Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 611: : 0 million soldiers?

Nan Tian opened his hazy eyes.

Nantian's mind was still dazed.

The prompt sound of the God of War system continues: "Congratulations to the host, the God of War system has been successfully upgraded. Now, from God of War System V1.0, it is upgraded to-God of War System Stable Version V2.0!"

"Due to system upgrades, the host's life boundary has also been upgraded to one level, and now it is a two-star life space!"

"Among them, there are many wonderful things that need to be experienced by the host itself." At this point, the Wushen prompt sound disappeared.

"Vulture system stable version V2.0, it sounds great and noble!"

Nan Tian, ​​sighed.

At this time, Xiaoxing scratched Nan Tian's face.

"Master, are you awake?"

Xiao Xing was extremely worried, and her eyes were watery, and she was seeping a lot of water.

Obviously, Xiaoxing must have been crying for a long time.

"Master, do you know how worried I was just now."

"You are in a coma, Cang family, it is useless to find many doctors for you."

Xiaoxing said worriedly.

Nan Tian touched Xiao Xing's nose: "It doesn't matter, your master's life is very hard. You cry and break your body, but it's not good. Go, take a good rest. Presumably, you are also tired. Rest assured Well, I have nothing now. "

Xiaoxing was indeed tired, nodded, turned into a streamer, and then turned into a star pendant, hanging on Nantian's neck.

Nantian clearly felt his connection to this star pendant.

As long as Nantian's thoughts move, Meteor Mecha will be covered in the body, and Xiaoxing will become Nantian's right assistant to fight the world.

"The happiest thing is that the realm of my life has also been elevated to: Two Interstellar Life Space!"

After Xiaoxing left, Nantian couldn't wait to open up the realm of his life and went in to feel it!

Nowadays, the chaotic void world of the realm of life has been opened up a lot.

The area is twice that of the previous one!

The most important thing is that the present life is full of life.

There are green grass everywhere, full of vitality, clear water and blue sky, good sunshine!

When Zat saw Nantian was coming, he bowed and bowed: "Master, at that moment, our world of life seems to have changed a lot. The vitality of life here has become thicker several times. Here, I gradually I can feel a world of heaven and earth. "

"Brothers and I, we can definitely make progress again and improve our strength!"

Zart said happily.

Nowadays, Zart's group of fire elves has made great progress.

Zart is the best. Like Xiaoyan, he has now evolved to the point where he is comparable to the eighth-ranked Mech Warlord.

The rest of the fire elves are also excellent.

A few of these fire elves have also broken through, comparable to the Nine-Rank Mech Warlord level!

Most of the fire spirits are all equal to the strength of the first-class mech warlord!

The demon head of the vast protagonist, the ancient demon leader, since he was conquered by Nantian with the puppet symbol, he also meditated and desperately restored his strength.

Now, in the realm of life, I have been quiet for a while now.

The strength of the ancient demon leader has reached the level of the Seventh Grade Emperor Wu!

This ancient demon leader, the original strength is very strong, it is also related.

The peak period of the ancient demon master was in the ancient times. Among the vast main stars, the peerless devil with a famous star was powerful and unpredictable.

Nantian estimated that at the peak of the ancient demon leader, it should be at least: a master of mecha and war master!

Even, the ancient demon leader has taken the most critical step and set foot in the field of holy land!

Of course, all of this is Nantian's own guess. The specifics are only known to the ancient demon leader himself.

"You build the realm of life, and the future may be a comparable existence!"

Nantian is confident.

The most amazing thing in the realm of life is that it can be upgraded, but now only one or two stars, it has already shown so many benefits.

In the future, it will be upgraded to three or four stars. Perhaps, to a certain point, Nantian's life boundary is bigger than a galaxy!

Nan Tian also ordered Zart, Xiaoyan, the ancient demon leader, and the lazy man, who had been sleeping in the doghouse and fell asleep for a few words, and left the realm of life.

Nan Tian went out of the realm of life and returned to the Cangjia Mansion.

Nantian pushed open the door, not knowing how many days he lay on the -bed-, Nantian also wanted to take a breath, the air outside.

Unexpectedly, Nan Tianyi pushed open the door.

There was the Cangjia Guardian who came over.

"See, Lord Lord!"

"See, Lord Lord!"

The guards knelt in unison.

They have been guarding the door of Nantian's room for several days, and Cun Bu has not left.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "All up! Cangzhe, where is he?"

Nan Tian was talking, from the side of the trail, the deputy heads of the Cangzhe and the Harry family, with a group of servants, were approaching Nantian.

"Master Nantian!"

"Master Nantian!"

Both Cangzhe and the deputy head of Harry were extremely happy, and shouted across the distance.

They trot all the way and came near Nantian.

"Master Nantian, how are you?"

Cang Zhe asked.

Nan Tian smiled: "Well, well, there were some minor problems before, and now it's okay."

Nantian guessed that it was estimated that he was in a coma because the Wushen system was with himself. Just like every time the mobile phone upgrades the system, it must shut down and restart, and enter a black screen for a while.

After learning the lesson, Nantian also knew that in the future, he must not upgrade the Valkyrie system during battle, otherwise, he will give those enemies some opportunities.

"Sir, you're awake, okay, now, there is a very important thing, I have to tell you."

The deputy head of the Harry family looked dignified.

As a wise prophet, there are very few things that can make him so dignified.

Even the last time I dealt with Elder Qiyong, the deputy head of the family was calmly in control, and everything was under control.

But this time, Nantian clearly saw that the deputy head of the family was a little nervous, and even panicked.

Nantian couldn't help but wonder: "What is it?"

The deputy head of the family said slowly: "Pearl Sect headquarters is in power! The death of Qi Yong makes them angry. Now, there are already one million soldiers heading towards the castle. Among them, the number of well-trained pearl guards , A total of 200,000. Among them is the deputy patriarch of the Pearl Sect, Qi Wei, the leader of the elders, the elders, the elders and the spy department-the department-the long crying silicon "

The deputy head said nothing, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

Whether it is the deputy patriarch crying, or the leader elders crying battle, the spymen crying silicon, are the first big brother-level characters on the main star of Beiluo.

The three of them are much more powerful than the elders of Qiyong who came before.

Qiyong is a ninth-level mech warrior master, but the three men, who are the weakest weeping silicon, are all eighth-grade mech warriors!

Like Vice Sect Master Qi Wei and Elder Weeping Warfare, they are even masters of the Seventh Grade Mecha Warfare, and they are amazing!

The vast majority of the millions of soldiers are elite children in the inner door of the Pearl Sect, and a small number of battle-hardened mercenaries have been hired with a lot of money. With such a force, even the Galaxy General, who is the internal star of the Galaxy Army and stationed in Beiluo, will feel horrified and tricky.

The ten great descendants of the Beiluo protagonist have been standing for thousands of years and have a solid foundation.

Many local family clan, the gatekeepers are very inseparable from them.

"Urban Lord, originally, we have maintained basic stability in the villages and towns in and around Devil City."

"However, after the news from the siege of Pearl Sect, after being passed on, now, inside the Castlevania, it has become a big one."

"Many small families have begun to take advantage of the chaos, confuse people, and wage rebellion."

The deputy head of the house said somberly.

Originally, the Castlevania had just experienced a battle in the city, and the city became riddled with numerous deaths and injuries.

Now, it has just stabilized and there is chaos again.

How to face the Castlevania, the Pearl Sect million soldiers coming from menacing?

Nantian was also shocked, and Nantian did not expect that the speed of this Pearl Sect was really quite fast!

Suddenly, a million troops were called up, wanting to attack Castlevania, it seems, want to annex Castlevania?

Nan Tian knew that the death of Qi Yong was definitely one thing, but more likely, his identity information had been exposed.

Those of the Pearl Sect already know that they are Nantian of the Purple Plume Academy!

The death of Sect Master Zhu Zong must be reported, and it is much more powerful than a core elder!

Nan Tian groaned, and asked the deputy head of the Harry family: "Deputy head, how many people can we fight now?"

The deputy head of the house shook his head: "Master Lord, the people we can fight now, add up to less than 60,000 people!"

"Moreover, the rebellion in the city will require some guards to suppress it!"

Nantian was also stunned: "Less than 60,000 people? There are millions of soldiers on the other side, and indeed this power is very different."

"City Lord ~ ​​ ~ Do you want, let ’s give up Castlevania first, we will retain our strength, and then withdraw from Castlevania. In this way, even if the enemy ’s army comes over, we can retain our elite strength and stay in the mountains Yes, I ’m not afraid that there is no firewood. "

Deputy Head of Harry suggested.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "The demon city has changed greatly. The forces of the main star of Beiluo will definitely stare at us. I have just become the demon city master!"

"Alcatraz has just been baptized. If we abandon the city and flee, we will leave the main stars of Beiluo in the eyes of our major forces. Our image is weak. Whoever wants to bully can bully! , There will be more and more rebels like that! "

"However, rest assured, since Pearl Sect comes, I will ..."

Nan Tian's words were not finished yet.

Suddenly, a guard came to the newspaper: "Adults, major events are not good. Several small forces and some family masters in the city have rebelled. They have turned to Pearl Sect. Now, they are coming to our Cangjia mansion!"

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