Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 670: : Slaughter Mao Zhi

A loud roar!

Mao Zhi slipped his teeth and danced his claws, and the whole body was covered with black air. He flew fiercely towards Nantian.

"Fuck! Lord Nan Tian, ​​how can you let you blasphemy!"

Mao Zhipu determined Nantian's identity. How could he sit there and ignore it? How could Mao Zhi slip to hurt Nantian.

Mao Zhipu wore an S-class poison-dragon mech and lay in front of Mao Zhihua.

Mao Zhihua didn't keep his hands, because Mao Zhipu had a hard fight.


The mecha madman-vented out, the hall house, collapsed and destroyed in an instant!

Fortunately, Mao Miao and they are not weak hands.

The sweep of the aftermath of energy did not hurt them.

The maid's gliding eyes were extremely cold, and the murderous opportunity spread out.

In recent years, Mao Zhihua has become more and more arrogant and arrogant, and many masters of the Mao family have belonged to him.

"Patriarch, do you really have to protect this foreigner?"

"I'm the elder of the Mao family, you have to think about it." Mao Zhihua sneered softly.

The movement of the patriarch's house was too big.

For a time, the entire Mao family was shaken.

Many senior members of the family rushed over.

Soon, hundreds of people came around.

These people are all the backbone of the Mao family, the backbone of the high-level.

"Patriarch, great elder!"

"Two adults, why do you fight this way?"

A senior executive made a statement to persuade.

Someone told the whole story.

All the high-level officials listened and looked at Nantian with glaring eyes.

The Mao family has been closed for many years, and there is also a rule within the family, that is, foreigners are not allowed to enter.

The patriarch Mao was simple, trying to protect Nantian as a "foreigner", which made them very puzzled.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"Kill this stranger!"

It is fierce to have a high-level punch!

"Huh, seeing it, Mao Zhipu, I am now in the heart of people!"

"Furthermore, are you sure you want to die with me?"

"I advise you, I am the seventh-rank mech warrior, and you are the eighth-rank mech warrior. And we, both masters of poison, really fight me, you will definitely die!"

Mao Zhihua smiled coldly.

Does Mao Zhipu shrink back.

"Mao Zhihua, you are the elder of my family, you must know the Nanmao's covenant, this is Lord Nantian!"

Mao Rustic, Shen Sheng sipped!

"Southern Lord?"

"He is Lord Nantian?"

"Just kidding, my grandchildren told me that he was indeed called Nantian, but it was a white-faced kid, brought by your daughter. Nantian Lord is an era with my family ancestor People, now that the long days have passed, Lord Nan Tian has long known where he died! "

Mao Zhihua, ha ha smiled.

Mao Yun also followed the mockery: "Yes, this guy, without Miaomiao's protection, I can kill him with one hand!"

Nan Tian's eyes were cold, three times and five times, the emperor was insulted, how could he stop!

Nan Tian took a step forward, his eyes cold, staring at Mao Yun: "Dare to fight me?"

Mao Yun disdainfully smiled: "What's not to dare? It's up to you, you little white-faced, out-of-towner who has no power ...."

Mao Yun's words have not been finished.

Nan Tian raised his palm: "The Buddhas of the heavens suppressed their hands!"

A palm volley, from the sky.


A golden palm phantom with a size of a hundred meters square, suppressed, and appeared suddenly, and couldn't help but say that Mao Yun was photographed as a mud.

Just now, there were dragons and tigers, called Mao Yun, who had been photographed as flesh and blood splashed all over the floor. The high-level people of the Mao family were watching each other.

"Master Mao Yun ... is dead!"

"That's us, Mao's seven young men of the Mao family!"

Someone shuddered with trepidation.

The elder of the big elder slipped, only Mao Yun, the young only son.

In front of Mao Yun, there are six ranking sisters.

Mao Zhi slipped this grandson, treated it as a treasure, and loved him so much on weekdays.

Nowadays, he was killed in person.

In an instant, Mao Zhihua fell into a frenzy.

"I want you to die!"

"You bastard, **** guy, dare to kill my grandson!"

The maid slips on the S-class poisonous mech, and it is covered with poisonous light, shooting and terrifying.

Mao Zhipu stepped into the air in one step, blocking Mao Zhihua.

"Get away from me!"

Mao Zhihua roared and clapped her palm, this time, Mao Zhihua did not keep her hand.

The strength of the Seventh Grade Mech Warrior all broke out.

Where is Mao Zhipu's opponent, Mao Zhipu, after being hit, Mao Zhipu was blown out and fell heavily on the ground.

"Mao Zhihua, don't you want to be rebellious, kill the Southern Heavenly Lord, no sins can be forgiven!"

Mao Zhipu said coldly.

Mao Zhi slipped like a crazy demon, Mao Yun's death had already made him unable to calm down.

"Even if he is the Lord, no matter how bad his strength is, he is killed, who blames!"

The maid slippery intent.


Mao Zhihua has approached him.

The crowd seemed to have seen it, Nantian was killed and the miserable scene of the head falling to the ground.

Mao Miao even shouted: "Run! Nantian, you run!"

Nantian was fearless and his expression was plain: "What did you say, the strength is not good, it was killed, what about?"

"Can you kill me? Sneak attack my grandson, what kind of hero, I will make you all useless, and then tortured to death!"

Mao said skating coldly.


Nan Tian whispered.

Meteor mech, possessed!

Above the meteor mech, the starlight shines, even the human eye.

"Meteor Sword!"

"One Thousand Swords!"

Thousands of kendo phantoms are frequent, and the martial arts are extremely powerful, and the suppression will be suppressed!

Nantian holds a meteor sword, and his swordsmanship is superb. Like the clouds and flowing water of his peers, there are thousands of swordsmanship, one after another, three thousand miles of sword gas, across the sun and the moon!

The people in the entire Mao Family Headquarters were surprised!

The sword marks are open, and the sword is full of anger!

The senior members of the Mao family in the house were terrified.

That slippery texture is instant, like petrification.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape, Nan Tian's sword spirit had locked him firmly.


A sword shadow ~ ~ Wrapped in the narrow and unmatched power, the human head slipped down.

In the house, many people are scared and stupid,

The tyrannical seventh-rank mech warrior, the big elder Mao Zhi, was killed by Nantian.

Similarly, Nantian's cultivation practices are not weak.

The meteor mecha on Nantian's body, there is a large group of floating mecha halo, indicating the repair of Nantian mecha and emperor.

The Mao family is majoring in poisoning, and most people of the tribe are minoring in martial arts.

The entire family, including the simple patriarch Mao, the elder Mao slippery, and some hidden veteran masters, mecha and emperor-level characters, no more than five fingers.

"Well, who was killed, who blamed?"

Nan Tian slammed on the slippery human head.

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