Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 401: : Killing Han Jinwu and Han Jin Greed

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The Han Jiajun were all destroyed.

Han Jinwu and Han Jinwu are even insignificant.

These two guys want to run after pulling their legs.

Nantian will let them succeed.

"Dengtang level" Lingbo micro-step + Youlong body method, the limit broke out!

After a flash, Nantian stopped Han Jinwu and Han Jin.

"Where do you want to escape? King Wen, haven't let you go yet!"

Nan Tian said coldly.

In the final analysis, this Han Jinwu and Han Jin greedy are the courtiers of King Wen.

Finally, King Wen is needed to judge them.

King Wen stood up weakly.

Han Jinwu and Han Jin looked at each other, knowing that the general trend is now gone!

The two brothers are not Nan Tian's opponents.

Now, only retreating, thanking King Wen for his sins, and saving his life first.

Han Jinwu and Han Jin thought greedily that their Han family was huge and deeply rooted, and King Wen did not dare to pull out a series of abruptly.

Han Jinwu even already, think about it.

As long as King Wen does not execute them immediately.

Han Jinwu will immediately contact the other princes in secret.

Han Jinwu, as the king's minister of power, the illustrious grand marshal, and the other seven of the scuffles are closely related.

Since he can't do it with his own help, he defected to another country and became a nobleman of another princely state.

Han Jinwu, thinking so.

"Wang Wen, our brothers knew something wrong! Just now, we were also confused for a while, and we urge your majesty to see the glorious history of my Han family and the countless meritorious contributions made by your majesty, let your majesty let us pass!

"From now on, my Han Jinwu will automatically dismiss the position of General Yipin!"

Han Jinwu was in pain and kowtowed.

However, Wen Wangxiong was so sketchy, how could he make such a stupid mistake?

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze springs again!

Forgive them?

Just now, these two brothers of the Han family, they want to die the King Wen directly.

"Nan Tian, ​​sir, since these two criminals have already pleaded guilty! Please take action and execute the death penalty immediately!"

King Wen waved his hand.


Nantian nodded.

Han Jin's face was pale.

"No, Your Majesty King Wen! No, kill us!"

Han Jin screamed.

Han Jinwu was also furious: "Wang Wen, you have to consider the consequences. My Han family has been spreading its leaves in all the seals for nearly a thousand years. The power is very huge. If you insist on tearing your face with our Han family, to whom? There is no benefit. "

King Wen was not very loud, but he was powerful.

"Tear your face? Ha ha, all of you Han family will set traps to assassinate the widows. If the widows have ruled you out, who else will convince the widows in this world?"

"Mr. Nantian, please do it! Cut off their heads and hang them on the gate of Xiangyang City!"

King Wen ordered.


Nantian smiled.

"Fuck, fight! Not resistance is death, resistance is death! Today, I want you to know, our Han brothers are working together!"

Han Jinwu roared.

Han Jinwu and Han Jin greeted together, Nan Tian also felt a trace of pressure.

After all, these are the two masters of martial arts.

"Xiaoxing, analyze the data and find the flaws!"

Nan Tian urged.

Since the meteor mecha of Nantian has been integrated with ultra-smart mecha chips, the appearance of Xiaoxing has undoubtedly given Nantian a huge help.

The super computing power of Xiaoxing allows Nantian to find out the flaws of many enemies.

& nbs->> , update the latest chapter of Mecha Valkyrie reborn!

p; It is the so-called seven-inch game of playing snakes and fighting against the enemy.


Nan Tian and Han Jinwu, Han Jin was greedily dim and extremely fierce.

Han Jinwu, Han Jin Greedy, and their brother will have one more, the magic door exercises collected by the Han family.

The two brothers joined hands and the strength is very strong, definitely not a simple 1 + 1 = 2!

For a time, Nantian was also restrained.

However, fortunately, there is Xiaoxing!

"After the analysis, the flaws of the two people were found. Han Jinwu's flaw is that his undercarriage is not stable enough, the master can focus on attacking his legs. Han Jin's upper body coordination ability is not very high, the master can focus Attack his upper body! "

Xiaoxing suggested.

"Okay! Hey, you are done!"

Nan Tian laughed.

According to Xiao Xing's instructions, Nantian broke down each time to pinpoint weaknesses.



Two screams came.

Han Jinwu and Han Jin fell to the ground and were beaten up with blood by Nan Tian.

"Dust to dust, earth to earth, everything should be over!"

Nantian has one palm, Heavenly Demon has eight palms-Purgatory Palm, attack again!

Han Jinwu and Han Jinrui died on the spot!


Nan Tian used the meteor sword to cut off the heads of these two men.

King Wen exhaled when he saw this scene.

King Wen was very grateful and walked towards Nantian, three times and nine worships to Nantian.

"Mr. Be kind and generous, no one can claim anything!"

King Wen thanked.

"Oh, it's just a matter of raising hands, and you don't have to be like this. In fact, I can come here tonight because of the fact that you have so many people in your fiefs. If you die, the fiefs will be in chaos. The traitors are in power, the people don't talk about life, this is what we do Unwilling to see. "

Nan Tian said lightly.

"Sir, generosity makes the widows admire!"

King Wen arched his hand.

Nantian shook his head and said: "It's not my generosity, just some emotions and thoughts in my heart. From an early age, Master told me that the martial arts practice physical fitness, one is for personal safety, and the other is to be patient, try to take care of it. The world is alive. I lived in Nantian all the way, marched all the way, stepped on the corpse mountain blood lake, walked over, can do a little more good things, just do more! "

King Wen also wanted to sigh and look at Nantian.

But suddenly, King Wen's head fainted, couldn't hold it anymore, and collapsed to the ground.

Nantian hurried forward to rescue him.

Nantian used the "Tianluo Acupuncture Point Method" to stimulate King Wen's acupoints and drink the water of life for King Wen.

After a long time, King Wen just woke up.

However, Wen Wang's face was still ugly.

"Mr. Nantian, you have worked hard ..."

Nan Tian waved his hand, his face dignified.

Nantian is also a master of medical skills ~ ~ Just a moment ago, Nantian also estimated that Wen Wang's physical condition.

"Wen Wen, your health is bad. You should be poisoned, and the poisoning is not shallow!"

"You previously fought Han Jinwu and Han Jin greedily and overdrawn the Qi in your body. The toxicity has spread to your bone marrow along with the Qi. In short, it is poisoned into the bone marrow!

Nantian said solemnly.

Nantian now has no Qingdu Pill in his hand.

The biggest role of water of life is to supplement life energy, not to detoxify.

At this moment, King Wen is in danger.

King Wen smiled reluctantly: "Relax, Mr. Nan Tian, ​​I know my body clearly. I can live another three or five years, and I can persist ..."

"It's just a pity that the great mountains and rivers laid down by the fathers and fathers!"

King Wen looked at the vast earth, and his heart was infinitely sad.

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