Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 633: : Lord Dan and Zi Dan

There are hundreds of millions of demon army deterred. These people of Pearl Sect are very obedient and obedient.

Nantian told them to go east, they went east, and they called west, they went west!

Some who do not obey, want to resist, or want to slip away without permission, Nantian is also polite, ordering the demon to supervise, directly kill.

After a **** slaughter, the restless people in the Pearl Sect were also much less.

The million soldiers of the Pearl Sect were successively stamped with the word "slave" one by one!

As for how to control the slaves of these Pearl Sects.

After all, Nantian and his army of hundreds of millions of demons cannot stay in the castle all the time.

Nantian has a solution.

Before, Nantian was in the realm of life, chatting with Xiao Hei and farting, ha cowhide.

Xiao Hei brags about his former ancestor, howling Tengu. In the age of Shenwu, he not only followed Erlang God, but also Taishang Laojun to learn how to refine the panacea, and his skills were extremely superb.

The most important thing is that this part of the precious memories of refining the Elixir has been passed into Xiao Hei's mind with the inheritance of talent.

Xiao Hei said that he would refine many things, like controlling people, Xiao Hei has many ways, and those are inherited from Xianjia!

With the eyes and insights of these people, the Pearl Sect cannot be solved.

Nan Tian did not dare to delay the time, and entered the realm of life overnight, told Xiao Hei, and quickly refined the Elixir.

Although Xiao Hei is usually a little hesitant, he is very uneasy.

But once a big thing happened, Xiao Hei was awesome. He handled things very positively.

Xiaohei was immediately in the realm of life and began to refine the panacea.

Due to the large number of people in the Pearl Sect, time constraints, plus cost savings, it is simple and cheap to obtain materials.

Exactly, since the realm of life has been upgraded, the life is full of vitality, and the realm of life is covered with green grass.

Xiaohei set his sights on these green grass.

As for other auxiliary materials, such as: leaves, dead branches, sludge, wild fruits, sulfur, saltpeter, etc.

These things are too much for the wild forest near the Castlevania, and even more.

Nantian ordered his servants to rush to collect a lot.

The materials for refining the panacea are all complete.

Little Black didn't dare to delay the time, and immediately began to refine.

The fire elves in the realm of life are also helping the little black.

For several days in a row, the world of life was full of fireworks, and the scent of the elixir continued.

Xiao Hei's alchemy technique is really extraordinary.

Inherited from the fairy family's skills, it has many wonderful.

Seemingly a pile of ordinary, worthless things, under Xiaohei's unique techniques and miscellaneous commodities, it instantly became a pile of valuable immortals.

Each thin elixir also exudes the fragrance of fragrant grass.

The little black fart is fart, and the refined immortality medicine is given to Nantian.

Nantian is also ecstatic.

Nantian did not expect that Xiaohei's efficiency was so high.

Only two or three days have passed, and all the immortals have been refined?

Nan Tian took a strange red medicine made by Xiao Hei and put it in his hand--playing.

"Just this immortal medicine, has the effect of controlling people?"

Nan Tian asked curiously.

Xiao Hei, hehe smiled: "That's natural."

"Xiaohei's products must be fine!"

Xiaohe shook his head.

"Nuo, I gave you the master Dan. There are all kinds of Zi Dan under the Dan Dan. After taking the Dan Dan, the master can control those who take Zi Dan by mind."

Xiao Hei laughed.

"Moreover, Zidan users must take a special medicine primer every once in a while. If you don't take the medicine primer, it will be very painful and even die."

"As long as those who take Zidan have any disloyalty in their hearts, you are the taker of Master Dan, you can wipe them out in no time!"

Xiao Hei said with a smile.

"It's so magical?"

"I'm going to try it!"

Nantian said, swallowing Nadan pill into his mouth.

The entrance of Danmaru melts and is very cool.

The most magical thing is that Nantian feels that he is conscious of the sea and has a central button.

This central button also has many invisible branches that are invisible, and each branch is connected to a Zidan consumer.

Now, Zidan has not been taken by the people of the Pearl Sect, so the branch is temporarily stranded.

Once there are Zidan users, Nantian can contact them.

With this "central button", Nantian can exercise absolute control over them.

"It's really magical. I'll distribute these immortals now."

Nantian laughed.

Three thousand avenues, alchemy together, the pursuit of ancestors, when pushing the Shenwu era-Taishang Laojun.

Xiao Hei's ancestors growled, and he was too great to be a master.

In this world, Xiaohei is also brilliant and talented, and perfectly reproduces the alchemy road of the fairy family in ancient times.

Seemingly useless, the sparse and ordinary raw materials turned into such a magical master and child.

Due to the abundant raw materials ~ ~ the cost of manufacturing is not high, Xiaohei and many fire elves have produced millions, which is enough for those of the Pearl Sect.

Nan Tian brought out the Elixir and distributed it to the people of Pearl Sect.

"You all eat this immortal medicine!"

Nantian ordered.

Pearl Sect ’s weeping silicon is most familiar with such scenes.

The chief of the spy warfare department, the leader, weeping silicon is used to such scenes.

Isn't this the typical trick of distributing poison to people and then the master controlling the slaves?

Weeping silicon is a way to avoid swallowing poison.

The most important thing is that weeping silicon is also a master of poison. He also has a group of superb poison scientists.

Even if the poison is swallowed, as long as you go back and analyze and study it carefully, you can unlock it.

Nan Tian looked coldly, and there were millions of people in front of him-the army of the Pearl Sect that was moving and upset.

"Swallow Danmaru, you can live! If you don't swallow, kill it directly! Never be merciless!"

"Of course, I also know that many of you are old fritters. I advise you, it's best, don't show me the tricks, otherwise, I blame me merciless!"

"Serve obediently for two decades and make contributions to the labor building of the Castlevania. At that time, it is the right way to restore the free body to the future."

Nantian's face was cold.

"Now, distribute the Elixir!"

Nan Tian ordered the family guards in the castle.

Millions of panacea were sent to the hands of the million-slave slaves of the Pearl Sect.

Under Nantian's urging, most people swallowed.

The only thing is that weeping silicon used a special tongue-technique to keep the elixir in the mouth without real swallowing.


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