Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 388: : Unacceptable

Yang Yang was proud for a while, and Han Gongzi also found something wrong!

"Right, that untouchable!"

"Where did he die? In a few minutes, it will be noon!"

Han Gongzi shouted.

Princess Xiang frowned, and she couldn't get used to Han Gongzi.

Princess Xiang couldn't help but compare the previously surviving Gaishi Yinghao and Han Gongzi, the arrogant and late-born kid, who had shot the big eagles.

Soon, Princess Xiang came to a conclusion.

This Han Gongzi, compared with Gaishi Yinghao, fart is not one!

Out of disgust in my heart.

Princess Xiang said, scolding Han Gongzi: "Hang Gongzi, what are you yelling at, isn't it an autumn hunt, let you get the first, not the first! What a great!"

"Furthermore, you are hunting some beasts that are not very powerful! With the ability, you shoot the last big eagle that appeared, and I admire you!"

Princess Xiang scolded.

Han Gongzi was arrogant towards others, but he didn't dare to lose his temper for his sweetheart.

Han Gongzi smiled and said with a smile: "Princess Gao Zhi, Han promised that he will practice hard in the future, and eventually one day, he can also be the hero of the world!

"You probably won't do it all your life!"

Princess Xiang, did not give Han Gongzi face at all.

Han Gongzi laughed twice, and continued without knowing shame: "His Royal Highness, I can't do anything with Han, almost anywhere in the world, any young talent can't do it! Maybe, the last time I shot that big man The person who carves is an elder master who has been hidden for many years. The master is estimated to be gray-haired and hundreds of years old! "

Princess Xiang sneered, don't overdo it, and stop talking to Han Gongzi.

Han Gongzi smiled, he still had something to do, and he didn't continue to pester Princess Xiang.

Han Gongzi and Han Jinwu came together.

Han Jinwu stepped forward and yelled at King Wen: "Your Majesty, now, the results of autumn hunting have come out, and my son is the first! Please also ask the king to decide and fulfill your previous promise!"

King Wen frowned, and responded unpleasantly: "Ai Qing, why are you so anxious? The time has not yet come!"

Han Jinwu smiled: "King, you are really a pity of time! Indeed, it is still two minutes and twenty seconds away from noon!"

"But, even at this last moment, someone came. He must not be my son's opponent."

Han Jinwu smiled confidently.

Han Gongzi is also a fan, a feather fan, and it looks like he is winning!

King Wen waved his hand: "That's not necessarily! Ai Qing, you don't have to worry. We must follow the rules and continue to wait!"

Han Jinwu smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Rules, Weichen, naturally we must obey! Weichen, accompany Your Majesty, continue to wait for these last few minutes!"

"Time Officer, you have to widen your eyes, correct the time card, and delay for a second, few people want your head!"

King Wen also told him to report to the official.

Tick, tick!

Time passes by in one minute and one second!

The time officer looked nervously at the hourglass.

"The last ten seconds left, one, two, three ..."

"Mr. Nantian, you must come here! Otherwise, this time, this king, you will lose!"

Wen Wang clenched his fists, and his large robe was soaked with cold sweat.

The Imperial Wuxu Corps is the core force of King Wen in Xiangyang City.

Mastering the Wuxu Corps is equivalent to mastering the elite army. It is a substantive military power, and it is much more important than ordinary civilian officials!

This corps is stationed in the palace all year round, and its importance is self-evident.

Wen Wang really didn't want to, deputy head, this core position, handed over to the Han family.

"Eight ..."

Time Officer, the last ten is not finished yet!

Suddenly, in the sky, there was a quick cry GG.

"Slow down! Slow down! I am also coming from the sky!"

The figure and sound came almost at the same time. Nantian was wearing a meteor mech, majestic, and the stars landed on the ground.

In the city of Xiangyang, these nobles and nobles saw the sci-fi mech for the first time!

In particular, Nantian Meteor Mecha, after being upgraded to the intermediate form, is even more dazzling and dazzling, and the viewers all praise their mighty dignity!

"This dress is so handsome!"

Someone praised it.

Princess Xiang was also surprised by Nan Tian's picture.

"Uh, is this still the poor boy?"

Princess Xiang couldn't help but question.

Nantian didn't want to, too much about mecha.

Go into the countryside and follow the customs!

In the realm of dogfighting, it is still necessary to show the strength of ancient martial arts!

Nantian flew off the meteor mech.

As soon as the mech disappeared, Nan Tian's cheap clothing appeared again.

Han Gongzi laughed immediately.

"It turns out to be you! A pariah! Fuck!"

"Just a moment ago, where did you steal the cool clothes from the cold light? Get me a set too!"

Han Gongzi said sarcastically.

"You will be stuck in time! Ha ha, noon, no more than a second, a lot of a second came!"

"Oh, by the way, what are you hunting for?"

Han Gongzi glanced at him, and Nan Tian came by himself.

Nan Tian didn't bring anything, parcels or anything.

Han Gongzi, my heart is already happy and broken!

[Hey, call you awesome! This time, you lose! You haven't even hunted a strange animal, what are you fighting me for? ]

While thinking, Han Gongzi was ready to humiliate Nantian and kill him cruelly.

King Wen and Gongsun Changzhi, on the high platform, are a little puzzled.

In the heart of King Wen, he lamented: "It's a miscalculation, a miscalculation! I pressed the wrong person. Mr. Nan Tian, ​​who is a shit, has no ability at all! Others are all big bags and small ones, and they hold the head of a strange animal! None of the beast corpses came over! "

"Widows, there is no face!"

King Wen thought disappointedly.

Gongsun Changzhi ~ ~ also frowned.

"Eh, Mr. Nantian, what is he doing? Mr. Nantian, Mr. Nantian, this hunting is so important, you must win!"

"Hopefully, Mr. Nan Tian has some unknown backers!"

Gongsun Changzhi thought anxiously.

Nantian did not hesitate to ask an inventory officer: "Yes, ask, how many points are there for hunting a holy-level beast in autumn hunting? Wouldn't it be, only 5 points?"

The inventory officer is unknown, so haha ​​smiled: "How is it possible, are you kidding me! Saint-level monsters, bit-level monsters are countless times more powerful, how can they only be exchanged for 5 points? Old ancestors have already set rules Beasts of the same level, you can redeem 1000 points! "

"That's good, good, good!"

Nan Tian smashed his mouth.

Then, Nan Tian smiled at everyone and grinned innocently: "Today, Nan Tian will hang all my disapprovals!"

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