Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 688: : Level 1

"Are you going back now?"

Nan Tian frowned.

I am actually on the vast star, and I want to stay a little longer and arrange some things.

"Now, immediately, immediately, back to the base of the health center!"

Zhao Ming said undoubtedly.

"If, after ten days, you fail to appear at the base of the health center, you will wait for the military disposal of the director." Zhao Ming's voice was cold.

For the first time, Zhao Ming spoke cruelly to Nan Tian.

Although Zhao Ming usually prefers Nantian in the daytime, but he really encounters big and bad, or the military law is ruthless, and the military order is like a mountain!

Nantian also realized the seriousness of the problem and paid a military salute: "It's a sir! Within ten days, I will return to the base of the health center."


Zhao Ming nodded and hung up the communication.


Nan Tian and Lao Gui returned to the camp.

When Yin Yuyu saw Nan Tian's expression was not right, she asked, "Nan Tian, ​​what's going on? What happened to you?"

Nantian waved his hand slightly: "There is nothing particularly tight!"

"However, on the other side of the health center, I have to urgently call me back. I can't stay here and stay longer. Miss Yin'er, I'm gossiping too, let's just stop here."

Nan Tian said nothing, and nodded slightly with Xue Yilao and others.

Xue Yilao and others are also awe-inspiring.

"Master Nantian, you really have to go in a hurry, we have all arranged the banquet ..."

Xue Yilao and others replied.

Nan Tian shook his head, and the old turtle stood around.

"No, there is no banquet in the world. You Xuezong develop well!"

Nan Tian said nothing and the old turtle left.

After leaving the camp, Nantian and Laogui took the "Taigu" spacecraft and set the destination as: the Eighteenth Guardian Station, and then the Taigu spacecraft began flying at full speed!


Nantian and Laogui flew into the sky, and soon rushed out of the atmosphere of the vast main star, and flew to the endless galaxy.

Yin Yuyu has been chasing Nantian all the way to the open space, watching Nantian leave.

Yin Yuyu's eyes were full of tenderness and lingering affection, but his mouth was slightly bitter.

"Alas, Nantian ..."

At this time, Yin Qing in the camp also woke up, and with the help of several servants, he wore a jacket and walked over.



Yin Yuyu greeted the past.

"Things, I listened to Xue Yilao and they said. The young man named Nan Tian has great gratitude to us Xue Zong!"

"You will reward him well in the future."

Yin Qing said seriously.

Yin Yuyu nodded cleverly: "Well, father, I know, I will return Nan .... God."


Once the Taigu spacecraft is turned on, it will advance at full speed, and the speed is very fast. In the space wormhole, sometimes, it can even be one light year per second!

In less than ten days, Nantian drove the spacecraft and landed on the base airport of the Eighteenth Guard House.

At this moment, the Eighteenth Guard House was filled with the spirit of killing.

The Ziyuanwei of all levels are all fully armed, running around in the base, so they are busy.

Even some Ziyuanwei, under the leadership of the chiefs, are conducting live-ball exercises.

Before getting off the spaceship, Nantian sent the old turtle into the realm of life.

After all, outsiders are not allowed in the Eighteenth Guard House.

When Nantian glanced at the spaceship, a red seal Ziyuanwei came over and saluted toward Nantian: "Is it Nantian Master!"

"Master Zhao Ming, waiting for you, come with me."

Red Seal Ziyuanwei said politely.

In Ziyuanwei, the rank is strict. Nantian is now an orange-printed Ziyuanwei, a level higher than the red-printed Ziyuanwei.

This Red Seal Guardian must naturally be respectful.

Nan Tian nodded slightly, guided by the Red Seal Guardian, Nan Tian came to Zhao Ming's study.

Zhao Ming is in the study, reading some military affairs information.

"Sir Zhao Ming!" Nantian saluted.

Zhao Ming's eyes lit up, and he glanced at Nantian with some surprise.

The change in Nantian's momentum from the inside out shocked Zhao Ming.

"You go down first!"

Zhao Ming called the Red Seal Guard.

"Your movement on the vast protagonist side is great." Zhao Ming said slowly while drinking tea.

"Sir, I am given the seal!"

Nan Tian said nothing, lend Zhao Ming his own green seal, and gave Zhao Ming back.

Zhao Ming put away the seal, tapped his finger, and tapped on the table again: "The military department said that inside our Eighteenth Guard House, a good man came out, one sword per person, Jiandang Hou Mansion. Ziyuan As soon as it came out, the world fell! "

"Presumably, your strength has improved a lot. I can feel that your current strength should not be under me. From the beginning, when you first joined Ziyuanwei, even the cultivation of the Mech Warlord, None at all. "

Zhao Ming felt almost heard.

How long has it been since, Nantian's progress has been so rapid.

[No wonder it ’s the big one above, the one who values ​​it! 】

Zhao Ming thought secretly.

Nan Tian shook his head and was very modest: "Sir, you have lifted me up. If not, I will bear the sign of Zi Yuanwei, and if there is the seal you gave me, give me the power to live and kill. I am now dead. The main star. Although my personal force is strong, after all, I cannot compete with all the armed forces of a main star. "

Zhao Ming chuckled: "I am very satisfied that you can recognize this."

"Come on, tell me, your current armor repair."

Zhao Ming asked.

Nantian also did not conceal: "Seven Rank Mecha Warlord!"

"Okay, okay, okay! The Seventh Rank Mech Warrior, it seems that soon, another hero will appear in my eighteenth guard!"

Zhao Ming was very happy.

"I am now the Green Seal Ziyuanwei, and I am the Seventh-grade Mecha Warlord. Even though, at the beginning, my strength was higher than this, but that was the past tense. According to some regulations within our Ziyuanwei , The Seventh-grade Mech Warlord ~ ​​ ~ can also be regarded as the basic standard to become a green seal Ziyuanwei. "

"I am now the Green Seal Ziyuanwei and I cannot directly promote you to the Green Seal. However, I have some privileges and have not yet used it. I can apply to the Ministry of Military Affairs to promote you to: Yellow Seal Ziyuanwei After all, it is terrifying that a county king of the dark dynasty is attacking. Now, in our guard house, we are already in the state of first-level combat readiness and urgently need talent. "

Zhao Ming said to Nantian solemnly.

"Outstanding promotion? Huang Yin Zi Yuan Wei?"

Nan Tian was shocked by such good things.

Zhao Ming chuckled: "In the beginning, I played for our health center, made a lot of contributions, and suffered a lot of injuries. The director of the health center specially applied for some privileges to me. Use it, I will use it for you today! If you select talented people, you should not be eclectic! "

"With my Zhao Ming as a guarantee, within three days, you will become the Yellow Seal Ziyuan Wei!"

Zhao Ming's final word!

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