"Are you about?"

This full of tempting-confusing voice made Nantian's heart tickle-itch.

Suddenly, Nan Tian felt that her body became hot, and the woman in pajamas in front of her seemed to be full of tempting power.

"Come on, be happy, there is a lot of time anyway!"

The woman faced Nantian with emotion-mai-mai and said softly and exhaled.

After all, Nantian is now a young man with a flair.

Faced with such a "hot" scene, Nantian inevitably has some dry mouth.

Just when Nan Tian's eyes were blurred and he wanted to make some moves.

The relic of the Buddha in Nantian shook abruptly.

Suddenly, a thorough sense of coolness hit Nantian's heart.

Nan Tian bit his tongue and tried to keep himself awake.

At the same time, Nantian drives the eyes of Yin and Yang, Nantian's eyes, burst-shot-out-two rays of light.

A pure black gold!

A pure white gold!

At this moment, with the eyes of the Yin and Yang gods open, the woman's disguise was uncovered completely.

Nan Tian saw an eight-footed black greasy spider.

This spider looks absolutely disgusting.

It's just that this spider is amazingly dressed, covered with a layer of beautiful human skin, disguised as a beautiful demon-voluptuous woman.

There is a saying in the Buddha's house, let you be magnificent again, absolutely gorgeous, 100 years later, but a pink skull and a cup of loess.

Seeing the nothingness and the disguise with the eyes of Yin and Yang, Nantian's state of mind is also calm as water.

The previous sao fever is gone.

Nantian's tone is cold: "You don't want to sao-zi here!"

The Queen of Spiders was startled.

The Queen of Spiders has practiced enchantment since she was a child, since she stepped into the Devil Queen.

Spider Queen's magic skills are even more prosperous.

Once, the Queen of Spiders used this set of charms to seduce many devil emperors.

The demon emperors were finally dragged into the room by the queen of spiders, and were stripped alive during mating and mating.

The Queen of Spiders feels that Nantian's cultivation is not very high and should be easy to control.

However, this time, she was disappointed.

Nan Tian's eyes are extremely pure, her will is firm, and she is not affected by her charm at all!

Queen Spider, her expression changed: "You can invisibly break my charm, you really have some skills."

Nan Tian said coldly: "I came around this time. I want to conquer you. From now on, you will be my men. Your army of demons is also under my jurisdiction!

The Queen of Spiders listened and suddenly laughed wildly.

The demon guards on the side were shocked.

They all know that once the spider queen is exposed-this way, it means that their queen is about to kill!

"Our red clay slopes, including Blood Harbor and Fallen Devil Ridge, are all free areas. Even the Devil Emperor does not intervene. You are nothing!"

"You are not even the Devil Emperor, and you still want to control me? Which green onion do you count?"

The Queen of Spiders said nothing, the momentum soared, and a huge spider ghost appeared.

Under the phantom of the spider, eight spiders touched a huge white spider web and rushed towards the sky.


This huge white spider web is not an ordinary spider web, but the spider queen's natural skill-spider web.

The spider web of the queen of spiders can only be formed into one piece in a year. Each spider web is full of resilience. It ca n’t even be cut with some magic weapons. It is most suitable for trapping people. but.

Nan Tian was unable to dodge and was caught by the spider web of the spider queen.

Nan Tian broke free, but the spider web was very sticky.

The more you struggle, the more the spider web sticks to you, and your body can't move.

Nantian wanted to break the spider web. Nine Heavens Dragon Dragon Qi was fully inspired. However, that spider web is also quite elastic, and Nantian's tough Qi has no effect on it.

To break through this strange spider web, Nantian knew that he had to summon a meteor mecha, use it to transform into a sharp meteor sword, and use the sharp sword to cut the spider web.

However, now, Nantian is not in a hurry.

Nantian, there is another layer of thought in his mind.

The Queen of Spiders was very pleased to see Nantian caught in the spider web.

The Queen of Spiders smiled triumphantly: "Are you more powerful? Arrogant again? Bah, do you still have the devil?"

The housekeeper demon king was very happy to see Nantian being "captured".

"Sir Queen, the power is boundless!"

"Admiral Queen, Longevity is Boundless!"

Housekeeper Demon King, flatteringly said.

"Master Queen, now this guy, has caught-and-held. What do we need to do with it? Will it be executed immediately?"

The housekeeper Demon King said fiercely.

Before, Nan Tian beat him down and made him ugly.

Butler Demon King is a hatred of Nantian.

The Spider Queen waved her hand: "Don't execute for now! Hold this person in my dormitory first."

The butler demon king smiled and remembered the strong faces before-the end of the first ~ www.readwn.com ~ subordinates obey! "

The housekeeper demon king immediately took several demons and carried Nantian to the spider web.

The remaining fat pig king was terrified, and now "Nantian" lost, as a guide for Nantian.

Fatty Pig, sweating in the cold, knowing that he could not escape today.

Fat Pig King knelt on the ground, the atmosphere did not dare to make a noise.

The Queen of Spiders did not mean to blame the Fat Pig King.

"Anyway, you are also a demon king. In some of our men, you can also be considered a strong man. It's just that I'm going to hold an important meeting today. You go to the temple to take a rest or two."

The Queen of Spiders is authentic.

The fat pig king shivered and said inexplicably: "Dear Queen, do you not punish me?"

"The demon master named Nantian was brought by me. Without me, he could not find the Zhong-Yang Palace!"

The Fat Pig King said congratulations.

Originally, the Fat Pig King was prepared to shirk its responsibilities.

However, later, the fat pig king suddenly remembered that the spider queen is such a powerful devil queen, almost omniscient, hiding something in front of her, but will die faster.

The Queen of Spiders rejoiced in her heart: "Oh, if there is no fat pig like you, send the little handsome guy, I am really lonely tonight-lonely! The blood lined by the devil, so noble, little handsome , It looks so handsome! "

Thinking of this, the Queen of Spiders couldn't help being dry.

The Queen of Spiders glanced at the Fat Pig King, and nodded slightly: "You fat pig, I like your honest duty. Very well, go on, I know what you said. That guy is very powerful, not Ordinary demons can deal with it. You are forced by him, it's normal. I don't blame you, go to the temple and rest! "

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