Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 860: : God-given warrior

Nan Tian's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the talking young man. The Wushen system immediately started:

The character information is all out.

Goal: Gao Shao (Master of the Gao Family) (Ninth Section of Rune Power)

Stamina: 9 standard stars

Mental Power: 9 standard stars

Vitality: 9 standard stars

Strength: 9 standard stars

Agility: 9 standard stars

Comprehensive combat power: 9 standard stars

"Gao Shao? Did you grab Luan Luan?"

Nan Tian asked coldly.

"Luan Luan, who is it?"

"Master Ben, don't know!"

The height is cold and authentic.

Nan Tian looked at this tall young man, and the look of a hanger Lang was even more angry.

"Go to you, don't install garlic!"

"Hand over Luanluan as soon as possible, otherwise, I will destroy the whole family!"

Nan Tian pushed with both hands, violently violently.

Several guards in front of him directly pushed out, and "Boom" fell to the ground.

These escorts directly turned into mud.

Gao Shao looked frightened.

Involuntarily, took four or five steps backwards.

In this way, the terrifying force, Gao Shao, has only been seen on a few people such as the horse offering.

The Wushen system, given 9 standard star values, is equivalent to an ordinary first-class mech warrior in conversion.

Yipin Mecha Warrior, this kind of garbage.

Nantian did not take a glance at ordinary times.

However, here is Atlantis, everything looks so different.

The ninth level of rune power is not equivalent to a first-class mech warrior.

With the blessing of rune power, the combat power is so special.

Nantian's flesh is strong. It stands to reason that even now it is hard to resist some eight-nine-grade mecha warlords, and it will not fall into the disadvantage.

However, here, Nan Tian fights these small soldiers and pawns, ordinary guards, Nan Tian has to spend a lot of effort.

With the strength of the rune of Jiu Duan Xiu Shao, Nan Tian, ​​although killing him, doesn't say he can get it, but at least it's okay.

Nantian's double-legged, fast running, like the same head, galloping bison.

Under the restrictions of some laws of Atlantis.

Even though Nantian was extremely strong, he could not fly in the air.

"Stop him!"

Gao Shao panicked and quickly commanded his men to surround Nantian.

Nan Tian repeatedly punches, using both hands and feet.



Nantian defeated many guards.

However, after all, the Gao family is the head of the four major families, and the number of guards it has is extremely large.

The next batch fell, and the others rushed forward.

Nantian, who was besieged in the center, also felt a bit troublesome.

Nan Tian's heart was anxiously looking at the situation, watching the guards more and more.

Nantian was also furious. Originally, he was merciful and did not want to make too many kills.

Now, Nantian figured it out!

Everyone else is dead, so why bother about them and pity them!


Nantian's attack became more severe, and the move was a killing move.

With one punch, the heads of two or more guards burst in unison.

Gao Shao's eyelids jumped straight, and it was inevitable.

"Really exaggerated! Is this guy an ancient beast?"

"Why, so powerful, he doesn't have any rune power!"

Gao Shaoxin said.

"Housekeeper, let go of the flare! My Gao family is outside Mo'er City, and there are several reserve camps. Call those reserve soldiers, come and defend the mansion! Boy, no matter how powerful, he is not capable of hitting the ground. Can he beat the sea tactics? Over the years, I have used high seas tactics, and I do n’t know how many self-proclaimed top powers have been killed! "

Gao Shao sneered.


The housekeeper didn't delay, just put the flare.


A multicolored firework bomb rose into the air and burst apart.

This flare is so conspicuous that it can be seen even hundreds of miles away.

The Gao family's signal flare, not only the reserve barracks were alarmed.

Many citizens of unknown origin are also very strange.

Many good people and some people with runes also came outside the Gao Family Mansion.

They were also stunned by the sight.

Nan was very fierce by nature. Outside the Gao Family Mansion, he defeated the guards one after another and showed his might. It was amazing!

Earlier, the enthusiastic citizens who gave Nantian the "pointing maze" were also present.

This citizen was once bullied by the Gao family and hated the Gao family.

Now, seeing that Nantian is killing the Quartet, he is teaching the guards of the Gao family fiercely.

This enthusiastic citizen is happy and broken.

At the same time, he was also surprised and sighed in his heart: "This young man is so strong and powerful!"

"At the gate of the Gao family, you can be so majestic, such a strong person is rare! Before me, I was also watching people in the door slit!

Enthusiastic citizens, thinking.

Some bystanders are also in the same state of mind.

They are also curious about Nantian's identity.

In the ordinary days of the Gao family, the Gao family bullied others, and many people were bullied by the Gao family.

Many people in the city of Mo Shi dare to speak without anger.

Many people applauded.

However, there are also some people who are gloating and gloating.

A man in white, said in a yin: "What a big family is the Gao family!"

"There are so many masters in the mansion. It's like a cow's hair. I don't know the sky is thick and thick. I want to be alone and fight against the entire Gao family.

"He only deals with ordinary guards in the Gao family, and at best counts some elite guards."

A man in black also sarcastically said: "Yeah, the Gao family, the most disturbing thing is that the 27 elders from the Gao family hired by the Gao family and the six elders of the Gao family are unpredictable, and their strength is unpredictable. Master of the Gao Family. "

Nantian was suddenly strenuous, killing hundreds of guards in a row.

The rest of the guards were frightened back and forth. .

At this moment, there were already five or six hundred dead bodies on the ground.

Among them, there are some elite guards.

These elite guards' rune forces urged out the soldiers, and some of them also cut Nantian's skin.

However, Nantian's physical recovery ability is amazing.

That little wound is basically, just a blink of an eye.

"Golden Master, I ask again, where did you take Luan Luan?"

"I order you now, let Luan Luan out, I can spare you!"

Nan Tian shouted.

A guard, attached to Gao Shao's ear and whispered: "Master, the little girl you caught today seems to be calling herself: Luan Luan!"

Gao Shao also wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, thinking in his heart whether he was not worth it.

Today, I caught a little girl. First, the big bear, showing his powers, and killing hundreds of guards who were close to him, and then, the three big offerings were injured again, and it took months to recuperate.

Now, Nantian, the "crazy" and "strange man" came to the door again and killed seven or eight hundred guards.

The Gao family did not recover from such a large loss for several years.

Even when the Gao family recovers, there are three other big families in Mo'er City.

They won't make the Gao family feel better.


In the mansion of the Gao family, an elder with a long beard rushed out.

Behind the elder bearded man, followed by nine grey men.

See elders with long beards appear.

Gao Shao's heart is set.

"Six Elders!"

The top elite figures of the Gao family have appeared!

"The old man is away for a while, but some people are so bold and kill me so many guards!"

Elders with long beards, eyes are splitting.

A large family, high-level strength, of course, is important.

However, the power of the lower and middle levels cannot be ignored.

The cultivation of middle and low-level forces also requires time and a lot of financial and material resources.

The Gao family opened several reserve battalions, training those reserve soldiers every day, and training three or four hundred official guards a year.

"The elders of the Gao family have appeared, and that kid is going to be unlucky!"

"Look, the nine people who followed Gao's parents are all arrogant enshriners!"

An insider, whispered.

The enthusiastic citizen prayed to Nantian silently again.

"Boy, there must be nothing! I bless you to be safe! May the good people live longer!"

Enthusiastic citizens said in silence.

"The elders of the Gao family are all enemies who are generally strong members of the rune power of more than ten sections! As for the elders, they have reached the level of God-given warriors!

The elite guards of another family cried outside.

The continent of Atlantis has a cultivation system different from the outside world.

This continent, for some special reason, has no grudge and no magic.

More organic armor ability and ancient martial spirit.

People here want to practice, only through inscription: runes.

Engrave the rune, and then draw the power of the rune to strengthen your body.

According to the division of levels, it can be divided into: ten levels!

One paragraph is the second and ten paragraphs are the highest!

Ten sections of rune power reached the apex of the basic practice ground of the rune.

If ordinary people do not have extraordinary talents and the guidance of famous teachers, it is generally good to be able to reach the third paragraph of the power of runes.

The practice of high-level rune power requires the consumption of many rune stones and a large number of other auxiliary resources.

The practice of Rune Power is extremely demanding and has many restrictions. Many people will never achieve the power of Rune for a lifetime.

On the continent of Atlantis, a person above the seventh segment of the rune power can be called a strong man!

However, after reaching ten paragraphs, the strength of the rune power is not the strongest in the continent of Atlantis.

After ten paragraphs, if you want to break through again, you need to get the gifts of the gods and lower the "spiritual grace".

If it is, then break through, you can become a God-given warrior and use the power of high-level runes.

God-given warrior is the most powerful player on the continent of Atlantis.

Every god-given warrior possesses unpredictable abilities and is extremely powerful.

They can raise their hands and move between the mountains and fill the sea!

The God-given warriors, according to the level of strength and weakness, can be divided into: Junior God-given warriors, Intermediate God-given warriors, Advanced God-given warriors, Monarch God-given warriors, Emperor God-given warriors!

Even if it is the weakest elementary God-given warrior, the body and soul have undergone qualitative changes because of God's favor.

Ten strong members of ten rune powers, besieging a junior god-given warrior, will also be easily defeated.

A junior god-given warrior can be comparable to a hundred runes with ten powers.

The elder Gaojialiu is a junior god-given warrior, a peerless master in the city of Molu.

"It's me who's not good, causing a big disaster to the family!"

In the face of it, God gave the six elders of the warrior, and there was a circulation of gods around him. They were extremely majestic, and they were not afraid of arrogance, and admits them with respect.

"Grandchildren, although you are wrong, it's okay. I understand everything for the sake of the matter. As my future successor to the Gao family, I grabbed a few female dolls and came to play, it's okay. This madman makes a big fuss and commits my high family Tianwei, and sin is unforgivable! "

"Damn it, it's a thousand knives!"

Elders with long beards are more overbearing than Gaoshao and even more unreasonable.

Nan Tian laughed angrily: "The old master of the Gao family can kill the innocent indiscriminately and arrest people indiscriminately?"

"The words of your Gao family are Wang Fa?"

"Boy, when he dies, he dares to talk hard!"

Elder Longbeard, step by step, flew into the battlefield, and came across from Nantian.

He followed the nine offerings on the ground, followed closely behind.

Nine enshrines, from nine different directions, locked Nantian.

Nantian also felt that these nine enshrined different breaths.

Their rune power is obviously much stronger than those of ordinary guards and elite guards.

The power of each person's runes can be condensed into entities.

Nan Tian secretly touched, if not, don't let these people's rune power hit him, he was estimated to hurt his bones.

However, Nantian is agile and has strong muscles and bones.

It was the elder with the long beard that really let Nantian all over.

Although Nan Tian despised her lips, she did not despise her.

The Wushen system starts immediately:

Target: Elder Beard (Six Elders of the Gao Family) (Junior God-given Warrior)

Stamina: 11 standard stars

Mental Power: 11 standard stars

Vitality: 11 standard stars

Strength: 11 standard stars

Agility: 11 standard stars

Comprehensive combat power: 11 standard stars

"The 11 standard star value is not particularly powerful. In terms of conversion, it is comparable to the general eight-grade mecha combatant!"

However, Nantian is staring. .

This long-bearded elder, on the continent of Atlantis, is definitely not that simple.

On this continent ~ ~ some data values, but instead can not serve as a reference.

Elderly elders with 11 standard stars on the continent of Atlantis gave Nantian the feeling of facing a peak mech warrior.

Moreover, this feeling is even more peculiar.

This elder bearded man has many colorful auras on his body.

According to what people call here, these auras are **** patterns, and they are upgraded versions of runes. Born from runes but higher than runes!

"Boy, I am a person who has been blessed by the gods. The power of my runes has been converted into a divine pattern, and I can exert some law power!

"It's so easy to kill you! People like you never know the power of God-given warriors!"

Long-bearded old man, proud and authentic.

With the cooperation of the nine consecrations, elders with long beards must strike with thunder and want to surrender Nantian directly.

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