"Thank you, save me!"

The girl faced Nantian in a confused voice, and then couldn't bear it anymore. She fell to the ground and was comatose.

The girl's injury was too serious, although the rose mech on her body was quite high-grade. The black mech fighters used bows and crossbows, which were not unusual.

This kind of crossbow has a particularly strong penetrating power. Above the arrow of the arrow, there is a terrifying energy gathered.

The girl hit several arrows and was seriously injured.

Nan Tian sighed, picked up the girl, and led him into the warm cabin of the Taigu spacecraft.

The host is injured and comatose, the rose mech is automatically removed and turned into a mech ring.

The mech disappeared, and the scars on the girl's body appeared.

Nan Tian pulsed the girl: "Alas, poor little girl, she was seriously injured."

The girl did not know what happened and how much suffering she experienced in the last few days.

Fortunately, Nantian has a fountain of life.

The fountain of life is the most effective for this kind of trauma, lack of physical strength.

Nantian took a bottle of the fountain of life from the realm of life, pour out the belly of the girl, and then used Jiutian Shenlong Qi, combined with his peculiar massage technique, to help the girl to clear the blood vessels and activate the muscles and bones.

After several hours of treatment, the girl was finally awake.

After working hard to avoid chasing and running for many days, the girl slept in such a warm bed for the first time.

The girl opened her eyes and felt her injuries were all healed.

The girl was very surprised.

It happened that Nantian stood quietly beside the girl.

"you're awake!"

Nan Tian smiled slightly.

"Benefactor, did you save me?"

The girl blinked her big eyes and asked Nantian.

Nantian nodded: "It's me!"

"How are you feeling now?"

Nan Tian asked haha.

The girl stood up and faced Nantian, thanking him for kneeling.

Nantian quickly helped the girl up: "Don't do this. You just recovered, you don't have to do such a big gift to me."

As Nantian spoke, he used the Valkyrie system to scan the girl:

Figure: Mao Miao

Identity: Maid of the Mao family

Wealth value: one million Galaxy contribution points

Stamina: 39.5 (29.4)

Mental Strength: 38

Vitality: 39.2 (29.12)

Strength: 39.3 (29.2)

Agility: 39.23 (29.18)

Comprehensive combat power: 39.046 (29.98)

Main class: Mech Warrior / Eighth Grade Mech Warrior

First Deputy Occupation: Poisonist / Senior Poisonist

Talent level: Dayan

"Bapin Mecha Warrior, Senior Poison Master? Not much, but not bad." Nan Tian murmured in his heart.

"Are you from the Mao family?"

Nan Tian opened the door and asked.


Mao Miao did not hide anything.

"Before then, why did so many people come to kill you? Those black mech warriors, where are they?"

Nan Tian continued to ask.

Mao Miao hesitated for a while, she simply did not know how to speak.

Nan Tian sighed: "Since I saved you, I have an obligation to know the origin of those people!"

Mao Miao was shocked, perhaps because Nan Tian was right.

Mao Miao cannot refute.

"Those people are from Heishasha Valley!"

Mao Miao said slowly.

"Black Burning Valley?"

Nan Tian was shocked!

Heard the name again!

The last time I encountered inside Taohuayuan, the violent three rides slain by Nantian was the so-called "outer disciples" of Heifensha Valley.

Black Burning Valley, but it's nothing, kitten fish!

Heishasha Valley is a galaxy giant comparable to Tianyin Pavilion and the Tang family!

Infinite galaxy, tens of trillions of power, Heishasha Valley is the one standing at the top!

"Heishasha Valley, why should we target you?" Nantian couldn't help wondering.

Heishasha Valley is now in the Milky Way galaxy, the pinnacle of forces, why kill the Mao family?

"I don't know the specifics. Maybe, my grandpa knows."

Mao Miao said quietly.

"Which one of you, Mao Ye, is your family?"

Nan Tian asked casually.

Mao Miao proudly said: "My grandpa is the patriarch of the Mao family!"

"The contemporary patriarch of the Mao family?"

Nan Tian froze.

Unexpectedly, the origin of Mao Miao was so big.

"However, the people in Heishasha Valley are really good or bad. This time, my brother and I went out to practice together and wanted to see the magic of other parts of the planet."

"However, I didn't expect that the people in Hei Fasha Valley were staring at us and killed my brother. I still can't find the body of my brother. It is estimated that his body is still in the wilderness ... ... "

"I hate it!"

"If not, before the death of my brother, some poison was cast on those in Blackburn Valley, limiting the speed of those people. I'm all dead now!"

Mao Miao was suffering from a runny nose, remembering that these days, his own experience was very sad.

In particular, her brother ’s tragic death made her heart twisted, and her young heart was hurt again.

"I may have seen your brother's corpse, but I have buried him ............!"

Nan Tian patted Mao Miao's shoulder, comforting.

Nan Tian has already confirmed that the previous male corpse must have belonged to Brother Mao Miao.

It turned out that he was killed by the people of the Black Burning Valley.

"Woo ... brother ........."

Mao Miao wept bitterly.

Nan Tian comforted Mao Miao for a long time, and then Mao Miao was relieved.

Mao Miao was very grateful to Nantian: "Benefactor, you are really my big benefactor! Thank you, not only saved me, but also buried my brother!"

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Let's do it."

"Oh, can you take me to your Mao family?"

Nan Tian said.

Mao Miao was instinctively alert.

If not, Nantian rescued her earlier, and it is estimated that this little girl would now turn her face immediately.

"Maoshi family? Our Mao family, now outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

Mao Miao said.

"No outsiders allowed?"

Nan Tian was shocked.

Mao Miao hesitated for a long time, and then slowly said: "Well, benefactor, you have great kindness to me and my brother. Although the rules of my Mao family are set like that, the rules are dead , Since you want to go to the Mao family, I can take you there. Grandpa, it should also be more joyful. "

"Here, it is not far from the headquarters of my Mao family, and I should enter the friendship of the landlord!"

Mao Miao said.

"Great! Mao Miao, thank you very much!"

Nan Tian said happily.

Suffering from being unable to enter the Mao family, when I saw Mao Miao, all problems were solved.


On the main star of Beiluo, the headquarters of Beishuizong.

Through special channels, a group of senior executives at the headquarters of the North Water Sect had already known their plans for the past 100 years, and even the bamboo baskets were completely empty.

The branch of Beishuizong set up on the vast main star was led by Nantian and the two cases of Xueyan were basically destroyed.

The senior officials of the Beishui Sect are all irresistible.

Zongmen ’s centuries of effort has turned into a bubble, and anyone who has replaced it will be extremely angry.

"Damn, it's abominable!"

"Nan Tian, ​​it's too much to bully! Is it really good to bully me when Beishui Zong?"

A general manager of Beishui Sect roared angrily.

There were also some people who shouted.

"Fuck! Kill Nantian!"

"Issues a wanted order!"

"Reward, please killer, in short, we must kill Nantian!"

Sect Master Bei Shui, looked at the inside of the sect coldly, these people were crazy.

"Oh, kill Nantian? There are hundreds of millions of demons in Devil City!"

"Once we have fallen out with him, what should I do? My Beishuizong headquarters has a way to resist the army of hundreds of millions of demons?"

Sovereign of Beishui said coldly.

"Now, what should we do?"

"Sect Master, have we been bullied all the time?"

After hearing the words of the North Water Sect Master, many people were calmer.

However, they, seniors, still couldn't swallow this in their hearts.

"Wait, wait for Heishasha Valley, our genius disciples gloriously return!"

"Wait, wait for the Black Burning Valley to reach out!"

Beishui Zong said, and walked away.

Those high-ranking Beishui sects all looked at each other.


Near the vast polar star iceberg, led by Mao Miao, the southern sky shuttled through, a secret underground river, then climbed a mountain, and finally came to a valley.

Nan Tian was shocked by the scene in front of her!

Polar Iceberg ~ www.readwn.com ~ Very cold!

However, the temperature in this valley is extremely warm.

Not only that, in the valley, the flowers of birds and flowers, and the flowers are in full bloom.

"Walk through, that valley is the base camp of my Mao family."

Mao Miao said to Nantian.

"However, this valley, it seems, is very peaceful, but it is extremely dangerous. You must strictly follow the method in this booklet. If you are not careful, you will be poisoned to death."

Mao Miao took out a booklet from her arms and handed it to Nantian.

"You take a closer look!"

Mao Miao said.

"No, I need it. I have one in my hand!" Nantian himself took out the "Instructions for Secret Residence Entry and Exit" booklet, which was owned by Mao Miao's dead brother.

"You can give me this, can we exchange each other?"

"This is my brother's relic. I want to stay and keep it well."

Mao Miao also knew the booklet and said with a sad expression.

"Of course! You can take it!"

Nan Tian exchanged the booklet in hand with Mao Miao.

"Let's go, let's enter the valley! But first, I need to pick it. The two colorful flowers under my feet are in my mouth."

Mao Miao turned the booklet while picking his feet, this blossoming, full of colorful flowers.

This is a special antidote.

In the valley, there are colorless and odorless poison gas, which will be inhaled without warning. Only by calling these colorful flowers in the mouth, you can detoxify, and the poison gas will not invade.

"Colorful flowers? It's so familiar. In the ancient Wu era, this kind of flower bloomed all seasons, regardless of the cold or the scorching heat!"

Nan Tian smiled softly and muttered to himself.

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