Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 668: : Mao Family

"Oh, Mao's Seven Young?"

Nantian took a closer look, and the Wushen system began to scan:

Figure: Mao Yun

Identity: The elder son of the elders of the Mao family

Wealth value: 10 million Galaxy contribution points

Physical fitness: 41.5 (31.4)

Mental Strength: 40

Vitality: 41.2 (31.12)

Strength: 41.3 (31.2)

Agility: 41.23 (31.18)

Comprehensive combat power: 41.046 (31.98)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / Six Rank Mecha Warlord

The first deputy occupation: poison master / super poison master

Talent level: Dayan

"Ten million galaxy contribution points? Although not a lot, it is much more valuable than Mao Miao. The grandfather of Mao Miao is the patriarch of the Mao family and has a high status. To be prosperous, it seems that in the Mao family, it is also a powerful master! "

Nan Tian speculated secretly.

Over the years, the Mao family has changed a lot, and no one knows whether the Mao family is still the original Mao family.

"Why, boy, are you not convinced?"

Mao Yun looked coldly at Nantian.

Mao Miao is not afraid of Mao Yun, and even hates Mao Yun a little: "Mao Yun, what are you going to do! Nantian, but my life-saving benefactor, don't you come here!"

Mao Yun was very angry when he saw that Mao Miao was protecting Nantian: "Mao Miao, you and I grew up in childhood, how do you favor a foreigner today! Furthermore, this little white face is still a foreigner, according to the rules of my Mao family , Foreigners, are not allowed to enter here! "

"In any case today, I have to catch this guy and kill him with a viper!"

Mao Yun clenched his fists, spitting fire in his eyes, and walked toward Nantian step by step.

As a super poison master + six ranks of mech warrior cultivation practice, Mao Yun can be described as the generation of his peers.

Nantian sighed.

Admittedly, with Mao Yun's talents and cultivation, in his twenties, such achievements are indeed a first-class genius, even if he was lost in the ancient martial era, he was rarely seen as a special-grade poison master in his twenties Not to mention, it also requires the cultivation of Wang Jing Liupin.

However, Mao Yun, who is narrow-minded, sinister, and poisonous, and controls drugs all year round, will have further limitations and abnormalities in his mind, and his future achievements will only be here, letting it grow and even endanger the entire planet.

Feel, Mao Yun's raging murderous opportunity.

Nantian didn't want to kill Mao Yun with a sword.

Now, wait for Mao Yun to take the lead, and then give Nantian a reason to kill Mao Yun.

"go to hell!"

Mao Yun spilled a handful of poisonous powder towards Nantian.

If they are contaminated with these poisonous powders, even the masters of the half-step royal realm will be immediately killed by poison.


Mao Miao stomped his foot, turned his hand over, and from inside the embroidery parcel, rolled up a whirlwind, blowing away all the poisonous powder.

Mao Miao, a senior toxicist, is very easy to crack such a poisoning technique.

"Miao Miao, do you really want to fight me?"

"Miao Miao, do you really want to always protect this little white face, this foreigner?"

"What good is this foreigner!"

Mao Yun's face was somber, and it was about to drip-water-coming.

Nan Tian sighed, if not just now, Mao Miao stood abruptly in front of him.

Nan Tian had already swung a sword, and cut Mao Yun's head off.

Mao Yun pointed at Nantian and scolded: "Your little white face is not as handsome as me! Do you still want to rely on a woman to protect you all your life? You are hiding behind a woman, what is it!"

"Dog-Sun-Zi, you are so abominable!"

Mao Yunru went crazy with a dog and growled.

"Don't call me Miaomiao, there is no such intimacy between us!"

Mao Miao said coldly.

"Also, I repeat once again that Nantian is my life-saving benefactor. For me, it is very important!"

"I don't allow you to insult him! Absolutely not! If you insult him again, I will definitely desperately fight you!"

Mao Miao Xing's eyes glared at Mao Yun.

Although Mao Miao is not very old, only 17 or 18 years old, but the figure should be big, the length is long, the convex is convex, the concave is concave, the face is fair, revealing a light and fresh feeling.

Overall, Mao Miao is also a small-beauty-human.

Mao Yun has loved Mao Miao since he was a child and regards Mao Miao as his default "child daughter-in-law".

"Miao Miao, you and I will definitely get married! My grandfather told me personally! If you favor this little white face, the foreigner, I will let him die without any means!" Revealed a fierce color.

"You-ye-ye said? Did I agree?"

Suddenly, a rush of breath and pressure came out of the air.

An old man with a stern face is coming.

The old man was not arrogant and hegemonic.


Mao Miao shouted happily.

Mao Yun's face was uncertain.

Under pressure, Mao Yun arched his hand: "See you, patriarch!"

"Mao Yun, I told you, don't get entangled with my granddaughter! Why don't you ever remember!"

The old man waved his hand with a big slap, a loud slap, and flew Mao Yun out.


The old man shouted.

Although Mao Yun was arrogant, he dared to compete with the patriarch ~ ~ and ran away in disgrace.

Of course, before leaving, Mao Yun did not forget to threaten Nantian: "Nantian, you little boy, don't be proud, don't be rampant! Offend me, you have good looks!"

Nantian's eyes flashed four shots.

As the saying goes, the emperor cannot be humiliated!

Mao Yun, a boy of Wang Jing, dared to insult Nan Tian, ​​a powerful man in the imperial realm, which had already violated Nan Tian's principles.

"I will kill you!"

Nantian thought coldly.

The old man in Hefa Tongyan looked at Nantian and Maomiao kindly.

"Miao Miao, you're back. You're worried about dying me these days!"

The old man said lovingly.

"Grandpa, I miss you too. You don't know, these days, I'm outside, unpredictable life and death, chased and killed, my brother was unfortunately ... ..... "

"What, Ming'er, was killed! Who was it, who did it! It turned out to be an enemy of my Mao family, even my grandchildren dare to kill!"

The old crane-fat-tong-yan, the violent anger, the shaking-moving earth-ground, all shook.

"It's Black Burning Valley!"

"Always out there, the man who chased me and my brother is the man in Blackburn Valley!" Mao Miao said angrily.

"If not, this benefactor saved me, and I was also on the glacier, killed by the people of the Blackburn Valley."

Mao Miao pointed to the guide days and said gratefully.

"Black Burning Valley?"

"It's Black Burning Valley again! Black Burning Valley is really, it's too deceiving!"

The old man with a hefty face turned angry and was about to burn the nineth heaven.

"Starting today, I want to avenge my grandchildren. Starting today, my Mao family and Heishasha Valley are in full battle!"

The old man shouted.

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