Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 646: : The sea is flowing, the hero shows his true colors

"Send me the specific coordinates of Yin Yuyu where they are!" Nantian said decisively.

Yin Yuyu was in Ziyu Academy and was pretty good to herself.

Although there are also some interest exchange issues, this does not hurt and does not affect the friendly relationship between Nantian and Yin Yuyu.

"They are on the east side of the sea. This is the electronic navigator. I have input the coordinates and directions." Tianbeihou handed Nantian a miniature black navigator.


Nantian nodded and took off the navigator and left.

Nantian wanted to directly drive out the "Taigu" spacecraft, and then ran to the sea.

Suddenly, Nantian thought of it, and he even put Xu Qi in the hotel.

Well, I will leave Shenghua City soon, and I don't know how long it will take to return.

Just take a look at it.

Thinking of Nantian, he flew a flying car and came to the hotel where Xu Qi was located.

After so long, the medicinal properties of the mystery-soul-medicine have passed.

Xu Qi recovered almost, and was about to leave.

However, seeing such a luxurious hotel, Xu Qi was very shocked.

It is also speculative to Nantian, she asked the waiter, and the waiter was also unclear.

Xu Qi wanted to go away, but again felt that it was not appropriate. After all, Nan Tian saved her, so she would not be a human being if she left so quietly.

So, Xu Qi was waiting here, wanting Nantian to come over, and then thank Nantian.


The door of the hotel was opened, and Nan Tian walked in.

Xu Qi was on the side, browsing the news with his light brain, and suddenly seeing Nantian was also shocked.

"You are finally back! Hold me here and leave quietly, is it really okay?"

Xu Qi, blamed.

Nan Tian smiled slightly: "It's true that I did something bad in this matter."

"Now, I'm going to leave Shenghua City. There is one more thing, I have to tell you too. Even Yongbei Houfu has been wiped out, and the middle-aged man who was entangled with you last time was also killed by me- -It's gone. Now you are free and safe. "

Nantian said.

"What, Yongbei Houfu was destroyed? You are kidding internationally!"

Xu Qi smiled.

Nan Tian shook his head and glanced at the web page on Xu Qiguang's brain.

"This is a big thing, and the news will definitely burst-but it will be longer in terms of time! You just have to wait, and there will naturally be an answer."

Nan Tian said slowly.

Xu Qi put out his tongue: "Okay, I believe you can do it. However, your identity should be very honorable. This hotel is not suitable for ordinary people to live in. Near Ziyu College is all rich in gold and rich. expensive."

Nantian nodded slightly, "I don't want to say," Yes, you and I met each other, it's a fate. Hasn't your company gone bankrupt? If you are interested in coming to Nanshi Group to work, give you a position of minimum manager or above, and a monthly salary of at least 200,000 Galaxy Coin base plus high occasional bonus benefits. Connaught, introduction letter, I have written it for you, then go directly to a person named Jia Fei at the headquarters, and he will arrange it for you. "

Nan Tian threw Xu Qi a letter of introduction, said nothing, and strode away.

Some miscellaneous things that have just been dealt with have been solved, it is time to help Yin Yuyu!

After Nan Tian left, Xu Qi stayed in amazement.

Nan's Group?

Recently, a giant group that is in the limelight on the vast star!

Xianjia Biological Company, a subsidiary of Nanshi Group, produces rice soup, rice cakes, youth sweets, Yan Yandan, etc., which are sold all over the world.

In addition, the founder Nantian and the chief executive officer of Shenghua City Sima Kongfeng have a deep friendship with Tianbeihou in the Northwest District. Although Nanshi Group has not been established for a long time, it has long been a business elite near Shenghua City, dreaming of entering. Group of companies.

Monthly salary guaranteed 200,000 Galaxy plus super bonus bonus?

Xu Qi thought it was a dream for a while.

"Right? He said his name is Nantian? Isn't the founder of Nanshi Group the surname Nan?"

Xu Qi was surprised.

Just at this time, a line of exciting news suddenly popped up on the Guangnao News webpage in front of your desk: "Orange Indian Ziyuan Wei Nantian upholds public law and destroys Yongbei Hou Mansion!"

Xu Qi shook his body, surprised, and hurried down to browse.

"Orange Seal Ziyuan Wei Nantian Master, there is another layer of identity, is the founder of Nanshi Group ..."

"Really, really, what he said is true! Nantian, Nantian, you turned out to be the founder of Nanshi Group. Nantian you also wiped out Yongbei Houfu, you are really too powerful .. ... "Xu Qi was so surprised that he could not speak for a long time.


Far and wide on the east and west sides of the sea in Shenghua City, there is an atmosphere of intense and fierce battle!

The vast main star is vast and sparsely populated. There are many places, the official power of the Galaxy Alliance, where you ca n’t get in.

The sea is one of the three irrelevant zones.

Historically, if there is a conflict that is difficult to reconcile on the vast main star power, it will gather people ~ ~ In the vicinity of the sea, shopping will occur and be resolved.

Now east of the sea, the elite children of Xuezong are stationed. They are all the hopes and strongest fighting strength of Xuezong.

To the west, there is a ministry headed by disciples of Yanzong, soul-group, and supplemented by disciples of Xuanxian Gang.

Xue Zong on the east and west sides, isolated and helpless, is obviously far inferior to Yan Zong.

In the past few days, Xuezong and Yanzong also had several battles.

After many battles, Xuezong suffered heavy losses and many elite children died.

Inside Xuezong's camp.

The Lord of the Snow Sect and a dozen elders, with a somber complexion, sat together and discussed major events of the Sect.

An elder said: "Sect Master! The situation is stronger than people, we have to surrender! If the three parties with Yan Zong, they resist, and finally our Zong Men will inevitably fall down."

"Huh! Elder Xingde, why are you so cowardly! My Xuezong will also pass on to Wei Wei to pass on to the great ancestors, how could it be! There are only Xuezong children who died in battle, and no Xuezong disciples who surrendered to slavery!"

The old man with wide ears scolded in anger.

"Well, it's nice to say. If you don't surrender, wouldn't the inheritance inherited from your ancestors be destroyed by my hand? We are all ancestors of the sect, is it really okay to watch the demise of the sect?" Xingde The elders argued fiercely with the elders in this respect.

These two elders also represent Xuezong's two camps.

The two quarreled, and soon the rest of the elders also started talking about each other. They suddenly became noisy in the camp!

Nantian was also flying the S-class spacecraft "Taigu".

Nantian looked through the porthole and looked down at the spaceship.

Nan Tian couldn't help but feel proud and smiled loudly: "The sea is flowing, the hero shows his true character! Yin Yuyu, I'm here!"

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