Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 858: : Power of Runes

"Where is Gao Shao's mansion?"

Nan Tian's voice was cold, as if coming from the Nine Nether.

"The Gao's mansion is naturally the Gao's mansion. The Gao's mansion is in our city, the tallest and most magnificent. Look, it's in that direction! The one with the white tower is the Gao family The center of the mansion! "

Woman, pointed the direction to Nantian.

Nantian took a look at the situation, and his heart had a general direction.

"okay, I get it!"

Nan Tian clenched his fists slightly, and then opened the crowd and ran towards the Gaojia mansion.

The woman smiled and whispered to a guard next to her: "I did this, would it hurt him. The Gao family is the head of the four big families, in this city of mourning, it is the earth The existence of overlord level. How can a person who does not have the power of runes extract teeth from the mouth of the Gao family?

The guard's voice was indifferent: "Life and death in this world, weak meat and strong food, natural laws. A person who does not even have the power of a rune will die if he dies. Missy, why bother?

"We have mercy on the kid and told the kid that his little sister's whereabouts is just because we don't see Gao family. We want to give the Gao family a little trouble!"

The guard said slowly.

"Say the same, let's go!"

The woman did not mind Nan Tian.

Immediately, this woman, leading her hundreds of guards, left in a hurry.

There is no law in Mo City.

Only, four powerful families.

The rules set by the four major families are the laws.

Therefore, the Gao family and the young man are lawless, in the city of Mo Shi, bullying men and women, wantonly killing innocents, and no one dares to fight.

After all, all the dead papers are children's papers, and those children's papers are mostly children's papers of civilians. They have no power and no power. Where can they fight against the powerful family of force?

Nantian ran all the way, and not long after, Nantian came to the gate of the Gaojia mansion.

The gate of the Gao Family Mansion is also extraordinary.

Two lion statues made of stone, majestic, stood at the gate.

At the door of the mansion, there are dozens of magnificent soldiers, patrolling back and forth to protect the safety of the Gao family.

Nantian was unkind, directly at the gate, shouting: "Which one is taller or younger, get out of me!"

The southern sky sounded like Hong Zhong, full of energy.

For a time, many people were disturbed.

Gao Shao, but in the city of Mo Di, a great young master.

Nan Tian insulted Gao Shao so much that many people were trembling with fright.

"This man has no good ending!"

Many people pointed at Nantian.

Nantian didn't care.

Those guards were shocked first.

These escorts were so hideous.

A person who looked like a captain stepped out directly and jumped over.

"Bold little bunny! High and young, you dare to insult, really to death!"

The captain shouted fiercely.

"Brothers, give it to me, and directly hack this person who insulted the young master!"

The captain of the **** ordered directly.


At this moment, in a hall inside Gao's mansion.

A young man with white-faced, pointed-billed monkey gills is commanding his men to bind the flying bear.

As for Luan Luan, he was also bound by young people with thick iron chains.

Restricted by the special rules of Atlantis, Luan Luan has no magic weapon, and some of his mecha abilities cannot be used.

Basically, Luan Luan is equivalent to an ordinary little girl.

After all, Luan Luan is different from Nantian.

Nantian worked **** ancient martial arts and was good at refining the body.

Nantian also has physical strength.

Luanluan, nothing.

Now, this young man can only be left to the mercy.

This young man looks very dark and makes people look very uncomfortable.

A pale face, even more insidious and deceitful.

The so-called: white face Xiaosheng.

Luan Luan cursed at the youth: "You bastard, let me go!"

"Do you know who I am?"

The young man's nostrils are facing up, and candles are being lit.

"I care who you are?"

"Now, little girl, you are now in my hands, not yet, you have to listen to me."

"In the Mo'er City, my Gao family is the biggest. It's no use shouting your throat!"

Said the young man proudly.

"Master, that bear, tied up, what are you going to do with it?"

An **** ran over fart.

Speaking of this bear, the youth couldn't help but feel cold.

In order to catch-hold-Luan Luan, bring Luan Luan back.

The youth sent many of their elite guards.

Those guards have extraordinary skills and are young and carefully selected.

However, this time, they all ate deflated.

There are hundreds of elite guards, and they are killed by the bear paws.

The young people were terribly chilled. Finally, the head of the Gao family sent three secret offerings to protect the youth secretly.

They beat the flying bear and seriously injured them.

The rest of the youth's escorts swarmed down, and naturally the flying bear and Luan Luan were given control.

Is it true that the physical strength of the flying bear is still very strong.

It's just that when traveling through space tunnels.

In order to protect Luan Luan, Feitian Koala was injured by turbulence in many spaces.

Those turbulent spaces, transformed into a stream of space ions, invaded the body of the flying bear, causing huge internal injuries to the flying bear.

From the appearance, the flying bear is normal, in fact, it has been seriously injured.

It's just that Feitou is loyal and sincere and doesn't want to worry about Luan Luan, he said nothing.

The young people and the group can surrender-fly the flying bears, but it is just "at risk", or it is: crooked.

The Flying Bear looked at Luan Luan and was caught-stopped-and was very angry. Although he was seriously injured, his body was weak, and he was bloody, but he had a pair of eyeballs, stunned, blood red, and angry.


Flying Bear ~ ~ has been screaming.

The youth was upset.

"Fight me hard again, beat this beast, you can't call it!"

"Also, just give it a breath and wait for this girl to play well, and I will eat its meat alive before I can relieve my hatred!"

"I'm so good, but that's my hundreds of elite guards. Each of these guards is in the presence of one enemy, and the weakest person, the power of the rune has reached seven paragraphs! I was killed by this beast! Only one hundred ordinary guards can be trained carefully to produce an elite guard! "

The young man clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Moreover, the three Gao families enshrined, in order to surrender to the Flying Bear, more or less, they also suffered minor injuries, and they also needed to be reared for ten days and a half months.

The young Gao family has never suffered a loss. This time, it was a big loss.

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