Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 395: : Xiangchun Palace is surrounded

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The answer to Gongsun Changzhi is still a cold arrow.

This series of arrows also alarmed the guards of the palace guarding the palace.

The people of the Wuxu Corps reacted.

A general ran over the walls of the palace and shouted, "Who beats and kills at the gate of the palace?"

Dabo's palace guard, holding a torch, wants to get out of the palace and find out.

However, as soon as they came over, the people in black blocked the pace of the court guards.


Black masked people, without a word, face the guardian of the court is to hack.

"It's so bold that even the court guards dare to kill! Who are you?"

The generals of the Wushu Corps snorted.

However, these masked men in black were unmoved at all.

They are still fighting desperately with the palace guards.

The palace guards were unprepared and suffered heavy casualties.

The light in Gongsun Changzhi's eyes flashed, and he was quite resourceful. He immediately thought of it. Han Han of the Han family took the city defense army to copy his own home.

"The knives used by these people are specially made by the Han family, and there is also the Han family's logo on it! I know, these people must be the secret dead of the Han family!"

Gongsun Changzhi suddenly realized!

The general of the Wushu Corps, the head of the current Corps, Zhang, stood on the tall building of the palace and saw Gongsun Changzhi.

Head Zhang shouted: "Gongsun Xiangguo, come here!"

Commander Zhang, speaking an order, a team of cavalry went down to meet Gongsun Changzhi.

Surrounded by the enemies, the cavalrymen killed Gongsun Changzhi.

Gongsun Changzhi was able to enter the palace smoothly.

"Head Zhang, I want to see King Wen! What about King Wen?"

Gongsun Changzhi was genuinely excited.

Leader Zhang shook his head: "Gongsun Xiangguo, His Majesty King Wen was called by Master Han, he should be in Shili Changting now!"

Gongsun Changzhi shot his thigh: "What! Your Majesty King Wen, in Shili Changting, was called by Han Jinwu?"

Leader Zhang nodded: "Well, yes, that's it!"

"Why, what's wrong?"

Head Zhang asked.

Gongsun Changzhi sighed: "Han's rebellion! Below, it is the Han's deceased who is fighting with the palace guards! I came here and originally wanted to report to King Wen, Han's Han led the city defense army, My people are being slaughtered! "

"What, slaughtering Gongsun Xiangguo's clan? He Han is just a small deputy general of the city defense army. According to the rank of the government, he has only three ranks, but he dares to slaughter Gongsun Xiangguo your clan. Their Han family is really lively!

Head Zhang also waved his fists angrily.

Gongsun Changzhi was extremely anxious.

"The key point is that King Wen is still invited by the Han family! Shili Changting, where Han Jinwu, these thieves must have buried the trap, waiting for King Wen to jump!"

"Commander Zhang, you are the head of the Imperial Corps, and you are qualified to issue a first-level citywide alert! Now, only the thieves have fought! Our direct troops must arrive as soon as possible. Shili Changting, save King Wen! "

"If it is, there is any failure of His Majesty King Wen, and our entire land-covered people will be caught in fire and water!"

Gongsun Changzhi was in a hurry.

Commander Zhang did not hesitate, and immediately ordered someone to strike, the trait clock inside the palace!

This big bell, as long as you hit hard, the sound will spread throughout the city.


The bells keep coming!

In the city of Xiangyang, from the big giants to the civilians, they woke up from their sleep!

The head of Xiangchun Palace quickly refreshed, put on armor, and summoned tens of thousands of disciples.

"From the King Wen Palace, there was a first-level siren! Presumably, we have a big event in Xiangyang City! You are ready to go and follow me to the palace, you must help->> , Update the latest chapter of Mecha Valkyrie reborn!

King Wen resists the enemy! "

Shouted the head of the Xiangchun Palace.

"Disciple, obey!"

Tens of thousands of female disciples, holding weapons, must rush to the palace.

"Master, it's really fun! Where is the big night?"

Han Shi led the city defense army, imposing and energetic, and surrounded everyone in the Xiangchun Palace.

Inside Xiangyang City, there are 100,000 city defense troops stationed.

According to the plan, Han Shi can only lead 20,000 heirs.

However, a first-level alarm sounded throughout the city.

Follow the emergency system at the time of alert.

In addition, Ma Dutong of the City Defense Army is not there. Han Wei, the most prestigious deputy capital, naturally took over the 100,000 City Defense Army.

One hundred thousand soldiers at once, taking advantage of the sound of alarm!

Han Shi, ready to do some work!

In Xiangyang City, apart from the royal forces directly under King Wen, the most threatening Han family is the Xiangchun Palace.

No, after taking control of the soldiers, Han Shi and several of his men divided their troops to separate them to wipe out the army of the dead King Wen.

Concerned about the power of Xiangchun Palace, Han even brought 80,000 troops!

Han Shi's city defense army and the female disciples of Xiangchun Palace formed a strong contrast of eight to one!

"Deputy Han Dutong, your city defense army, do not maintain law and order, what is blocking my road?"

The head of the Xiangchun Palace, the beautiful woman, sneered.

"Hurry up and let me go, I want to support King Wen's palace! If King Wen, if anything goes wrong, I want you to wait for your life!"

The beautiful woman glanced coldly at Han Shi.

Han Shi ’s rank is comparable to that of Xiang Chun Palace.

Now, the entire Han family, that is, Han Jinwu can sit on par with the head of Xiangchun Palace.

Even Han Jin is halfway worse.

Han Shi instinctively shrank his neck.

However, the matter has come to an end, and it is intolerable that Han has any scruples!

"All the soldiers listen to the order, Xiangchun Palace is an anti-action organization, it must be annihilated in order to maintain public order in the city! Kill!"

Han Shi ordered.

As soon as the words fell, the 80,000 City Defense Army and the disciples of Xiangchun Palace fought.

Beautiful woman, very angry!

"Okay, okay, okay! Han Shi, you are so brave!"

The glamorous woman flies into the air and kills Han!

As the head of Xiangchun Palace, the glamorous woman is also very powerful. She ranks at the peak of the eighth grade Wuwang. Only one step away, she will break through to the seventh grade Wuwang!

Han Shi's strength, that is, the half-step martial king, couldn't even withstand the blow of the gorgeous woman.


Startled out of thin air!

In the void, a few black shadows flew.

The beautiful woman was stopped.

After a fight, a few black shadows appeared. ~ Their blue-faced fangs, half-human and half-beast, with the engraved "Korean" on their foreheads!

"This is the legend that the Han family has been secretly cultivated through several generations based on the magic door classics-transformation warrior?"

The beautiful woman was surprised.

These half-human and half-beast monsters are very strange in strength.

Several of them joined forces to restrain the beautiful woman temporarily.

Han Shi calmed down.

"Today, your Xiangchun Palace will be destroyed!"

Han Shi took advantage of the fact that the beautiful woman was dragged down and led the soldiers among the disciples of the Xiangchun Palace.

Princess Xiang and the soldiers were all bloody.

However, the city defense army has too many people, eight to one, occupying too much advantage!

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