruples!

Since you are in the realm of melee, you must fit this country!

Since you want to win, you have to win beautiful things, and you won simply and neatly. You won't be able to quibble and argue!

If it is, using some sci-fi weapons and hunting some strange beasts, it is inevitable that some strange wounds will be left behind.

This is easy to be grasped by the Han family, which will embarrass Wen Wang.

This situation is like in the Galaxy League, where an athlete has a cold and takes a bit of cold medicine. Although he won the first place in the game, he still has to be sentenced to cheating.

Nantian did not want to leave any tongue or handle!

This time, use all kinds of bows and arrows to surprise the world!

Nantian set his mind in mind!

Han Gongzi has also been paying attention to Nantian's development.

Seeing Nantian carrying an ordinary arrow basket, it was covered with dust.

See you again, Nantian is holding an ordinary bow of beef tendon.

Han Gongzi couldn't bear it anymore and immediately burst into laughter.

"Oh, just use these broken copper and iron to compare with me? It seems that you don't know how powerful I am? Or, you are a pariah yourself, don't have extra money in hand, buy some good hunting tools? "

Han Gongzi sneered.

Princess Xiang was on the side, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

Princess Xiang waved her hand and ordered the left and right maid to take out a good pair of hunting tools.

These hunts are specially made by Xiangchun Palace, which include: jade silk heart bow, red star arrow, centennial iron wood self-defense armor, breeze combat boots, bright red wristband ...

Han Gongzi, look jealous!

This is not, pure jealousy!

Han Gongzi is not jealous, and Princess Xiang's hunting tools are good.

Instead, jealous, Princess Xiang's attitude towards Nantian.

Han Gongzi, has been pursuing Princess Xiang for many years.

This is almost universally recognized throughout Xiangyang City.

Today, Princess Xiang sends something to Nantian, and Han Gongzi is naturally jealous!

[Lying trough! Lao Tzu has not received anything from Princess Xiang. How are you, how can you, you are just one of the most lowly pariahs!]

Han Gongzi, he resented Nantian even more!

Han Gongzi looked at Nan Tian's eyes and almost wanted to eat Nan Tian.

Nantian's nose was very sharp, and Nantian smelled the aroma of the hunting tools.

[Hey, these tools are indeed specially made by Xiangchun Palace. It ’s just the same reaction!]

Nantian heart said.

"It's so fragrant! But ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't need it!"

Nan Tian refused.

"What, don't you? These are comparable, your ordinary tools are much better! The Han people are not weak, you can't be above the tools, and they are a lot behind!"

Princess Xiang, looking embarrassed, she would not appreciate it without Nantian.

The princess of her own, the vulgar appearance, do not know how many suitors.

Princess Xiang, her cheeks are a little hot.

This is the first time Princess Xiang gave something to a man.

"Really, I said it, I don't need it! Girl, your kindness, I got it! In my eyes, your things are not much different from my hands, aha!

"Sorry, girl, I don't want your stuff! You give it to others!"

Nantian, grinning authentically. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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