Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 661: : Investigating Beishuizong

"I will take you back now, and you have to clarify with your masters of Yan Zong immediately. I hope that Xue Yan's two cases can join hands as soon as possible."

Nan Tian said to Yan Wubao Shen Sheng.

Yan Wubao nodded: "Well, there are still many hidden powers of Yan Zong. Master, I have great grace for our Yan Zong. I will definitely lead Yan Zong up and down, and I will bow down to die for Master Nan Tian! "

"It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. I will grieve you a little! I will take you out!"

Yan Wuluo shook all over, and then his head was crooked, and he fell to the ground.

Nan Tian packed Yan Wuluo into a sack, and then used the "youlong body method" to leave the mine quickly.

In this territory of Zhenbeihou, there is a mysterious silver mine, which is a terrifying secret for the time being, Nantian cannot yet disclose it to Yan Wuyu.

After leaving the mine, Nantian brought Yan Wuyu back to the center of Shenghua City.

"This is the center of Shenghua City, you can leave. I will be waiting for you over the sea."

"You Yanzong, the captives, I will let them go."

Nan Tian waved his hand.

"Well, I will go back quickly, Master Nantian, I won't keep you waiting." Yan Wubao said solemnly.

After all, Yan Wubao left in a hurry.

Nantian also stayed soon, driving Taigu, and returned to the base of Xuezong near the sea again.

Inside Xuezong Base Camp, Yin Yuyu and Xue Yilao waited anxiously.

Seeing Nantian came back, Yin Yuyu was very happy.

"Nantian, you are back."

Yin Yuyu said happily.

"By the way, Master Nantian, when you left, you walked with Yan Wulu. Why, Yan Wulu, where did you go now?"

Snow grew old and was shocked.

Yan Wuluo is a genuine six-rank mech warrior with outstanding strength. If not, Nantian is here. I'm afraid that Xuezong now has been wiped out by Yan Wuluo.

If Yan Wubao escaped, it was a great hidden danger for Xuezong.

The Yan Zong can be passed down to the present, and the foundation is so strong that it cannot be ignored.

After all, it is extremely difficult for some powerful families to last for a hundred years.

But Wei Wei's history of Yanzong is not comparable to Xuezong. What a horrible power?

"Oh, you mean Yan Wuluo, right?"

"I let him go, and Yan Wubao should go back to find the master veterans of the rest of Yan Zong!"

Nan Tian explained lightly.


"Go to the remaining remnants of Yan Zong! Master Nantian, how can you be so confused! Yan Wulu is clearly a serious trouble, not killing it, but also imprisoned forever, otherwise, for our Xuezong Say, the threat is too great. "

Xue Yilao and Yichang Elder are heartbroken.

"I'm not confused?"

"Oh, I have resolved the conflict between your two Xueyan cases!"

Immediately, Nantian will tell the story of Xue Yilao in the ancient beast grave, inheriting the crystal.

Xue Yi has always experienced ancient beast graves and knows some inside stories.

After listening to Nan Tian's remarks, he was also amazed.

For a long time, all the elders attacked Nantian together: "Master Nantian, he has forged a long-term vision and resolved our two great ancestors. The grievances over thousands of years are really worthless!"

"We, on behalf of millions of disciples, express our heartfelt thanks to Master Nantian."

Many elders of Xuezong expressed their admiration to Nantian from the heart.

"All of you back down. Girl Yin Er and Xue Yiling stay for the time being. I have something to say to you." Nan Tian waved his hand.


Yin Yuyu nodded obediently.

Now, no matter what Nantian asked her to do, she felt right and she had to listen to Nantian.

After the rest of the elders and Xuezong seniors withdrew, Nantian commanded Yin Yuyu and Xueyi Elder: "I have an important matter that needs to be handed over to you. You must deal with the ground secretly."

"What is it, Master Nantian, but it's okay?"

Snow was old and patted the breast-breast.

"I need you to investigate the distribution of the power of Beishuizong on the vast main star."

Nan Tian said coldly.

Xue Yi hesitated a little: "Master Nantian, Director Zuo, they Beizong Sect are now helping us!"

"Why are we going to investigate them. The Beishui Sect is the first descendant from the main star of Beiluo. It has a deep heritage and is not something we can match."

Nantian shook his head: "You just saw the appearance."

"This time, if I were not here, the Xuanxian gang, the so-called eighth general manager of Beishuizong, would definitely merge with Zuo Xingmiao, stubbornly, and annex Xuexue. The ambition of the wolf son of Beishuizong dare to intervene- Once, it must be exterminated. If the Northern Water Sect is above the vast main star, it is a huge disaster. "

Nan Tian's tone is cold, including-killing intention.

This time, in any case, the branch of Beishuizong set up on the vast main star ~ ~ must be destroyed and uprooted!

Xue Yila was surprised, and Xue Yilao was not a fool. After careful consideration, she knew the powerful relationship.

Although Yanzong is abominable at times, the roots are also the forces on the vast main star.

The Beishui Sect is different, it is a foreign force!

Fighting external humiliation is a common sense.

"I will lead a group of loyal men and investigate well." Xue Yilao immediately took his orders.

Yin Yuyu also arched her hand. As the eldest lady of Xuezong, Yin Yuyu has a dedicated team dedicated to him in Xuezong.

"Well, rest assured, Nantian, I will do this well."

Yin Yuyu agreed.

Nantian nodded with confidence.

Xuezong is a great native to the world. It has unique geographical and network advantages. This time, Yin Yuyu and Xueyi were sent to investigate, and things were much simpler.

It only takes a certain amount of time for the Beishuizong to find out the details of the vast main star.

When the time comes, Nantian and Xueyan two cases will die.

Exactly, at this time, Zuo Xianmiao came to report things again.

The left line of Miao's eyes flickered: "Master Nantian, how to deal with the prisoners of Yanzong?"

"Do you want to kill it immediately?"

The left line Miao's tone was cold.

Many people of the Xuanxian Gang had Xuezong in the village, so many Yanzong disciples fell into the hands of the Xuanxian Gang.

Nan Tian raised his palm and drank with majesty: "Be calm, don't be restless! Don't kill those captives. For now, just take care of them."

Zuo Xing Miu Yin smiled: "Adult, why do you have to be so troublesome, to feed such people, you still need to spend a lot of food! It's better to kill, a hundred!"

"Absolutely not!"

Nan Tian Shen Sheng sipped!

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