Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 606: : Killing Qi Yong and Cang Bu Yi

"Yin and Yang God eyes, open! See through the void, straight to the soul!"

Nantian's eyes shine, no matter what weird tricks are used by Qiyong, Nantian can resist.

Moreover, Nan Tian always pressed Qi Yong.

The onlookers were shocked.

Qi Yong's strength is very strong, among the core elders of the Pearl Sect, all are among the best.

Qiyong is only one step away from the Eighth Rank Mech Warlord.

But what about Nantian?

Without a name, it has not yet summoned mechas, bare hands, empty fists, and fists to the flesh.

"Is it possible to tie Elder Crying without a mech? How is this possible! Is he non-human? Is it a human-shaped starfall beast? Can human flesh be so arrogant?"

Someone exclaimed.

Of course, there are also insiders, who recognized Nantian's identity-the ancient martial artist.

"No, he doesn't just lean on the flesh. He mainly depends on a kind of qi that is different from mecha abilities. It's called" True Qi! "

"However, the ancient martial arts have long been secret and not passed on. In the Galactic Alliance, in addition to Yixi's top powers, there will be some ancient martial arts spread, and others have no way to learn. not simple!"

Someone looked dignified.

Qiyong was playing, and found that he was gradually in a disadvantage, and then he would be killed by Nantian.

Qiyong hurriedly shouted: "This young man, stop it! You should not be a member of the Harry family. Our Pearl Sect set up checkpoints in the Castlevania. It is specifically for the Harry family. We have no intention of offending your adult!

"Young man, you should be a powerful force, why do you struggle with me!"

Qiyong begged for mercy.

Nan Tian played this battle very easily.

In fact, Qiyong's strength is indeed not weak among the nine ranks of Mecha Warlords, even very strong. Nowadays, Nantian has no mechas and cannot urge moxibustion behavior. Based on ancient Wuxiu behavior alone, it is theoretically difficult to defeat Qi Yong.

At the very least, Nantian needs to use his martial arts magical power: Seven Stars!

But in fact, this is not the case at all.

In the real battle, Nantian felt very comfortable.

The role of Yin Yang God's eyes is beyond Nan Tian's imagination.

No matter how powerful Yongyong is, no matter how strong the tricks are, Nantian sees through.

As the saying goes, no matter how strong the person is, once he finds his weakness, he will be easily broken.

Nan Tian used Yin and Yang God's eyes to see another flaw in Qi Yong.

Nan Tian started fiercely, Luohan punched straight, and started from the flaw.


Qiyong was beaten with a spit of blood.

The mech on Qiyong's body also showed a slight crack.

In this punch, Qi Yong was seriously injured.

Qiyong clutched his chest and pointed to Nantian: "Young man, I have accepted it. Why do you want to make a heavy hand?"

There was a sneer in the corner of Nantian's mouth: "Concession? The battle of life and death, you didn't pay attention to yourself, you were injured, who blame?"

Qi Yong frowned: "Young man, you are from a powerful force, or that sentence, why bother with me endlessly. Our Pearl Sect is also a hegemon anyway, as long as the young man is willing to raise his hand today. A kind gift. "

"Gifts from each other? Resolve grievances? Can the grievances between you and your Pearl Sect really be resolved?"

Nan Tian laughed.

Qi Yong is unclear. So: "Young man, why do you say that?"

Nan Tian's mouth sneered: "Forgot to tell you, although I am not a member of the Harry family. But, weeping Yuan Kui, I killed it! I and your Pearl Sect have long been insolvable!"

"You are Nantian! Nantian of Purple Plume Academy!"

Qiyong reacted instantly.

A few days ago, the young master of the Pearl Sect was killed. This matter, in the Pearl Sect, set off an uproar-big-wave!

The Sect Master of the Pearl Sect is extremely furious. If it is not the vast protagonist, it is not the Sect of the Pearl Sect. In addition, the Ziyuan Academy stands behind the Ziyuanwei.

Ziyuanwei supported the academy, and there was the Super Military Commission, which was the backstage.

The master of the Pearl Sect must lead the army and attack the vast protagonist, destroying the entire Purple Plume Academy.

Can't move Ziyu Academy, but Pearl Sect still found Nantian through a huge network.

All the information of Nantian was brought out.

For a time, countless spies and killers were dispatched by the Pearl Sect to the vast protagonist, ready to assassinate Nantian at any time.

However, helplessly, it didn't take long for Nantian to be selected to join Ziyuanwei.

Ziyuanwei is extremely powerful, and the headquarters of the health center is strong. Although the Pearl Sect is huge, he can't intervene.

The matter of chasing down Nantian was temporarily stranded.

Qiyong pointed to Nantian, his eyes revealing the fierceness and surprise: "Sect Master, he has already spoken. As soon as he finds you, he will kill you immediately!"

"You are already the enemy of my Pearl Sect! This is the protagonist of Beiluo, and I will immediately send a letter to the Sect Master. Boy, you can't live anymore. How about joining Ziyuanwei, which has angered our Pearl Sect, is the fault of your life ! "

Qiyong retreated while speaking.

"One Thousand Beads!"

Weeping, shouting.

Qiyong wanted to use this Qianzhuwei to resist Nantian, and then use the time he fought for to escape.

Seeing that Qiyong had an intention to escape, Nan Tian's eyes flashed a cold light.

"If you want to run, these Zhuwei will be given to you!"

Nan Tian ordered to the elite of the hundreds of Harry families he brought with him.

Just now, the scene of Nantian defeating Qi Yong deeply shocked the elite of the Harry family.

The masters of the Harry family were very encouraged.

For a time, they also began to apologize for Nantian.

Nantian's orders, they are unconditional compliance.

Hundreds of masters of the Harry family faced more than a thousand Zhuwei. Although the strength is somewhat different, they can barely play evenly.

Nan Tian casts a dragon's body method, and in the void, a few phantoms flash out, and the pursuer weeps.

The direction of Qiyong's escape is Cang's mansion.

As long as he fled to the Cang family's mansion and united the Cang family's Taishang law, Nantian might not be able to kill him.

Nantian knows that this cry is in his heart, and he has a crooked idea.

Nantian will not let him succeed.

Regarding speed, Nantian exerts all his powers on the dragon's body, and how can Yong Yong compare with Nantian.

After a while, Qiyong caught up with Nantian.


"Kamikaze sweeps the legs!"

"The autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves!"

"Capture a fist!"

Nantian's ancient martial arts skills frequently appeared.

Qiyong was originally not as good as Nantian, and now he was instantly beaten by a series of ancient martial skills from Nantian.

In the end, Nantian gave Qiyong another killer skill—Budao Supernatural Power: Seven Stars!

Seven stars came out of the air, lowering the immense power of the Nine Heavens Dragon.

Each of the nine heavenly dragons was really angry, hit-shoot-on Qiyong.

Qiyong was divided into corpses in an instant.

Inside the Pearl Sect, Qi Yong, one of the core elders, was killed.

Nan Tian didn't even look at Qi Yong. He turned his palm into a knife and cut off the head of Qi Yong. Nan Tian turned and left.

Outside the East Gate, the elite masters of the Harry family are still fighting with the Qianzhuwei.

After folding back, Nan Tian hangs the head of Weeping Yong on the wall of the East Gate.

"Your Elder Weeping, already dead."

"Now, I will give you two choices, one by one, or surrender!"

Nan Tianyun was full of qi, sounded like Hong Zhong.

More than a thousand Zhuwei who are fighting with the Harry family masters are all frightened.

Masters as strong as Qiyong were all killed in Nantian's hands, not to mention them!

More than a thousand Zhuwei's psychological defense lines gradually collapsed.

The psychological defense line collapsed, and some Zhuwei chose to surrender.

Some Zhuwei chose to die with allegiance.

For this part of Zhuwei, Nantian is also merciless.

Everyone has their own interests and their own choices. Since choosing, standing on the opposite side of Nantian, Nantian can only kill him.

To kill, to kill!

Being soft-hearted is not a big deal.

After one hour, the battle outside the East Gate was basically over.

Nantian also captured more than 100 Zhuwei.

This part of Zhuwei also knows some secrets and internal defense arrangements about Pearl Sect. It is quite useful.

On the other side, the head and deputy heads of the Harry family took advantage of the main forces of the Cang family to attack the forces of all sizes in the city, and led their own family guards of the Clan family and the Cang family guards of Cang Zhe to the Cang family headquarters.

The headquarters of the Cang family is now very weak in defense.

Only left, Cang Buyi and more than one hundred men are presiding over the overall situation, remotely controlling the battle-round.

The Cang family's Taishang protector, the old white-bearded man, also fought outside.

When the people of the Harry family and the people of Cangzhe rushed into the mansion.

Cang Buyi, still a look of disbelief.

"what happened?"

"Harry family! You shouldn't be stopped by Elder Qiyong?"

Cang Buyi was terrified.

Now, the mansion is understaffed.

Too much to protect the law, but not there, these people of the Harry family can completely kill him.

Harry ’s homeowner smiled coldly: "Chan Erye, you are also one of the masters, but also a native of our castle town. I really did not expect that you would even join the Pearl Sect, this foreign 'robber', Go to invade their homes and kill local residents! "

"You're a terrible sin!"

Lord Harry said angrily.

Cang Buyi, shocked: "Harry Master, we have something to say. In fact, our Cang family is also forced!"

Cangzhe came out suddenly.

"Cang Buyi, are you really forced?"

Cang Zhe asked.

"Cangzhe? Are you back?"

"Oh, what about your father? Cang does not regret, where is the man?"

Cang Buyi asked in surprise.

"My father sacrificed, sacrificed for me! Died in the wild forest."

Cang Zhe said painfully.

"I wanted to take the remains of my father and aunt to the Cangjia Mansion. But when I came back again, it was already full of smoke and war. The countless people in the Cang family died, so the family was broken, On a piece of land, my father and aunt wo n’t rest in peace! "

Cangzhe, said sadly.

Cang Buyi will stay for a long time.

"Brother, don't regret it! Die in the wild forest?"

Cang Buyi said bitterly, although he had cursed Cang for not regretting death for a long time, but when he really heard the news of Cang Unregret's death, after many years of brotherhood, the five flavors were mixed and Cang Buyi was very complicated.

"Brother, I must be brave and tragic!"

Cang Buyi said slowly.

"Shut up! Cang Buyi, you are not worthy, call my father brother! My father, without you brother! You are not my second uncle!"

"You are selfish, mean, shameless, and fierce, and now you have united with the Pearl Sect and committed irreparable consequences! You are really abominable, **** it!"

Cang Zhe, pointing angrily at Cang Buyi.

Cang Buyi's face was pale: "Perhaps, I have indeed been incompetent over the years. Now, you are many, the ancestors are not here, and I can't resist, kill me!"

Cang Zhe's eyes burst into flames: "That's what I meant! Do it, kill him!"

"Trouble you, Harry's head, and deputy head!"

Cang Zhe bowed deeply towards the head of Harry's house and the deputy head of the house.

The two masters of the Harry family joined forces, and together with a group of strong Harry family, can quickly kill the weak and weak.

Cang Buyi waved his hand: "Without such trouble, you can kill me, Cangzhe. You can do it alone!"

With that said, Cang Buyi threw a laser sword to Cang Zhe.

"Pierce my chest with a laser sword, and then spin it again, I will definitely die."

Cang Buyi, said slowly.

Lord Harry, frowning: "Cangzhe, don't believe the mischievous words of Cang Buyi, Cang Buyi is poisonous and cruel, he told you to go alone, just to kill you before death. It's going to be dragged down. "

"With me and the deputy head of the family, as well as a group of powerful members of the Harry family, Cang Buyi is sure to die today. You don't have to take risks. In the future, the Cang family will need you to take over!"

Lord Harry, persuaded.

Cang Zhe shook his head: "My father and my aunt's long-cherished wish, as well as the clan's revenge of the dead soul, really need me to come and report it personally! I will personally hold the blade and kill him! I will pay tribute to the Cang family ! "

Cang Zhe said with a firm look, he picked up the laser sword and walked towards Cang Buyi step by step.

The head of Harry wanted to reach out and stop Cangzhe.

However, the deputy head of household stopped the head of Harry.

"Let him go. Maybe be a wicked person for a lifetime. Cang is not good. Before death, you will realize a little. This is the housework of the Cang family. We outsiders do not need to intervene-hand-too-deep."

"Don't let Cangzhe know this knot, Cangzhe will hate us for the whole life ~ ~ Deputy Head of House, said slowly.

When the Lord Harry saw that the wise deputy leader had said so, what else could he say.


Lord Harry retreated aside.

Cang Zhe was holding a laser sword and gradually approached Cang Buyi.

Ten steps!

Nine steps!


Four steps!

Three steps!

Cang Zhe stabbed out with a sword, and was entering the chest of the unbelievable.

And Cang Buyi, really did not resist, nor did it drag on Cangzhe.

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