"Intermediate God-given Warrior?"

Six words, the sound is not particularly loud.

However, for a time, all the people present took a deep breath as long as they listened.


Someone was feeling emotion.

Worthy of being a 100-year-old family!

The practice of God-given warriors is extremely difficult, and it is very difficult to cross every level.

Compared with ordinary people, junior god-given warriors are already big figures like gods, and they are above them.

As for the intermediate God-given warriors above the basic God-given warriors, it is even more so!

An intermediate god-given warrior can easily fight ten junior god-given warriors.

Among the onlookers outside, some of them were spies from other families.

They pondered secretly in their hearts: "Hundred-year Gao Family, Hundred-year Gao Family! Gao family has such a head of family, at least, the head of the four major families, it will continue for fifty years!"

Gao Shao jumped up with excitement.

"Father, did you break through?"


"You are now an intermediate God-given warrior!"

"Haha, father, you are in the name of the top master in Mocheng, you must be sure, who is your opponent?"

Gao Shao laughed.

Under the shadow of his parents, Gao Shao was very proud.

"Intermediate God-given Warrior?"

Nan Tian also felt the difference of this middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man, the body pattern of his body, should be more condensed, much stronger than the old elder beard.

At the same time, the breath of this middle-aged man must be more calm.

Nantian knew that this person would be a ruthless character.

Nantian did not dare to carelessly, Wushen system, immediately started scanning:

Target: Gao Gaishi (lord of the high family in Mocheng) (intermediate god-given warrior)

Stamina: 12 standard stars

Mental Power: 12 standard stars

Vitality: 12 standard stars

Strength: 12 standard stars

Agility: 12 standard stars

Comprehensive combat power: 12 standard stars

Just looking at the data on the Wushen system, it seems that this intermediate god-given warrior is nothing remarkable.

However, here is Atlantis, a magical continent.

The power of intermediate-level God-given warriors will be maximized.

Far from it, ordinary mecha combatants in the Galaxy Alliance can be compared.

"You all retreat, this person, let me deal with it!"

Gao Gaishi stepped out, staring at Nantian with a cold stare.

"You are a master!"

Gao Geshi, the tone is extremely cold.

"But you should never offend my Gao family!"

"I also killed the six elders of my Gao family!"

High world, murderous sky.

Nan Tian sneered: "Really?"

"Stop it!"

Gao Gaishi is not nonsense, just rushed over and entangled with Nantian.



There are a lot of tactics in the Gaogai, and with the power of the **** pattern, the momentum is amazing.

Various attacks landed on Nantian. .

Nan Tian flesh-tough, King Kong is not bad, resisting stubbornly.

Nantian used physical power to fight hundreds of moves with Gao Gai.

Gao Geshi was terrified and secretly said, "How can this person be so powerful?"

"I am already an intermediate-level God-given warrior, and I have received two sublime favors from the soul to the flesh. I have been sublimated twice. My divine grains have also condensed the liquid in the city, and every move can collapse mountains.

"But when fighting this man, I was numb with hands and feet, and suffered a lot of internal injuries. If I fight again, I think I will be seriously injured!"

The five elders watching the battle were also glinting.

They are all junior god-given warriors and have good eyesight. Naturally, they can see that Nantian's strength is extraordinary.

Their homeowner, now at a disadvantage, is tightly pressed by Nantian.

It won't take long for their homeowners to be defeated!

"Homeowner, let me help you!"

The remaining five elders flew forward.

They are all junior god-given warriors, forming a large formation, and their strength is not weak.

Joining the battle situation has also relieved Gao Geshi a lot of pressure.

"Six people, fight one?"

Nan Tian smiled.

Gao Gaishi said coldly: "We are a family, boy, you are so weak, you can't blame anyone if you die!"

"Don't blame anyone?"

Gao Gaishi and others are proud.

Gao Shao looked beside him, sweating heavily.

Looked, Nantian was so powerful.

Gao Shao, for the first time in her heart, with some regret, forced Luan Luan to captivity.

"That Luanluan girl-boy, it's not easy. Maybe, this time, I really did something wrong!"

Gao Shao regretted.

The steward whispered aside: "Master, now, regrets have no effect! Everything is because of that-girl-child, must be tortured, and then cruelly murdered, otherwise, I can't honor the dead of my Gao family. ! "

Gao Shao nodded: "Yes, I blame the **** girl! When this person is killed by my father, I will kill her, and I will eat her meat a little bit!"

Gao Shao licked-licked-licked his lips, his eyes were fierce and extremely cruel.

Nantian, who was besieged by Gao Gaishi and five elders in the center, was not nervous at all.

"The warm-up exercise can finally be over!"

"It ’s true, you guys! I just used about 60% of my strength. Now, I can add 10% to it. Look, about 70% of my physical strength. On the continent of Atlantis, there is Be strong! "

Nan Tian smiled abruptly. He just made such a move with Gao Gaishi. In fact, in order to test, Nan Tian's current physical strength is on the level of Atlantis.

Now that the test is over, Nantian feels that the battle can be solved!

"What, he just used 60% of the power?"

"No, it's terrifying!"

The High Earth was horrified.

"This kid, should be bragging!"

"I am an intermediate god-given warrior plus five junior god-given warriors. He doesn't fight with all his strength? I don't believe that he is such a young man and will be a senior god-given warrior?

Gao Geshi, murmured.

At this time, Nantian had moved.

About 70% of the physical strength is unlocked!

Nantian's combat power soared, and his fists, legs, and leg strength suddenly increased a lot.




The southern sky is like a **** of war ~ www.readwn.com ~ directly swept down, knocking the Gao Gai six people in the mainland, all down to the ground.

The five elders died directly because of their poor strength.

Only, Gao Gaishi was a little taller, with a god-like body protector, barely took a breath.

"you you........"

"You are ... a senior God-given warrior ... my high family is doing sin, and offended adults, most ... deserved it!"

Gao Gaishi babbled, after saying this sentence, he also swallowed!


There is a large forest outside Mo'er City. Before that, the woman who showed Nantian the way, with some guards, was hunting.

The woman suddenly thought of Nantian and couldn't help saying: "That kid, if he really went to the Gao family, it is estimated that he should have been broken by the Gao family now!"

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