Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 836: : More than 30

"Bahas, the Grand Duke of Darkness?"

"go to hell!"

Nantian exerts speed martial arts of the level of Huashen-"Lingbo Microstep" and "Traveling Dragon Body Method".


Almost instantly, Nantian tore the space.

Nan Tian's entire body disappeared immediately.

Bajas, his pupils contracted.

"what happened?"

"What about that human race?"

Bajas was very puzzled.

With the strength of his grand duke level, the existence of Nantian could not be felt.

He couldn't help panicking.

Yang Lei is also terrified of fear, what he is most afraid of is Nan Tian's such a move.

The ability to casually possess saints and shuttle space is unpredictable.

Then, behind the back, "shoo" stab you with a knife, you can't bear it anyway.

Even if it is not dead, you must take off a layer of skin!

"The Grand Duke, this man is a little weird. Although he is not a half-holy, nor a saint, but he can freely shuttle space!

Yang Lei reminded.

Bajas was startled.

"What, any shuttle space? So perverted?"

Bajas was stunned.

Thinking, Bajas's back was cold.

Fearful, Nan Tian appeared suddenly, attacked from behind, and killed him.

"Guardians, escorts! Surround me, if someone suddenly appears, attack immediately!"

Bajas ordered.

Bajas is more afraid of death, calling his army, surrounded by three layers, the outer three layers.

Yang Lei was forced.

"Duke, you call your men, and protect me!"

Yang Lei cried.

Bajas shook his head indifferently: "I don't have enough manpower."

Yang Lei scolded in his heart and killed Bajas very much.

Yang Lei was thinking about it. When he went to the county king, Yang Lei had to sue Bajas.

Nantian shuttles through the space tunnel and observes the outside world with the eyes of Yin and Yang.

Nantian is looking for opportunities to prepare for a kill.

Among these waves of troops, the most central places are Yang Lei and Bajas.

Among them, Bajas is the top priority.

As long as he died, the dark army would be scattered.

As for Yang Lei, this guy is more treacherous, and has played against Nantian before.

Nantian was afraid of Yanglei and had some precautions.

After all, Yang Lei is a semi-holy strong man cultivated by Wei Chiyi. Both the actual combat ability and the comprehension ability are first-class.

Moreover, Yang Lei, in the Special Guards, has been horrified for many years.

If there is no space shuttle ability bonus, Nan Tian and Yang Lei will face each other directly, and Nan Tian and Yang Lei will win.

Of course, the most important thing is that for the traitor Yang Lei, Nan Tian didn't want it. He died so easily. It was too cheap for Yang Lei.

For various considerations, Nantian locked the target to that Bajas.

Although, now, there are many dark race powerhouses around Bajas.

However, these are not things.

Nan Tian did not pay any attention to the crowds.

Now, Nantian was waiting for the Bajas, revealing flaws, so that Nantian could launch a fatal blow.

Nantian side, there are fights.

The rest of the members of the Guards actually confronted the main force of this dark army.



The sound of guns fighting constantly.

The Special Guard is worthy of the Special Guard, despite all the disadvantages.

Still playing the true colors of the Galaxy League, the dark race suffered heavy losses, and the Special Guards lost only a small number of people.

"Damn, these human races are already at the end of the crossbow! You gangs of rice barrels, can't take them! I'm really raising you!

Bajas reprimanded angrily.

At this moment, several key tentacles of Bajas moved a few times to expose his heart.

This is a fate in Bajas.

Nantian's divine eyes burst into a bright color.

"Strike! It's now."


Nantian, torn the space tunnel at once.

Nan Tian appeared directly beside Bajas.

Just a few steps from Bajas.

The sudden appearance of Nan Tian, ​​those dark guards, did not have time to react.

Only, the half-holy reaction of Bajas came.

Bajas wants to avoid.

However, it was too late.


"My sword sword's bright moon sword marks!"

Nantian directly used his strongest blow.

With the sharp sword energy, Mingyue immediately cut off the heart of Bajas.


Bajas fell to the ground with no vitality.

Nan Tian struck down and killed half of the Grand Duke!


"The Grand Duke! His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Bajas!"

The dark guards yelled.

A dark **** stepped forward and looked around, his face suddenly pale.

"His Royal Highness is dead!"

"This human race killed the Grand Duke in one blow!"

The dark guards were terrified.

"Revenge for the Grand Duke!"

"Kill him!"

"Let's go together!"

These dark guards shouted loudly, but none of them dared to come southward.

Even among them, many of them are starting to go backwards.

Yeah, Nantian is so powerful that even the Grand Duke in their minds is not Nantian's blow enemy, let alone their guards!

Yang Lei is also a pale face.

Yang Lei's eyes were fierce, and he saw the huge power that Nan Tian's move just now contained.

Yang Lei's forehead was cold and sweating, he asked himself, much better than Bajas.

However, in the face of the thunder strike just like Nantian, could he avoid the past?

The answer, Yang Lei is unknown.

Nan Tian walked towards Yang Lei step by step.

"People are doing, the sky is watching! Yang Lei, you should pay the price!"

Nantian looks cold.

The thunder blow just now consumed almost two-thirds of the energy in Nantian.

Now, surrounded by many dark and guarded places, Nantian can't show his feet, only to stay strong and continue to be like a rainbow!

Frightened, Yang Lei stepped back on one leg.

"No, no! General Nantian, you listen to me, you listen to me ..."

Yang Lei begged for mercy.

But ~ ~ At this time, the world vision was suddenly born.

Those space wormholes are one after another.

One by one battleships, spaceships, leap out of the space wormhole.

More than 30 tyrannical breaths appeared in the world.

Suddenly, Nan Tian held his breath.

More than thirty dark princes all came in one moment.

Hula, these dark princes, all flying above, behind them, there is a boundless fleet.

What Nantian worried about the most happened in the end!

Yang Lei was so excited that he took the county magistrate's order and ran towards the dark grand dukes.

As he ran, Yang Lei shouted, "I am His Royal Highness, a specially arranged human informant! Masters, save me quickly!"

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