Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 680: : Old Turtle

The expanse of blood is vast and the blood is mad-surging.

The giant mountain formed by the phalanges seems to be the center of the whole Wang Yang.

To refer to Zhenhai Eye!

The **** ocean is not calm.

There are other creatures floating in the sea water.

These creatures have thick iron chains on their bodies. One end of the iron chain is tied and tied through their flesh, and the other end of the iron chain is tied to the giant mountain.

These weird creatures, soaked in blood, struggled helplessly.

Nantian saw many incredible creatures. These creatures are all living in legend.

There are eight wings of fallen angels in Wang Yang!

There are golden zombies in Wang Yang!

Wang Yang has Yaya Yasha!

There is a crack in the ocean!

There are ravens in Wang Yang!

There is also a dry ray in Wang Yang!


Nantian's heart and soul are oscillating. In the ancient legend, in the western world, the twelve-winged angel is the main **** level, dominating the existence of God Realm! Eight-winged fallen angels are strictly divided according to the level of wings and wings. In fact, they are only two levels lower.

There are ancient records of Western sect-religious scriptures that the family of angels, whether it is the family of the angel of the future or the family of fallen angels, can be called gods as long as the wings reach more than four wings! The eight-winged fallen angel is among the gods and very powerful!

However, such a powerful eight-winged fallen angel will still be enslaved by the phalanx, and he will be tortured in the boundless sea of ​​blood.

The gold zombies are also remarkable. The ranks of the zombie family include iron corpses, bronze zombies, silver zombies, gold zombies ...... the above silver zombies are the gods.

The origin of Yaya Yasha is also extremely large, and they are all overlords at sea. The slaughtered weak gods can be described as handy and easy.

The reputation of Litianxian is even greater. In the Eastern world, it is one of the ten most famous beasts in ancient times!

Rape and drought are not weak.

Hao Qian was once a god, killed by a **** named "Wei", and was later resurrected, but became a cannibal monster. At the peak, he can compete with the Hou Yi fight.

The drought is even more remarkable. In ancient times, most droughts, most of them, were caused by drought.

Among Wang Yang, there are still some wanderers, Nantian can't recognize the origin.

However, those creatures are extremely powerful.

Nan Tian uttered a secret speech. Now, if you count it, in this **** ocean, you are the smallest one.

On the glory of Nantian's previous life, undefeated King Wu? Peak Martial Realm? Oops, really, even Wu Huang is not.

Only the Emperor Wu and above are eligible, known as: Mighty!

Above the power there is the Sacred Realm: the Great Saint!

On top of the Sacred Realm, there is also the Sacred Realm: the Great God!

This world is not bad, Nantian has made a breakthrough, and now it is already the Seventh Grade Emperor Wu + the Seventh Grade Mech Warrior, but compared with the powerful to metamorphic existence drifting on the ocean, Nantian is nothing. .

"Boy, you need to work harder!" Nan Tian couldn't help but clenched his fists.

II is a man, his age is unknown. However, Nantian believes that his own state of mind is always young, the kind of passionate young boy.

Wu Yidao, only to continue to move forward bravely, fight with the sky, fight with the earth, and fight without limits!

"No wonder, this phalanx can make Xiaohei so afraid! Being able to enslave so many powerful beings, which phalanx is this strongman left? If the phalanx master, will he be able to punch? Explode a galaxy? "

Nan Tian couldn't help but be fascinated by his heart, and his phalanx was speculative.

What exactly is the phalanx?

Who knows?

Nan Tian didn't even think about it. These distant things that didn't know the edge, began to look around, observe everywhere, and wanted to leave the **** ocean.

Nantian is leaving here.

Suddenly, the wind is howling, ghosts and cranes!

There were terrible waves of horror, and there was a shout of earth-shaking motion, which was passed over.

Bloody Wang Yang suddenly set off a terrifying wave!

It seems that the whole seawater began to heat up gradually, and then began to boil at a very fast speed!

"I hate it!"

"I hate it!"

"I don't want to fall here, the gods fight, destroy the gods, the sky collapses, and the spirits dry up ..."

"I'm going to kill Jiuzhongtian ..."

Waves of sound swept through.

On the **** ocean, it was accompanied by waves of thousands of feet.

Seeing that the blood and the waves are going to swallow up Nantian.

Nantian Zhenqi and Mecha abilities can no longer be used.

If he was hit by the shocking blood and waves, Nantian would be out of luck.

Maybe, Nantian will fall here.

Suddenly, an old turtle emerged from the sea water.

"Master Nantian, come up quickly!"

Nan Tian Yi Xi.

This is not, this turtle is not the old turtle that he is looking for.

Before, it was seriously injured and suppressed by the phalanx.

"Old turtle, are you? Do you still know me?"

Nantian is a bit weird.

The old turtle nodded his head *: "Master Nantian, even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, time goes back in time. I still remember you. At the beginning, I just broke out of the turtle shell, and I was still very weak. There are many giant crab monsters on the beach .The crab monster devours the turtle cubs. If you ran away the crab monster, I would have died now. "

"Later, you let the ancestors of the Mao family keep supporting me. Although my undead turtle family has a long life span, it is particularly long in childhood. In childhood, it is very easy to die. Die. "

"This is also the reason why my undead turtle has an infinite life, but there are few reasons for it to grow up. My childhood lasted for more than 10,000 years. If Nantian had your orders and Mao ’s support, I would die Lost."

"Your great grace, I will always remember it!"

The old turtle sighed.

"No time, master, come up quickly, I'll take you to leave!"

The old turtle glanced at the blood and waves that were getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but urge it.

The old turtle repays his gratitude and touches his heart.

Nantian didn't hesitate ~ ~ jumped to the turtle's shell.

The old turtle now grows into mana through the long years.

The old turtle inspired a light golden light curtain that enveloped the turtle shell, protecting Nantian from all directions.

Subsequently, the old turtle actually took off, carrying Nantian to the distant eastern sky.

The gigantic mountain of phalanx shook gently.

The light is rising!

A beam of light hit the old turtle.

The phalanx suppresses the **** ocean, I don't know how many years, where tolerate the old tortoise like this, blatantly carrying outsiders.

In the eyes of the old turtle, there was a flash of determination.

The energy contained in the beam of light is too large, and the old turtle does not know whether he can resist it!

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