Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 850: : Finally become a half saint

On the other side, Akat and the King of Beb are walking on a desert.

Akart looked dignified.

The search for Princess Nine's work has been going on for several days.

At present, he and several other kings have found nothing.

Baibu County King, with a heavy complexion, is extremely puzzled.

"Princess Nine, where did you go?"

"In recent days, we have occupied the area and searched seven or eight out of ten. Is it possible that Princess Nine is in the area ruled by humans? That would be a bad thing."

Baibu County King, the voice is cold.

"If it is really within the scope of the human region, we must capture the entire star of the dry mountain as soon as possible!"

Baibu County King said slowly.

Now, with the support, the rear troops are well-armed, and there are dozens of dark princes. They are ready to attack at any time.

It is only a matter of time before the entire star of the dry mountain is captured.

"Baibu County King, I think we have forgotten a place."

Akart, suddenly said.


Baibu County King asked immediately.

"We have indeed searched seven or eight out of ten in our ruled area, but there are still two or three tenths not searched. That place is mainly concentrated in the primitive forests in our ruled area. Where is the vast area, forest trees There are many, varied terrains and complex natural environments, which are very suitable for concealment. Wherever our high-end detector is, it will not work. "

"I think, where is Princess Nine, probably."

Akart, put forward his own ideas.

"That place? We are going to go next. In fact, to be honest, I really don't want to go. Where is a six-level star meteorite entrenched. The two of us passed by, it is not possible, I have to put the red cape Call it too! "

Said the king of cloth.

"Well, everything listens to the governor."

Akaka nodded in character.

"Wait, the red cloak comes, and the three of us pass by together. Try not to conflict with the flying bear, the big guy, is very powerful."

King Baibu, reminded.

"I'm sure of my strength. It's just that Princess Nine, if it's really in the virgin forest, will it be hurt by that flying bear, or other star-falling monsters? Once, Princess Nine has suffered damage, we all There is no way to send to the dynasty, and to the emperor! "

Akart, his voice was heavy.

Princess Nine is the pearl of the entire dark dynasty. It can't stand any grievances or damage.

Akat lived in the capital for a long time, and he knew a little about the dark queen.

Now, the little girl I loved most was gone. The dark queen must have washed her face with tears all day long.

The Dark Queen, who can be 3,000 miles in the beauty of the harem, is the most emperor's favorite-fortunately, the seal of the Queen is not only outstanding in appearance, on the other hand, the Dark Queen's own strength is also very powerful.

Moreover, the dark queen ’s own mother is also the top three celebrities in the dark dynasty.

In the mother of the Dark Queen, on the bright side, there are more than 100 strong men above the county level.

Many people hold important official positions.

It can be said that the Quan Qing Dynasty.

Even the emperor had to give up three points.

Also, the prince of the dynasty, the dark prince, how could it be an ordinary person?

Akart pretends to be pretentious and self-proclaimed martial arts is outstanding, but in the eyes of the dark prince, even fart is not one.

The dark prince, that is the real defeat to his invincible hand.

If not, subject to the agreement between the dark dynasty and the highest level of the Galactic Alliance, at this moment, countless super powers will come from the dark dynasty and come down from the sky.

Even the main star of the dry mountain, such a huge land and a main star, will be destroyed.

"Relax, Princess Nine, you have to be pampered. There are some magic weapons and life-saving things on your body. There are many. Even if you can't beat the flying bear, at least, you can save your own life.

Baibu County King, patted Akart's shoulder.

"Now, just wait for the red cloak to meet us. I have notified him that he is coming here at full speed."

Baibu Junwang looked at a watch screen with a dazzling red dot on his hand, which kept moving.


On the other side, Nantian and Big Bear are both full.

It can be said that the wine is full.

In particular, the Flying Bears were still unwilling to follow Luan Luan.

After all, the once flying bear is the overlord in the primitive forest.

Suddenly, it became a little girl and a little pet, and the hearts of the flying bears were still somewhat unacceptable.

Now, Luan Luan has a good food temptation-confusing, all the food for the flying bear is good.

Flying bears are not stupid.

There are delicious places, or Lingguo, highly nutritious snacks.

The flying bears are naturally obedient and obedient. They are unwilling to think of Shu and are subdued by Luan Luan. There is no complaint in their hearts.

"Aoao ..."

The flying bear, came to Nantian's side intimately, and rubbed against Nantian's side.

The soft hair made Luan slightly itchy and giggled.

After Nantian ate a lot of Lingguo, those Lingguo organically combined with those big tonic pills. Soon, Nantian was full of energy. For a time, the energy in the body was extremely powerful!


Nan Tian felt that his limbs and bones were full of true energy.

Luan Luan looked surprised.

"Xiao Tiantian, what's wrong with him?"

Luan Luan was puzzled.

Suddenly, Luan Lu realized.

"Oh, yes! The father emperor once told me that this kind of symptom is usually about to break through!"

"Ouye, Xiaotiantian is finally going to break through and become stronger! Haha, so that in the future, I will play it more interesting."

Luan Luan said cheerfully.

Nan Tian was very embarrassed, feeling herself. In Luan Luan's eyes, he was a "strong" toy?

"However, I do feel it, I want to break through!"

"All the energy has accumulated to the peak, and it can burst-fire, trying to break through the bottleneck! The success or failure is now and now!"

Nantian's eyes instantly burst into a bright light!

Luan Luan is also full of anticipation.

Break through, break through!

Nan Tian shouted!


There was a loud noise in Nantian's body.

In an instant, Nantian's mental strength and physical strength, as well as various functions, all reached a peak.

Nantian can't wait to open his own Wushen system panel to view:

Host: Nantian

Identity: First Duke of the Galaxy Alliance, Blue Seal Ziyuanwei, five-star general rank in the Galaxy Army, first deputy director of the 18th Guards of Ziyuanwei

Wealth value: 10,000 universe coins (+10 million universe coins)

Physical fitness: 56.999 (60.999)

Mental Strength: 62

Vitality: 56.999 (59.999)

Strength: 56.999 (59.999)

Agility: 56.999 (59.999)

Comprehensive combat power: 60.999 (60.999)

Main Class: Mech Warrior / Half-Step Mech Warrior

First professional: Ancient Warrior / Half-Step Martial Saint

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin ~ ~ Bring Li Leyin out of Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the main position of Tianyin Pavilion! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"Half-step mech warrior + half-step martial saint!"

"Half Saint, I have finally become a Half Saint!"

Nantian was excited.

How many sages are there in ancient times?

How many heroes are eager to be sanctified.

No matter when and where, the saint is a noble existence.

Anyone who can get in touch with the "holy" is an extremely glorious thing.

"Now, if, that Carter is here, I can punch him!"

Nantian is full of confidence!

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