Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 694: : Hunting Werewolf

"This may disappoint you. We are only a small team, and some are only supporting C-class aircraft. There are a few good A-class aircraft in the headquarters of the Legion."

Jin Fan said.

"Okay, then, take me to your headquarters," Nan Tian said lightly.

The Ironthorn Legion, just a local legion, was transferred from Ziyuanwei. Nan Tian was not afraid. With his current identity, it was not a problem to enter this army headquarters.

"Well, there is no problem with this. I can take you to the past now."

Jinfan nodded.

Jin Fan's words fell.

Suddenly, there was a big move outside.

Rumbled and shook in the wreckage of Taigu.

In the ninth squad, there were members born from scouts.

The team member probed the brain, ran out, took out the telescope, made some investigations, and ran back quickly.

The scout's face was full of horror.

"It's terrifying!" The scout said with a lingering fear.

Yuan Mo asked: "What's going on? Hurry up."

"There are werewolves, a lot of werewolves, werewolves in droves!"

"The number of werewolves is about 10,000 to 20,000."

Scouts, report.

"What, 10,000 to 20,000 werewolves?"

"But we only have more than a dozen people, and our bullets are still limited!" Yuan Mo and Yuan Yuan were horrified and pale.

"Captain, we need to find a way to break through quickly!"

A member suggested.

Yuan Mo has not spoken yet.

Nan Tian's expression was awe-inspiring: "Late! There are more than 18,000 werewolves, which have surrounded us in groups."

Previously, Nantian also used his mental strength to investigate and found a more accurate situation.

"I'm a god! More than 18,000 werewolves surrounded us! Then what should we do, I don't want to die here. Woo ~~~"

Yuanyuan immediately wept.

"God! What should we do! Why are we so unlucky."

There was a team member, howling sternly.

They are all suffering, without any intention to fight.

Of course, this is also human nature.

Anyone who knows that he is surrounded by tens of thousands of werewolves will be stunned.

Werewolves are a more powerful group among the dark races.

The werewolf family, once born, has the strength comparable to mech warriors.

Later, as the age increases, the strength of the werewolves will become more and more powerful.

The most terrifying thing is that every werewolf has a violent pedigree in his body.

Werewolves have the brutality and power of beasts.

At the same level, a human race cannot beat the werewolf under normal circumstances.




The werewolves made a loud sound.

Many people are terrified.

The werewolves are too powerful.

The werewolf's shouts are full of power.

Among the team members, some timid people shivered when they heard the sound.

As the captain, Yuan Mo could only calm himself down, but the shivering of the calf kept revealing his cowardice.


Outside the Taigu spacecraft.

There were many werewolves on the ruins, and they surrounded the Taigu spacecraft in an orderly manner.

Leading is a werewolf marquis.

This werewolf marquis, huge body, more than six meters long, stood upright, four claws, shining sharp and dazzling cold light.

The nails that are several inches long, once swiped on the thing, even if the thing is titanium alloy steel, it will instantly become two pieces.

The bones and bones of the werewolf marquis are full and powerful.

It seems that the werewolf marquis, with a slight wave of paws, or a roar, can withstand thousands of horses!

At the beginning, the blood count of Nicholas encountered by Nantian was not as good as this fart than this marquis of werewolves.

Behind the werewolf marquis, there were still several werewolves earl.

These werewolf counts were also much stronger than the original Nicholas blood count that Nan Tian met.

Werewolves, advocating power, advocating brutality, advocating killing!

"Report, Your Highness Marquis!"

A werewolf jumped over.

This werewolf is not an ordinary werewolf.

According to the classification, this werewolf is already a werewolf viscount.

"Something, just say it!"

The werewolf marquis smiled arrogantly.

"His High Marquis, we found the wreckage of an S-class spaceship in the front, and there are some human races. And, inside those human races, there is also a full -1 female."

The werewolf viscount grinned grimly.

"Feng-1 full female-sex?"

The Earl of a werewolf grinned.

"Well, yes, under the count!"

The Werewolf nodded.

"I am very hungry-thirsty recently, that female-sexual, leaving alive. The rest, kill all! Then, carry the wreckage back. Over the years, the technology of the human race has developed rapidly, and my dark dynasty technology is backward. I have suffered a lot. I can pull back the wreckage of an S-class spacecraft and study it carefully.

The Werewolf Count said to himself.


The Werewolf Viscount came down and ran away quickly.

"Ao, ao!"

"Ao, ao!"

There are rhythmic calls, one after another.

The werewolves launched an attack.

The first attack, start!

Thousands of werewolf warriors rushed towards the spacecraft Taigu fearlessly.

Yuan Moqiang endured the fear and organized his own team members to start a sniper attack.


Gunfire continued, and firepower fired.

A few werewolves were killed, but more werewolves were only injured by skin trauma.

The fur of the werewolves is very hard-hard and thick like a steel plate.

The resilience of werewolves is several times that of ordinary human races.

After a wave of machine gun fire, there were still many werewolves, rushing over.


A werewolf rushed into the wreckage of the spaceship, and the melee began.

Yuan Mo and Jin Fan are masters of mecha combatants, ordinary werewolves, but they are helpless.

Those ordinary players are miserable.

Among the dozen or so team members, several were directly surrounded and killed by several werewolves.

"You group of beasts, I fight with you!"

Jinfan roared and fought with all his strength, killing five or six werewolves with one punch.

Yuanyuan's strength was weak, and in the face of the werewolves, he directly cried out.

This has attracted the attention of the werewolves.

In addition, there were previous orders from the Earl of the Werewolf.

All of a sudden, dozens of werewolves surrounded the original circle.

"Brother, save me!"

Yuanyuan shouted for help.

The original eyes were red, and a pair of mecha battle knives were cut.

However, a werewolf jazz stared at Yuan Mo.

Yuan Mo was caught by this werewolf jazz.



Yuanyuan screamed helplessly, and the clothes on his body were caught by the werewolves.

"Shut up, it's your pleasure to serve the Great Werewolf Earl!"

Another werewolf jazz rushed over.

This werewolf jazz, fierce and venomous, passed by with a paw, and stunned Yuan Yuan.

Immediately afterwards, two werewolves ran over and dragged the original circle down.

Nan Tian has been cold-eyed, watching the battle.

As a Huang Yin Zi Yuan Wei, a lieutenant general of the Galaxy, Nan Tian is a conqueror. Looking at this level of "little fight", he can't help but be disappointed.


Nan Tian was behind, with a sigh.

"You descendants, I'm so disappointed! With you, a dozen people, and two mecha fighters, with such sophisticated equipment, as long as they cooperate well and have the right tactics, they can withstand it. The first wave of attacks. "

Nan Tian said slowly.

Nan Tian's voice is tantamount to giving everyone hope for survival.

Yuan Mo shouted loudly: "Please take action!"

Jinfan was also very excited: "Sir, please shoot quickly. If you don't shoot, we will wipe out the whole army."

Nantian looks indifferent, Gujing does not wave.

Ordinary werewolf warriors, or werewolf jazz, in Nantian's eyes, there is no difference between the ants that can be pinched by the hand.


A white-wolf-man with a length of two meters broke into a hatch and rushed over.

This white werewolf is a werewolf baron.

The appearance of the werewolf baron made the proud wolves, wailing-wailing-screaming, celebrating their victory!

The baron werewolf seemed to feel the power of Nantian.

The werewolf baron stared at Nantianhu and provoked a muffled roar.

Nan Tian glanced at the werewolf baron with Yu Guang, but was happy.

A werewolf baron, dare to show his power to himself?

The prestige of the emperor is inviolable!

Nan Tian raised his hand and waved, sighing with anger, leaning out.


The true energy tilted out, the light flashed.

The werewolf baron, together with those werewolf jazz and werewolf warriors, all died.

Thousands of werewolves, in a flash, turned into powder.

The prestige of Nantian is so horrible!

Yuan Mo and Jin Fan were dumbfounded.

Let me go, but it is a thousand werewolves!

Even if the Iron Spurs sent a large group to encircle and suppress, they would have suffered heavy losses.

However, Nan Tian wiped out all of them with one wave.

What strength is this?

"You still need to practice more combat skills!"

Nantian like to promote the younger generation, give these people some encouragement.

On the ground, there were five or six corpses of the ninth team members.

This is not, Nantian is unwilling to help them.

Rather, if you want to be a real warrior, you must experience the experience of blood and fire.

Under the impact of the first werewolf ~ ~ died, and can only blame the strength is too bad.

Thousands of werewolves were killed outside the Taigu spacecraft, which caused a great shock!



The werewolves roared constantly.

The werewolf marquis looked terrible, and a few werewolves were angry!

"I have thousands of warriors, and I just died! Damn it, it's terrible!"

"Ah, all the attacks, kill all the people inside the spaceship, and leave none!"

The werewolf marquis issued the final order angrily.

For a time, more than 10,000 werewolves ran in unison.

Earthquake, the real battle is about to begin!

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