Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 830: : Rush out of siege


The Dark Duke seems to have lost his patience.

With a single order, the large forts near the checkpoint were opened fire one after another.


Those tall, black cannons all fired in unison.

Nantian is not hesitating.

It is now, "Meteor!" Mecha, summoned.

Wearing a meteor mecha, Nantian has a strong body and begins to walk around, avoiding the bombardment of the artillery.

Now, many advanced cannons have their own tracking systems.

Once the main target is locked, it will always follow the target, which is very troublesome.

Some low-end automatic tracking systems can easily get rid of, as long as a few more bends.

The most difficult thing is that the cutting-edge tracking artillery and missile equipped with high-tech intelligent probes and special chips.

Nantian dodges them, unless it is, turns around hundreds of times in a row, or directly uses the turbulent mecha abilities or ancient Wuzhen Qi, directly destroys cannons, missiles, rockets, etc. directly from a distance.

This is a large level of the dark race.

The configuration here is very complete.

Can be described as excellent.

There are many sophisticated weapons.

To this end, Nantian also struggled.

Over the years, the dark race has developed well in the dark galaxy, with sufficient funds and spared no effort in investing in some cutting-edge weapons.

The three Dukes of Darkness are in charge of this level.

The Dark Duke, who was commanding on the front line, was very happy to see Nan Tian running around and running around.

"Increase the firepower and kill this human race!"

"Dare to take fake documents and confuse us here!"

The Dark Duke ordered coldly.

At the end of the fight, a hundred miles away, they were all blown into an abyss.

The scene is extremely shocking!

The reinforcements from all directions even trapped Nantian in the middle.

Various artillery, missiles, and rockets were used to blockade all around.

Nantian is really retreating.

Nan Tian did not hesitate. At the first time, he summoned three strong men comparable to the half-sages of Xiaoyan, Zart, and Gumo.

"Hit power, break through from a little, don't fight protracted battle!"

Nan Tian ordered calmly.


Xiaoyan opened the way with a huge body, Zat controlled the flame, and the ancient demon leader was behind, casting some magical skills.

The three halves of the holy are horrible.

Nantian also joined it.

The strength of Yinantian is also comparable to that of a half-sage, even better than some ordinary half-sages.


Nan Tian roared.

The four "Half Saint" level strongmen, shot together, are more powerful than some interstellar weapons.

The dark prince who commanded on the front line was frightened.


"How are they so powerful!"

"Quickly, hit the power! Quickly counterattack! Focus all the artillery, rockets, missiles, etc. on one point."

The Dark Duke, commanding on the front line, panic ordered.

At the last minute, he also made a correct decision.

Near this level, all the ground-level heavy weapons have the same muzzle, which is used to deal with Nantian and other four people's attacks.


Two waves of attacks collided fiercely.

The scene was so shocking and terrifying.

The earth is trembling for a long distance.

The volatility of the earth is comparable to that of more than 10.0 on the Richter scale-Earthquake!

Yang Lei, though they are far away, but also felt a strong aftermath.

Yang Lei glanced in the direction of the dark level, confused.

"Over there, what happened?"

"That's a big level, and there are several dark troops in the integrated legion. The aftermath of this level, I don't know how fierce it is on the main battlefield. A southern sky, even the dark race, can use such authentic means. Come, it's really not easy! "

For the first time, Yang Lei was afraid of Nantian.

But soon, Yang Lei was relieved.

"Such an attack, that Nantian, even if he had the means to pass the sky, he had to die. He died well, a hundred!"

Yang Lei took a sip.

What Yang Lei didn't know was that Nantian still had a hole card.

Zat, Xiaoyan, and the ancient demon leader, they are all comparable to the existence of half-holy level.

The strength of three people plus Nantian and four people is enough to resist this level of attack!

In the center of the level, there are many weak dark sergeants, all of whom died on the spot.

Many who survived were also seriously injured.

The smoke was billowing and the smoke was smoky.

It took a long time before the front was clearly visible.

Nantian and Zart, Xiaoyan, the ancient demon leader, four people, stand proudly.

Obviously, they have nothing.

The dark prince was directly frightened.

"How can it be?"

"Just now, that level of artillery strike hit, except for the Saint-class strong, no one can stop the ground ..."

The dark prince's words haven't been finished yet, Nan Tian has been quietly flying forward under the cover of Xiaoyan.


Nan Tian directly broke the neck of the dark prince.

The commander of the dark race on the front line is dead.

The army was suddenly in chaos, and the leader was lost. It can be described as a group of dragons without a head, and the combat effectiveness was reduced by half.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Nantian also stayed shortly and took Xiaoyan with three people, quickly rushing out of the encirclement.

Nan Tian has known this level, and there are three dark dukes in town.

Now, just one is dead.

There are also two dark dukes, who have not played.

Once, they came to command the remaining troops and proceeded with the same level of artillery strike.

Nantian and the four of them, although very powerful, sent the strongest blows from the four halves to destroy everything.

However, their power is limited.

Unlike, that kind of electromagnetic guns, rockets, missiles, artillery and other mechanical weapons.

Nantian can't afford it.

What's more, he also had a gamble with Yang Lei.



The four of Nantian flew quickly and rushed out of the level in a while.

Some people behind the dark army are chasing.

However, their speed is comparable to that of Nantian, Xiaoyan, and Zate.

After chasing for more than 100 miles, Nantian dumped all those dark races.

Inside the level ~ ~ The two remaining dark dukes also came out and came to clean up the mess.

There are strong men in the dark race, suggesting whether to continue pursuing Nantian, or launching long-range weapons for a ranged attack.

The two dark dukes looked at each other, discussed, and immediately rejected it.

Just now, Nantian's four people's attack was really shocking to heaven.

None of them are stupid, if they rely on the internal terrain and defense advantages of the level, they can also compete with Nantian.

However, Nantian and they are now gone.

Sending out chasing troops is undoubtedly death.

"All withdraw troops! Those few human races should be top-notch strongmen. It is no longer something we can deal with. We will report to the county king!"

The two dark dukes ordered in unison.

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