Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 648: : Too deceptive

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Zuo Xingmiao, also considered a ruthless man, has been unbearable before, and his own cultivation is suppressed in the top seven ranks of Mecha and Imperial Realm.

Now I have met with Yin Qing and engaged in battle, only to break through to the six ranks of Mecha and Emperor.

If, at the beginning, Zuo Xingmiao broke through to the six ranks of Mecha and Emperor, Yin Qing is not stupid, and he will not fight alone with Zuo Xingmiao.

His own patriarch was beaten, and the elders could not sit still.


"Bold! How can the overlord be bullied by you?"

Some elders of Xuezong rushed over.

There are also many mecha warlords hidden in Xuezong.

What's more, this is Xuezong's base camp. If there is a conflict, even if Zuoxing Miao has already broken through to the Sixth Grade Mech Warrior, he still wants to go out alive.

The left line of Miao slightly changed color, and the voice was cold: "Your Xuezong, now besieged by the three parties of Yanzong, Soul-Team, and Xuanxian Gang, now you still want to be an enemy of Beishuizong!

"You have to be clear, I came here this time, but I did not come to fight with you. I came here to represent the entire Beishui Sect. As long as you Xuezong agreed to the request of my Beishui Sect Master, my Beishui Sect can help you Repel Yanzong! "

Zuo Xingmiao said slowly.

"Repel the Yanzong?"

Yin Qing was also shocked.

Not looking at his injuries, Yin Qing stood up, looking at Zuo Xingmiao with a glimmer of anticipation in his cold eyes: "Zuo Xingmiao, can you take this seriously?"

Zuo Xing Miao proudly smiled: "I am now the second general manager of Beishuizong, and will soon succeed the general manager! My words are not true, and who can take it seriously?"

Elder Xingde also came over and said to Yin Qinggong: "Yes, Sect Master! Chief Zuo came over, just for our Xuezong thing!"

"Now, our Xuezong is helpless, and only with the help of Beishuizong's power can we deter Yanzong from them!"

Elder Xingde said bitterly.

Elder Xingde was like a change-color-dragon. He yelled at the surrender for a while, and yelled at Beishuizong for a while.

"The headquarters of Beishuizong is on the main star of Beiluo. On the vast star, are you able to resist Yanzong, Soul-Group, Xuanxian Gang, these three giants?"

Yin Qing frowned and asked, concerning Xue Zong's survival, he had to pay attention.

Left row Miao Haha smiled: "It is true that the lord of the Xuanxian Gang is our eighth head of the Beishui Sect! Also, over the years, our Beishui Sect has also continuously sent a large number of masters to the vast group of masters. The sub-helms and sub-houses secretly set up are not what you can imagine. As long as I want, I can call on millions of children of the North Water Sect at any time. "

"Xuan Xian Gang that mysterious gang turned out to be your Beishui Sect?"

Yin Qing and the elders were all appalled.

Over the years, Bei Shuizong's plot is very big, and the layout has crossed the planet.

It has to be said that the two chips that Zuo Xingmiao has now come out are very tempting-confusing.

On one side is the powerful Xuanxian Gang. It is estimated that the Yanzong people did not expect that their partner was actually the Beishui Sect, and their helper was the 8th general manager of the Beishui Sect. Once the North Water Sect ordered, the Xuanxian Gang would fight back from the inside, and it would definitely cause huge losses to Yanzong.

On one side, millions of elite disciples secretly delivered by the Beishui Sect.

"Okay, your chips touched me! You tell your Beishui Sect's request." Yin Qing had to bear the burden and had to accept some conditions for Xue Zong's longevity.

Left row Miao Haha smiled, smiled very mad.

Thinking, when he was defeated by Yin Qing at the beginning, Zuo Xingmiao's heart was filled with fire.

Now, looking at Yin Qing in a low voice, begging for his scene, Zuo Xingmiao felt unhappy in his heart.

"Hey, first of all, the first requirement is that you have to drill under my crotch!"

Zuo Xingmiao sneered.

"What! Left manager, you are too much!"

Elders with big ears, roar!

"The Sovereign is extremely noble, you even insulted the Sect Master so much, I fight with you!"

The elders with big ears are furious.

"Well, now, whether Xue Zong is dead or not, depends on the performance of your Sect Master!" Zuo Xingmiao embraced his arms, looking proud.

"Don't be impulsive, Elder Fang!"

"Xuezong is great!"

Yin Qing stopped the elder with big ears, and then picked up his sleeves. With a bang, he knelt down towards the left.

Zuo Xingmiao posed, opened-opened his legs, and jokingly said, "Quickly! Drill down!"

Yin Qing's complexion was complex, and his fist clenched with a clenched fist.

As the saying goes, a person can be killed, not humiliated!

Yin Qing, who has been in charge of Xuezong for many years, still has the basic strength.

Affected by this insult, Yin Qing tried desperately with Zuo Xingmiao, but remembered the survival of millions of children up and down, and the foundation of his ancestor.

Yin Qing refrained!


Yin Qing bit her teeth, closed her eyes, and drilled from under the left crotch of her pants-crotch.

Zuo Xingmiao issued a greasy smile: "Haha!"


"Yin Qing, I didn't expect you to have today!"

Zuo Xingmiao said wantonly.

"The first request, I have done it! Say, the second request!"

Yin Qing stood up, his eyes cold.

Zuo Xing Miao Man inadvertently took out a file from his arms and threw it to Yin Qing.

"Take it and see for yourself!"

Yin Qing turned up the file and opened it up.

The dossier clearly stated: "To cede one-third of the sphere of influence that Xuezong now controls; to pay Beishuizong one hundred billion galaxy contribution points for assistance at one time!"

"To cede one-third of the sphere of influence?"

"My Xuezong has been in business for tens of thousands of years, and it has developed into the current situation of power. One-third ceded at once? You Beishuizong are too greedy!"

Yin Qing was angry.

Zuo Xingmiao, a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, I don't want to be. I don't want to, just go with you. By then, you will be wiped out by Yanzong, oh, then, more than one third of the power Scope? I am afraid you will all be killed! "

"The words have come to this point, and where to go, you have to think!" Zuo Xingmiao waved his hand and was about to take someone away.

At this time, Yin Yuyu came back.

During these days, Yin Yuyu was sent by Yin Qing to contact all parties, hoping to give Xue Zongla some strong assistance.

When Yin Yuyu came back, Yin Qing was very happy.

Yin Yuyu frowned, looking at the Zongmen senior meeting place, and turned into such a messy-scene scene.

"What the **** happened?"

Yin Yuyu asked.

Yin Qing shook his head: "This is nothing. You don't have to ask first. By the way, Yu'er, how did you get on this trip? Has anyone expressed support for our Xuezong?"

Yin Yuyu's expression was bleak, and she was about to say something. At that time, Yin Qing saw blood all over her body.

Yin Yuyu was anxious: "What the **** is going on? Father, are you injured? What happened to so much blood?"

"Oh, these are all small things, it doesn't matter! Don't ask!"

Yin Qing grudgingly.

"Let's focus on it, how is your trip?" Yin Qingxi asked wingedly.

Yin Yuyu shook his face and was disappointed: "Father, those people are clinging to the grass, whoever is strong will depend on whoever they are! They don't want to help us Xuezong at all! Those people are really dead!"

"Father, I let you down!"

Yin Yuyu sighed.

"What, those people, none of them support me Xuezong?"

Yin Qing was also shocked!

Many of those people are Yin Qing's "friends"!

They are well mixed on the vast protagonist, they are big figures with heads and faces. As long as they issue a statement, they will all come to help Xuezong, and Xuezong will definitely receive strong support.

After thinking for a while, Yin Qing was startled.

"Liantianbeihou, do not want to support us?"

Yin Qing asked.

"Tianbeihou, should not be a snobbish person!" Yin Qing said in a deep voice.

Yin Yuyu sighed lightly: "Tianbeihou, he refused to send troops to help on the grounds that he was a soldier in the Galaxy! He said he had his difficulties!"

Yin Qing's face was pale, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Also, Tianbeihou can't send troops, if he sends soldiers, the entire vast star will be messed up!"

Yin Qing looked bleak.

Originally, Zuo Xingmiao, who was planning to leave, suddenly looked at Yin Yuyu, who has a good looks ~ ~ Yin Qing, is this your girl? "

"Hey, this little girl, looks good! It looks so beautiful!"

Left-handed Miao Yin-smiled evilly.

Yin Yuyu looked at Zuo Xingmiao in disgust.

"Father, who is he?"

"Get him out!"

Yin Yuyu said.

Yin Qing also glared at Zuo Xingmiao: "Zuo Xingmiao, don't be too smug. This is my Xuezong base camp, not your Beishuizong site! If you have to be in full measure, I want you to die now without death. Earth! "

Zuo Xingmiao's face was awkward, and he knew that this was Xuezong's site, and he couldn't go too far.

Left-handed Miao Heihe smiled: "Now, I add one more request. If I want Beishuizong to send troops to help, in addition to meeting the conditions on the dossier. You must also dedicate your daughter to me!"

"Fuck! You're dead!"

Yin Qing was furious, so he had to fight against Zuo Xingmiao.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Xingmiao was the disciple leading Beishui Sect and began to retreat.

"Yin Qing, don't rush to get angry first. I will give you the conditions. Think carefully. After all, is it important for your daughter or the life of millions of Xuezong disciples? Think about it yourself!"

"I will give you three days, and after three days, you will beg me again to no avail!"

Miao Liao left these words and left completely.

"Zuo Xingmiao, you deceive people too much!"

Yin Qing's eyes were bloodshot, his fists clenched tightly, and they were all about to burst-break.

Elder Xingde came forward and said, "The Sect Master is angry! The left master, but came to help us!"

"Help us? Ho! Elder Xingde, who left to mimic them and his party, can come all the way without any warning, without any warning, presumably you arranged it behind your back?"

Yin Qing's eyes were sharp, staring at Elder Xingde.

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