Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 888: : Nantian is here

"You are stronger than Castle Peak!"

Nantian was also shocked.

The strength of General Qingshan, Nantian is estimated to be placed in the Milky Way galaxy, at least equivalent to a strong fifth-grade Holy Realm, or even stronger.

Better than General Qingshan, Nantian could not imagine it.

Being as strong as Wei Chiyi's director is just wandering between the holy realm-eight-nine-quality.

Alliance strongmen above the Fifth Grade Holy Realm can already enter the Supreme House.

"They all listen to me?"

Nantian is unbelievable.

General Qingshan said with a firm voice: "The young master is the best! We as ministers all listen to the young master's words."

"Good, good, good!"

Nantian was in a mood.

General Qingshan has several powerful generals as their men, and it will be more convenient for them to act in the future.

In the future, the enemy of Nantian will become stronger and stronger.

Similarly, Nantian also needs to train a group of amazing combatants.

"Take me to see them!"

Nan Tian ordered.

"As you wish, please be here."

General Qingshan, show the way ahead.

"Wait a minute!"

Nantian called on Qingshan.

General Qingshan was slightly stunned.

"Little Lord?"

"Aoyama, you have been here for a long time. You should know where the treasure is. Now, take me first to get the treasure."

Nantian said casually.

Aoyama froze: "Young Master, treasure map, hasn't the emperor ever shown it to you?"

"Although, we are instructed to stay here, but the emperor did not tell us about the specific location of the treasure."

Aoyama explained.

Nantian nodded slightly: "So you don't know. But it doesn't matter. But there are pens and inks, and I will draw the map!"

General Qingshan waved his hands, holding two things in his hands: "This cloth can be paper. This wood can be a pen holder!"

General Qingshan, with a shroud and a coffin, handed it to Nantian.

"it is good!"

This shroud is not an ordinary shroud.

General Qingshan used it, and could even fight against the Meteor Sword.

This coffin is not an ordinary coffin. It is a thousand-year-old ink wood, which is extremely precious.

Nantian also splashed ink and swiped down.

The sheepskin treasure map was restored by Nantian.

"Come and see!"

Nantian smiled.

General Qingshan stepped forward and glanced.

"Master, the map is well drawn."

General Aoyama observed it carefully, for a long time, slowly and honestly: "According to the mark of the map, the treasure should be hidden on the top of the tower inside the pyramid."

"If you want to reach the top of the tower, you must open a seal door. There is the great power of the emperor above the seal door. It is almost impossible to open this door by brute force. The only thing that can be done is to rely on Five keys. "

General Qingshan recalled many past events.

"Young Master, you see, there are some signs on the map, representing the five keys."

"In the beginning, I was ordered to guard the pyramid. I and the shadow killing, the rain killing, and the killing of the four people each got a key. Only the fifth key, I don't know where it is."

"Possibly, the fifth key is in the pyramid, or it may have been placed elsewhere by the emperor. Unfortunately, at the time, the incident suddenly occurred, and the young master was young at that time. The emperor did not give you the fifth key!"

General Qingshan sighed.

"Can you show me the key?"

Nan Tian asked.

"of course."

General Qingshan took out an old iron key from his arms.

The iron key is rusty.

However, on the key, there are vaguely visible and complicated patterns.

These patterns have extraordinary significance.

"Collect the keys, let's go to the other three generals, and then discuss it, go directly to the top of the tower!"

Nan Tian groaned.

"Nuo, the subordinates obey the order!"

General Qingshan immediately led the way ahead.

The relief passage is relatively close to the place where the shadow kills the general.

Shadow killing the general, guarding the pivot position of the pyramid.

General Qingshan will be the first general to be seen by Nantian, which is General Yingying.


Let's say that Emperor Lei Yun, Chiubao, and others walked around after entering the pyramid.

Emperor Lei Yun was brave, and as an emperor-level strongman, he walked all the way, unscrupulously, in the pyramid, it was a rampage.

As for Chichi Fort, it has not developed very well in Lankai City in recent years.

So much so, Chichi Fort faces many hidden crises.

Even, in Lankai City, other superpowers have already somewhat ignored Chichibao.

The appearance of Emperor Leiyun made the deputy fortress of Chiju Fort very excited.

He has always hoped to be able to unite with Lei Yun the Great.

In this way, Chiju Fort can completely gain a foothold in Lankai City.

Where the Thundercloud Emperor went, the deputy fortress took his men and followed him.

It was like the follower of Lei Yun the Great.

In a wide hall.

All the superpowers from all walks of life seem to come together.

This is a hub of the pyramid.

These forces include those from the East Factory, those from the William family, and those from the Storm Cavalry.

Among them, there was a group of people who hurried to come. This person was the big president who had previously clashed with Nantian.

The young master of the president personally sat down to command.

Even the East Factory must be one level lower.

After all, in the presidential palace, the factory supervisor of the East Factory is only qualified to hang a vice presidential place name.

In Lankai city, the most overbearing, the first is: the president.

Nantian also gradually approached here, across the distance.

Nantian also discovered the situation.

Nantian frowned slightly.

"It's the old man!"

"Heir to the great president!"

Nan Tian narrowed his eyes.

General Qingshan was beside Nantian and said in a deep voice, "Young Master?"

"Qingshan, you and the elder beard, which is stronger?"

Nan Tian asked.

General Qingshan smiled proudly: "If I kill him, half a stroke is enough."

"it is good!"

"Young Master, do you and those people have hatred? Shadow killing is nearby. Do you want me to solve them first? Then call shadow killing!"

General Qingshan asked.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "For the time being, you don't need to shoot. You can just look around. Also, don't follow me. I'll go by myself and see the situation."

General Qingshan, to Nantian's answer, Nantian was very satisfied.

General Aoyama ~ ~ has enough strength to deal with these people, it is enough.

For the rest, Nantian is not afraid.

"Da da!"

Nan Tian stepped out of the darkness step by step.

Nantian came alone.

The other superpowers are all in droves.

As soon as Nan Tian appeared, he was eye-catching.

In particular, the young master of the president was glaring.

"It's you, did not expect that you dare to come!"

The young master of the president was very angry.

"Oh, I have nothing to dare to come. Is it impossible, this pyramid, or your house can't open it?"

Nan Tian laughed.

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