"Stop it!"

Duan Ruthless sighed coldly and rose to his feet. The sky of the gods, like a mighty river, traversed down and directly attacked Nantian.

As for Mr. Piaozheng, it's just not moving, it's amazing.

"Da da!"

Mr. Piao bear, step on foot, like a lion ready to go.

"Lion roar!"

Mr. Piao Beard used his unique skills.

Two powerful energies, one after the other, blocked Nantian down.


"Sword go!"

"Sword cut!"

"The Thousand Swords of My Kendo are unified!"

Nantian was not afraid.

Strength has been restored.

Mecha abilities and Gu Wu Qi are now available.

Nantian's combat power is now amazing, and some magical means can also be used freely.

The sword qi is vertical and horizontal, three thousand miles of sword qi, extremely dazzling.

With a sword, the ruthless "Long River God Ripple" was broken!

A sword, cut off Mr. Piaobei's "lion roar"!

A sword can shock the world!

Nantian proudly holds the sword and looks at Mr Duan Ruthless and Mr Piao Beard.

Everyone present took a breath.

Whether it is Duan Wuqing or Mr. Piao Beard, they are powerful masters who have become famous for a long time.

Nantian is still so young.

They were all shocked.

The young man in Chinese clothes is also pale, and immediately, his face is full of fierceness.

"Why are you so strong?"

"Damn! I am the son of the president, and I am the strongest young man in Lankai. You are all farts!"

The youth in the Chinese clothes, looking at Nantian's high spirits and striking combat power, can be described as envious.

"Mr. Piao Beard, at all costs, he must be killed!"

"Here, it is his graveyard!"

The young man in a Chinese suit said, gritting his teeth.

Mr. Piaorong, smiled bitterly. Just now, the stunning sword of Nantian has already shocked Mr. Piaorong.

In Mr. Piao bear's heart, there was almost no confidence.

Kill Nantian?

Today, I really don't know, who will kill the deer?

However, this is the end of the matter, and it has reached the point where the two sides are endless.

Mr. Piao Beard is also murderous and awe-inspiring.

It ’s not that you die or live, and you do n’t need to worry about anything.

"Duan Ruthless, today, we need to join forces. Hope, don't keep your hands."

Mr. Piao Beard said.

"This man is extremely powerful. When fighting quickly and quickly, it can't be delayed."

Duan Ruthless, also nodded his head.



The two were very tacit, and once again attacked Nantian one after the other.

The half-step emperor-level powerhouse is basically comparable to the Half-Holy in the Milky Way galaxy.

Now Nantian has recovered his strength.

The attribute panel on the Valkyrie system, the various values ​​are:

Host: Nantian

Identity: First Duke of the Galaxy Alliance, Blue Seal Ziyuanwei, five-star general rank in the Galaxy Army, first deputy director of the 18th Guards of Ziyuanwei

Wealth value: 10,000 universe coins (+10 million universe coins)

Physical fitness: 56.999 (60.999)

Mental Strength: 62

Vitality: 56.999 (59.999)

Strength: 56.999 (59.999)

Agility: 56.999 (59.999)

Comprehensive combat power: 60.999 (60.999)

Main Class: Mech Warrior / Half-Step Mech Warrior

First professional: Ancient Warrior / Half-Step Martial Saint

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of the Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the Tianyin Pavilion Master! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

Half-step mech battle + half-step martial art.

This combination of cultivation practices has made Nan Tianqiang pass many ordinary half-saints.

It can almost be said that there is an invincible presence in the Bansheng.

Duan Wuqing and Mr. Piaohuan, although they are the best among the half-step emperor-level strongmen, the two joined forces to deal with Nantian, basically, it was not cheap.



The three of them fought almost, the world was cracked and the scene was extremely shocked.

In the end, Nantian still prevailed.

Mr. Duan Ruthless and Mr. Piao bear to the ground.

Of course, Nantian also suffered some injuries.

Meteor mecha is also stained with blood.

"Mr. William, blood cut commander, trouble you shot!"

Mr. Piao bears the direction of Lord William and Blood Slash.

Lord William and Bloodcut are all old rivers and lakes.

There is no benefit, where will be shot.

"We and Tiantu have no grievances, why do we need to shoot?"

Grandpa William smiled.

Mr. Piaohuan's face was pale.

In the end, still a young man in Chinese clothes, he shouted: "Uncle William, I know you. My father is the big president, if I die here. You all stand by and watch, my father will definitely not let you go."

"Will you not let us go? Ha ha, when my William family is scared?"

The presidential palace honors the president in name, but the major forces are independent of each other.

Some top-ranking forces sometimes do not respect the big president too much.

Mr. Piaobei coughed: "Sanye, you are also a veteran strongman. Why bother with our young master, be careful. So, I'll be the master. Today, as long as you take action, afterwards, I will report to the President. 10% of the mineral resources business is for you! "

Grandpa William, his eyes widened.


Lankai City is a big city, and the surrounding mineral resources are also very rich.

Yicheng's mine resource business is surprisingly profitable.

"Okay, I'm willing to shoot!"

"Duan Ruthless, it's time for you to express your opinion."

Mr. Piao bear, said ruthlessly to Duan.

Duan ruthlessly glanced at the blood-cut leader of the Storm Cavalry.

"The restaurant business of our east factory in the west of Lankai City can give you 10% of the storm cavalry. Blood cut, do you feel satisfied?"

Duan Ruthless, as the commander of the East Factory with the emerald waist card hanging on it, is sitting in the west of the city on weekdays.

The restaurants, casinos, and apparel businesses in the west of the city are all under his control.

This time, Duan ruthlessly divides 10% of the restaurant business into big-out-blood.

Commander Blood Slash, nodded happily: "Commander Duan, have said so. I blood Slash, can I not fight?"


In this way, Grandpa William, the leader of Blood Slash, joined the battle again.

Counting, Mr. Piaozheng and Duan Ruthless are a total of four top powerhouses.

The four strong men surrounded Nantian Mission.

Lord William and Blood Slash Leader ~ www.readwn.com ~ are very strong.

The two of them joined forces, and they are comparable to Mr. Piaobei or Duan Ruthless.

Calculated in this way, it is equivalent to Nan Tian alone, facing three half-step emperors.

"Oh, how shameless you are."

"Four people, beat me one?"

Nan Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"We are shameless, what about?"

Duan ruthless, haha ​​smiled.

"What is nonsense with him, just kill him!"

Mr. Piaozheng sneered.

"Kill, kill!"

Three Lord William and Blood Slash are also smiling at each other.

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