Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 825: : Darkness comes

The competition in the life-and-death ring can only be regarded as a small episode on the main star of Dry Mountain.

In the current star of Dry Mountain, war is still the main theme.

Space wormholes pop up from time to time.

The dark race is still arbitrarily dispatching troops.

Looking at the posture, the dark races seem to be fighting a battle with the Galactic Army.

Of course, the Galaxy Army, the determination to defend the home and defend the country is also beyond doubt.

The dark races are sending troops and sending people over.

Galaxy Army, why not?

Wei Chiyi issued the highest secret order of the director again and again, the entire 18th Guards of Ziyuan Guard, ninety percent of the guards, all concentrated on the main star of Dry Mountain.

Legions of other planets have also been summoned.

The Galaxy Army is also strong and strong.

If it is against the dark race, the Galaxy Army is not infallible.

During this period of time, Jiayuguan gathered more than 30 million sergeants within the Galaxy Army.

It can be said that the military sounds loud!

It is not an exaggeration to describe the iron armor torrent.

In the limelight, Wei Chiyi's previous application was also approved.

Today, Wei Chiyi will hold a formal sealing ceremony for Nantian.

"Nantian stepped forward!"

Wei Chiyi walked solemnly on the red carpet.

At this time, Wei Chiyi held a dazzling blue seal in his hand.

Nantian was also shocked and felt that something big was going to happen.

"The application report I submitted to the Ministry of Military Affairs has been approved. Nantian, your performance, the Supreme Military Commission, is very satisfied."

Wei Chiyi said with admiration.

"This is thanks to the director, your care!"

Nantian didn't dare to be greedy.

In the Galaxy Army, it is very important to have a leader and a backer if you want to go all the way, get promoted again and again, and solve troubles.

Yu Chiyi is Nantian's current leader and backer in the army.

After all, some military merits require the leaders to report and write application reports.

If not, Wei Chiyi highly recommends it.

Nantian is also absolutely unable to promote quickly.

"General Nantian, first of all, congratulations. You are promoted. Since then, you are the Blue Seal Ziyuanwei, and also serve as the first deputy director of the Eighteenth Guard.

"Let me explain, the meaning of this first deputy director is that you will be the biggest one besides me in the 18th Guards. You are the most powerful deputy director."

While talking, Wei Chiyi took out the official letter of appointment from the military department.

Moreover, Wei Chiyi personally hung a blue seal on Nantian.

At the same time, Dingdong sounded, a clear voice rang.

Nantian, quickly open your own Wushen system panel:

Host: Nantian

Status: First Duke of the Galactic Alliance, Blue Seal Ziyuanwei, internal organization of the Galaxy Army, internal five-star general rank of the Galaxy Army, first deputy director of the 18th Guards of the Purple Yuan

Wealth value: 10,000 universe coins + (10 million universe coins)

Physical fitness: 56.9 (60.9)

Mental Strength: 62

Vitality: 56.9 (59.9)

Strength: 56.9 (59.9)

Agility: 56.9 (59.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 60.32 (60.32)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / First Class Mecha Warlord

First Vice Profession: Ancient Warrior / Yipin Wuhuang

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of the Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the Tianyin Pavilion Master! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"Lanyin Ziyuanwei, the first deputy director. Tuoba Xinliang, my position is finally higher than you. You have not been mocking me, want to use pressure to press me?"

Nan Tian sneered.

For the Tuoba Xinliang, Nan Tian hated very much.

Now personal combat power and personal duties are all complete.

Both are hard to press, Tuoba Xinliang.

"Now, there is only one chance left. As long as the order is given, I can kill your dog in no time."

Nantian heart said.

Awarding the blue seal is a very formal matter.

In addition to Wei Chiyi taking the stage to read the appointment letter, the ceremonial soldiers lined up and began to play the sonata.

Under the stage, there were many more dancers with hot bodies, violent skin and beautiful skin and white appearance.

Many people are still jumping.

The atmosphere of the whole scene seemed very cheerful.

Nan Tian was also red, and his face was very happy.

Rising-the official is rich, left-hugging the right, man's dream.

Many sergeants and officers of Jiayuguan are congratulating Nantian.

Originally, Nantian's identity was quite confidential.

Now, in front of the global live broadcast.

Nantian, the identity was completely exposed.

The Blue Seal Ziyuanwei is the second-ranked among the seven-color Ziyuanwei.

Just behind, Ziyin Ziyuanwei.

It can be said that it is extremely glorious!

A huge 18th Guard House, on the bright side, secretly, with some hidden strong.

Blue Seal Ziyuanwei, absolutely no more than five.

Nantian is one of them, and he is also the first deputy director.

The first deputy director is also a great official position.

Except that, Wei Chiyi, even Nantian, was in the Eighteenth Guard House in the future, and he spoke the most powerfully and was the most powerful.

Nantian is also happy today.

When other people drink alcohol, Nantian also drinks it all.

Many more beautiful female officers, after learning that Nan Tian is still single, are all shining with beautiful eyes.

"Lan Yin Zi Yuan Wei, such a young five-star general."

"Holding him means grasping the future."

"Women, it is better to struggle than to marry."

Many people are whispering.

The female officers all surrounded Nantian.

They pulled Nantian vigorously, inviting Nantian to drink, sing, and waltz.

Nantian is also embarrassed.

He is not a veteran of flowers.

Moreover, due to long-term training, female officers have a fuller body than other delicate women.

Suddenly gather Nantian together.

Limb-body collision with each other is incredibly fragrant and gorgeous.

The whole banquet lasted for several days.

Until the end of the banquet.

Suddenly, Wei Chiyi's office sent a top-secret document.

This was sent by the Galaxy Special Intelligence Investigation Division.

After reading the document, Yu Chiyi was all over.

"Hurry and call General Nantian."

Wei Chiyi shouted.

The adjutant did not dare to delay, and quickly called Nantian.

Nantian "dengdeng" land, ran over.

"Director, what's the matter?"

Nan Tian asked.

"Look at this file."

Wei Chiyi handed a document ~ ~ to Nantian.

Nan Tian glanced at the document, with a few big characters written on it.

"Darkness is coming!"

The file name is just four words.

Nantian followed, then watched.

The document says that a prince of the dark race attaches great importance to the main star of the dry mountain, and has sent two dark lords one after another to come.

A dark county king is a saint-level strong!

Two dark lords plus the original dark lord, but three dark lords, three saints!

Such a lineup can completely form a giant power.

"Darkness is coming, it really is darkness ..."

Nantian's tone was cold.

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