Near the ring of life and death, many onlookers are waiting for anxiety.

It stands to reason that now, the sun is high, the sun is shining, and it is past the early morning.

Even if you are lazy, now you should get up and rush over.

The worst, the most leading Yu Chiyi should rush over.

However, Wei Chiyi did not come.

Nantian did not come.

This is a spectacle. Many people are whispering and discussing something.

The young man named Liang was also frowned.

The young man named Liang greeted the old man in a tuxedo.

The young man named Liang, his eyes flashed with fine light.

"Let me check, that Wang Han, what have you done in the past few days? By the way, the whereabouts of Yan Shi will also be investigated by me. If necessary, as my director, I will dispatch the highest intelligence department of the group!

The young man named Liang whispered.


The old man in the tuxedo quietly retreated.

Wang Han's mouth was raised, and he was extremely conceited.

"Haha, I think that Yu Chi and Nan Tian are probably afraid of my power. Now, I should have escaped!"

Wang Han sneered.

"Shut up! Director Wei Chiyi is a saint, Wang Han, you are so bold!"

Some **** officers roared in anger.

"The Holy One cannot be humiliated!"

"Wang Han, you are provoking our entire Galactic Army!"

The officers near Jiayuguan were very angry.

Yan Shi smiled proudly: "I blaze the valley, detached from the world, slandering one or two saints, why not?"

At this time, Wei Chiyi's special plane finally arrived.

Wei Chiyi directly opened the hatch and flew out.

"Old Yan Shier, do you want to be weak with a gun? When I'm the Galactic Army, is it really easy to bully?"

Wei Chiyi snorted angrily, and how did Wei Chiyi cultivate his conversation?

Wei Chiyi heard clearly.

An upturned palm, shot across the sky, amazing momentum!

Yan Shi was embarrassed to take it back, hundreds of meters back.

Hit it down and see what happens!

Yu Chiyi, faintly prevailed.

In Yan Shi's heart, a turbulent wave was set off.

"Wei Chiyi, you're so deceiving!"

Yan Shi was furious and angry, striding across and launched a stormy attack on Wei Chiyi.



Yu Chiyi was also not timid, and headed up, fighting against Yan Ten.

The two great saints crackled from heaven to earth and beat the surrounding mountains and rivers.

The people around were shocked.

"so horrible!"

"This is the saint!"

"Raise your hand to crack the galaxy and tear the sky! If not, there is a special ring reinforcement effect here. I am afraid we will be killed directly by the aftermath.

Many people grow their mouths and sigh.


The smoke is filled!

After hundreds of strokes.

Yan Shi looked rather embarrassed and his hair was messy.

Wang Han quickly stepped forward.


Exclaimed Wang Han.

Yan Shi waved his hand, indicating that he had nothing to do.

Wei Chiyi was still tolerant.

Which one is stronger and weaker, immediately tells.

Wei Chiyi is obviously better than Yan Shiqiang.

Yan Shi's arrogance decreased a lot.

"You are the guy who just talked loudly? Are you looking down on me?"

Wei Chiyi sneered, the prestige of the Holy One, like the surging river.

Wang Han, trembling with fear.

When faced with the saints, Wang Han, the previous arrogance and arrogance, all disappeared. In short, it is counseling!

"Director Wei Chi ... I ... I'm not ... that meaning!"

"You are a saint, high above, how dare I ..."

Wang Han stopped talking, because Yan Shi was looking at himself fiercely.

Wang Han did not dare to continue.

Yan Shi has a waist stick.

"Wei Chiyi, you are better than me. At the Eighteenth Guard House, if you sit in town, it must be solid. Today, Yanmou is not as good as that. But, you and I are both elders, why bother with juniors! , Let the juniors solve it by themselves! "

Yan Shi said humbly.

Yu Chiyi frowned: "Let them solve it by themselves? Oh, the saints can't be humiliated!"

Wei Chiyi said he was about to shoot, and Yan Shi was desperately stopped in front of Wang Han.

"Wei Chiyi, don't force me! Old man, there are still some special methods for so long. I don't want to, we tear the skin."

"Now, the main star of Dry Mountain is not very flat, and there is a dark county king!"

Yan Shi said coldly.

Yu Chiyi held back his anger.

The strength of the Dark Lord is very powerful, and is comparable to Wei Chiyi.

Moreover, Yu Chiyi vaguely felt that the Dark Lord had many hidden methods, which were not used.

Yan Shi, how to say it, is also a human saint.

Wei Chiyi considered the overall situation, there is really no reason to fight desperately with Yan Shi here.

There is Yan Shi's desperate protection.

Wang Han's courage suddenly grew bigger.

"Director Wei Chi, you are extremely powerful, but what about your men Nantian?"

"Where is he now?"

Wang Han asked aggressively.

Wang Han said in a word, the onlookers, some disciples of Heifensha Valley were also coaxing.

"Yeah, what about Nantian?"

"He wouldn't be Brother Wang Han who was afraid of us in Blackburn Valley, he was scared away?"

"Nantian, where is he?"

"Please, director, give a reply! Will he come or not, if not, this game, but our brother Wang Han won!"

The disciples of Heixinsha Valley are shouting and making trouble.

Wei Chiyi's face was full of anger, but the facts, but forced-Dechi Yi, unable to speak.

Directly speaking, Nantian is now in a state of "fake death"?

With the character of the people in the Black Burning Valley, they will definitely yell Wang Han and win, and then brag about it, and make the fame of the Galaxy Army.

Such direct confession is obviously not in line with Yu Chiyi's wish!

Yu Chiyi was not reconciled!

Wang Han narrowed his eyes: "Director Wei Chiyi, our patience is limited. After all, this is a competition. I specially invited the planet TV station of the main star of Dry Mountain to conduct a global live broadcast. Now, Nan Tian does not come, it really is It ’s a delay for people all over the world ~ ~ You give a word! "

"Who won this match?"

Wang Han asked.

Wei Chiyi gritted his teeth and replied, the momentum was amazing.

"What, win or not! Nantian, now, there is something that hasn't rushed over. The competition hasn't officially started, talk about winning or losing! Young people, you are too anxious!"

Wei Chiyi shouted angrily.

Wang Han shrank his neck, fearing Yu Chiyi's momentum.

"This, this! According to the regulations, I can wait for Nantian, but, when the three poles of the day, if Nantian hasn't appeared yet, I won. By that time, if he doesn't appear again, it's a battle and fright! "

Wang Han said word by word.

Yan Shi also nodded: "Director Wei Chiyi, my disciple, should I be right?"

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