Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 696: : Battle against the Marquis of the Werewolves

Yuan Yuan's head fell to the ground. As the original wipe of his elder brother, he was scared to death.


Yuan Mo knelt on the ground, hung his head non-stop, shouted for mercy, forgiveness and the like.

"I discipline my sister, I am not strict, I also hope my lord, forgive sins!"

Yuan Mo shook in horror.

"I'm killing your sister, don't you avenge me?"

Nan Tian smiled coldly.

Yuan Mo was so scared of death that he was afraid of being implicated by Yuan Yuan. Where would he dare to find Nantian to seek revenge?

The huge gap in strength is not a fool.

In Yuan Mo's heart, the younger sister is gone, there is no chant, where is the importance of his own life.

Nantian waved his hand in disgust: "Go! Prepare, resist the werewolf!"

"Remember, you have to resist for more than thirty seconds before I can shoot! Otherwise, if you die, you will blame you for not being able to blame others."

Nan Tian Gao shouted.


The original wiped his life down.

At this time, the werewolves also rushed over.

This time there was a Werewolf Viscount directly, and a wolf came running first.

The strong breath of the werewolf viscount suddenly shocked Yuan Mo and others.

The original sweat persevered, covered with fear.

"God, this is a werewolf viscount, and its strength is comparable to that of a ninth-grade mech warrior. It is so powerful!"

Some players shouted helplessly.

Only, Jinfan was fearless and calmly said: "Master Nantian, handed us a formation. We used the formation method well, although it was not enough to contend with a mech and venerable werewolf viscount, but resisted for thirty seconds , More than enough. "

"Especially you, Captain! You are the eighth-ranked Mech Warrior, and you and I join forces to urge the core of the formation. It must be able to resist!"

Jinfan said calmly.

He is born in the science and engineering department and the mechanical department. He is born with an extraordinary calm state.

Nantian was at the back, and he nodded again and again.

Jinfan's performance is very good, it is worth cultivating.


Werewolf Viscount pounced on Jinfan and others.

At the juncture of the crisis, Jin Fan and Yuan Mo finally inspired the core of the formation.

"Ah!" A mask appeared.

The team members, reluctantly put up the formation.

The Werewolf Viscount hit the mask and was flew out.


Werewolf Viscount, fell to the ground.

The Werewolf Viscount became angry and angry.

He is a dark dynasty, a first-class Viscount Werewolf, and his strength is comparable to that of the Nine Ranks Mech Warlord.

The original wipe, Jinfan, their strength is indeed weak, but only the first entry into the mech combat division.

Some other players are even more unbearable.

It's just the cultivation of mech warriors.


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The werewolf visceral thunder roared.

Behind the werewolf viscount, followed thousands of werewolves.

Those werewolves consciously stepped back.

They knew that their "upper head", the Werewolf Viscount, had to kill Jinfan alone, Yuan Mo and others in order to show his mighty power, and was also in front of his hand to help him find the place.

"We resisted! There are ten seconds, the last ten seconds!"

Jinfan was happy.

The formation given to them by Nantian really had a different response.


The four hooves of the werewolf visceral exerted force, maddeningly, with a full blow, attacking the original wiper, Jinfan and others.

"Resist! 10, 9, 8 ... 5 ..."

Jinfan counted imminently.

Werewolf Viscount hit with all his strength, and the power was very great.

Relying on it, the masks inspired by the military formation were all broken.

Although, there are still less than five seconds in the end.

However, these five seconds ended many people's lives.

Originally the most powerful, he became the No. 1 target of the Werewolf Viscount. He uttered his head and bit off his head.

As for the players who haven't been able to reach Mecha Warriors, at the moment when the light curtain was broken, due to the backlash of power, all the internal organs burst and died on the spot.

The only remaining mouth is Jinfan alone.

The Werewolf Viscount, after solving the original wipe, aimed at the target: Jinfan.

Jin Fan felt cold all over, and felt a chill through the body.

Werewolf Viscount, with green eyes, revealing boundless murderousness, aimed at Jinfan.


Werewolf Viscount rushed to Jinfan.

Jin Fan jumped to the side while silently chanting: "One, two, three!"

"Time is up!"

At the moment of life and death, Jinfan relaxed.

The huge head of the Werewolf Viscount is less than an inch away from Jinfan.

Werewolf Viscount, revealing a fierce cruelty.


Werewolf Viscount thought he would succeed.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the side for a moment.


The meteor mech is summoned to the body, and Nantian holds the meteor sword, and splits the werewolf viscount into two pieces very easily.

Werewolf Viscount died, Jinfan lived!

"You survived thirty seconds, yes!"

Nantian looked at Jinfan with a trace of appreciation.

"Leave me the next thing!"

Nan Tian patted Jin Fan on the shoulder.


Jinfan nodded.

Nantian holds a meteor sword and wears a meteor mech, which is awesome!

Thousands of werewolves were shocked and dared not move forward.

Finally, a werewolf earl was killed.

"Abominable human race, repeatedly killing me wolf race master, it is abominable!"

"Brothers, come on!"

This Werewolf Earl is much stronger than the Nicholas Blood Earl that Nan Tian met before, ranking second-class Earl!

The strength of this werewolf earl is also comparable to that of a half-step mech warrior.


The wolf roared.

A pack of wolves.

Under the leadership of the werewolf earl, these werewolves all killed Nantian.

Watching, densely packed, countless wolves.

Jin Fan Rao is calm and a little bit chilly.

Jinfan also felt a little worried about Nantian.

"Master Nantian!"

Jinfan was worried.

"No need to worry about me!"

Nan Tian replied lightly.

"My Sword Dao-Thousand Swords One!"

Nantian holds a meteor sword, and his sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like a meteor, one step at a time, stepping into the wolf pack.

The blade turned and the wolf head rolled continuously.

The Earl of the Werewolf was extremely angry.

"Hey, Xiaoxiaoren, still not dead!"

Earl of the werewolf, rushed south.

Nan Tian didn't look at it, and he was second to none.

With a real energy, shoot-out, cut the Earl of the Werewolf into several pieces.

"He, he, his mecha has a mecha halo! He is a mecha and emperor-level superpower!"

Among the werewolves, there are also various levels of humans familiar with it.

"Quickly, please His Royal Highness, shoot!"

Howling wolves!

The Marquis of the Werewolves outside the battlefield looked gloomy, and learned that in the wreckage of a spaceship, the existence of the human race emperor realm was also shocked.

"Follow me to see!"

The Marquis of the Werewolf rushed into the Taigu like a blast.

Behind him, followed by a group of Earl of Werewolves.

This werewolf earl is even more powerful.

They are all first-class earls of the Werewolves of the Dark Dynasty. They are extremely powerful and can be compared to the strong men in the armor warfare.

When seen, the mecha halo behind Nantian.

Werewolf marquise, solemn look.

"Imperial Realm!"

"The Ruins of Lawson, even before they were destroyed, have never been a master of the Imperial Realm! Where did you come from, why did you want to kill me werewolves."

The Marquis of the Werewolf stared at Nantian, revealing a sharp and sharp tooth.

"You dark races, kill my human race, slaughter my human race people. Between you and me, why nonsense?"

Nantian's eyes were stern.

The Wushen system is activated, and all the attributes of this werewolf marquis are scanned out:

Objective: First Marquis of the Werewolves of the Dark Dynasty-Crabbo

Physical fitness: 39.9 standard stars

Mental Power: 39.5 Standard Star Value

Vitality: 39.4 standard star value

Strength: 39.7 standard stars

Agility: 39.3 standard stars

Talent: Werewolf

Comprehensive combat power: 39.56 standard stars

"The standard star value of 39.56 is equivalent to that of ordinary seventh-grade mecha armor and emperor master!"

"Oh, the strength is pretty good!"

Nan Tian sneered.

The werewolf marquis, in the eyes, the killing intention permeated.

"There are no ten masters of human territories that have died in my hands, there are eight! Your kid is rampant now, don't cry when I will swallow my head!

The werewolf marquis, with a grin, his body was black and billowing, and he was fierce.

Jinfan looked pale.

He is now only a small person of the mech warrior class. Suddenly, he saw that the battle between the masters of the Imperial Realm was very shocking.

"Someday, I will also like Master Nantian, so powerful!"

Jinfan swears secretly in his heart.

"Oh, something interesting. You little wolf, it has some strength!"

Nantian war intentions were also burned.

As always, killing some werewolf ears and werewolf viscounts is really not interesting.

It's fun to fight the strong.

"My Sword Dao-Thousand Swords One!"

Nantian held a meteor sword and was so angry that he killed the werewolf marquis.

The Marquis of the Werewolf also turned out, and a long roar broke out, with the power to communicate the world!

Its talent skill-werewolf howl!

A sword shocked the world!

Shocked the world!

Nantian's Qianjian normalized with the werewolf scream of the werewolf marquis, and collided fiercely, making the sky shocking.

Aftermath swept, some weak werewolves were killed by aftermath.

Nan Tian raised his hand and waved a protective cover, which was buckled on Jinfan's body, allowing Jinfan to escape the tears of the aftermath.

This unprecedented battle also attracted the sky, rising up, a large-scary mushroom cloud.


The Ironthorn headquarters was also informed of this battle through satellite images.

The commander of the legion immediately ordered to quickly investigate the matter.

The matter of Lawson's ruins was quickly reported to ~ Even the reorganization of the first brigade, the collective retreat, was also detected.

The commander of the legion was furious: "Damn it, it's hateful to throw away millions of civilians in disregard and vain to escape!"

"I really want to deal with that commander to the military law."

The captain of the army said coldly.

The deputy army commander smiled bitterly: "The commander of the first brigade is a man with a back-stage. His uncle is a Huang Yinziyuanwei. He came over, our iron thorn army, one is for fun, The second is to confuse some military merits, so as to obtain a reason for future promotion. "

"We can't move him!"

The captain of the legion sat down helplessly.

"Yes, pass me an order to give some more pension to the family members of the ninth squad surrounded by werewolves!"

The captain of the legion waved his hand.

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