Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 899: : 4 generals with big changes

"Stay here, continue to guard the pyramid?"

Nan Tian smiled slightly, and immediately waved his hand.

Whether it is general Qingshan, or rain killing, shadow killing, killing them.

They are all strong presences, placed on the continent of Atlantis, famous, and sweeping a country is a matter of course.

With such a strong strength, it is a waste to continue to live a dull life in this dark pyramid.

Moreover, nowadays, in the pyramid, the most precious


"You all follow me out!"

Nan Tian said solemnly.

"However, Young Master, we are all punished by gods and have curses on us. Now, it is still like a person who is not human, and ghosts are not ghosts. If we go out with Young Master, will it cause trouble to Young Master ? "

General Qingshan smiled bitterly.

Shadow killing generals and rain killing generals also said: "Yes, young master, we have ordered the emperor. It is improper for the generations of the guard to stay in the pyramid and leave so rashly."

Only, killing the general, one hand: "I listen to the young master."

Nan Tian laughed: "You are all worried about Castle Peak, Rain Kill, and Shadow Kill. Learn to learn by killing. Although you are now mummies, can the appearance of things outside affect your level of existence? ? "

"Also, the treasure left by the emperor, I have worn it on my hand. This pyramid, to be precise, has no value. It is time to leave!"

"Of course, if you really mind. I will take you to a place. You give me."

Nantian chuckled.

General Qingshan followed Nantian and came to the realm of life.

"Here, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, so beautiful. Young Master, here is this? A space of different degrees? And, looking at this space of different degrees, it seems that it is not the continent of Atlantis, it is small!"

General Qingshan, they were very surprised.

"Take you to see someone."

Nantian smiled and took General Qingshan to visit the pixiu.

Pixiu, although there is no flesh now, but in the realm of life, it is also very good to live with the energy of life.

"Senior Pixiu, you have lived a long time, and you should also be proficient in some magical techniques. These four people are my people and want to change their appearance. Look, what is the solution?"

Nan Tian expressed his intention.

Pixiu glanced at General Qingshan four of them, and was shocked: "These four people are very powerful. There are different levels of divine power circulating in your body."

"If you want to change it, it's basically impossible. Because, I'm not a god. And, the punishment is not a general god. At the very least, it is also a powerful presence among the gods.

Pixiu said slowly.

"Aren't there any solutions?"

Nantian frowned.

"Senior Pixiu, do you think about it again?"

Pixiu smiled slightly: "It's true that they can't really change their appearance and appearance, but they can be dressed up as ordinary humanoids in the city with some special illusions and easy methods!

Nantian exhaled: "This is good!"

In Nantian's heart, he already had a plan.

General Qingshan they are so powerful, and the potential is endless.

In the future, it can definitely become a big help for him.

It is too wasteful to stay on the continent of Atlantis.

In the future, General Qingshan will follow Nantian to fight for the era of Mecha.

Always appearing as a mummy is somewhat inappropriate.

"Come on, I will teach you this magic technique!"

Pixiu chuckled.

General Qingshan, they are learning with humility.

General Qingshan, they are not stupid people, they are all geniuses who practice martial arts.

Basically, Pi Xiu, they will pass.

Their four perceptions are amazing.

After a while, they mastered the illusion given to them by Professor Pixiu.

"Try it out!"

Pixiu said with a smile.

General Qingshan cast their illusions, and then the four of them went to look in the mirror.

All four of them were stunned.

Even the unsmiling, utterly innocent killing of the general was a twitching of his mouth-a few moves, obviously obviously excited.

"Is it really in the mirror?"

"This illusion is also strange, even we ourselves can be confused!"

General Qingshan made a sigh of emotion.

The four of them fought for life and followed the Sauber Emperor.

However, they are the first time they have-contacted-touched-such magical techniques as those taught by Pi Xiu.

"Indeed, you have been punished by the gods and lowered the curse. The general illusion is not enough to cover the curse and resist the power of the gods, but the illusion I taught you is inherited by my ancestor. It is a real beast on the ground, and ordinary gods are not my ancestral opponents at all! "

Pixiu smiled, proud.

Pixiu is one of the five great beasts, and it has a great beginning.

This is also the reason why Nantian respects the pixiu.

The five great beasts, adhering to the heavenly path, the presence of the heavenly blessing, and the magical place, are hard to guess.

"However, only illusion is used, and there are some flaws. You can use the technique of transfiguration to repair it. The combination of illusion and transfiguration makes it seamless!"

Pixiu said slowly.

"Senior, please teach us Yirongshu!"

Pixiu shook his head and chuckled: "Don't call me seniors. The four of you may be older than me, or older!"

"The masters are teachers, in no particular order!"

Kill the general and arch his hand.

Pixiu also did not reserve, and gave the general Qingshan four of them the professor who knew what he knew.

Soon, General Qingshan and the four of them were basically similar to normal people in appearance.

Moreover, using the technique of Yi Rong, the four generals of Qingshan also changed their looks for themselves.

General Qingshan, with a blue war armor, carrying a heavy sword, and Ji Yuxuan.

Shadow killing general, a black armor, waist-insertion-double dagger, fierce cold.

Rain killed the general, wearing a blue armor, holding a plate axe, Kong Wu powerful.

Killing General ~ ~ A white armor, aspirational sword, outstanding.

"Okay, okay!"

Nan Tian was amazed.

"All preparations, four generals, and follow me out to the outside world!"

Nantian is proud.

"We would like to vow to follow the young master to death, to calm the world for the young master!"

The four generals made a shocking announcement!


In Lankai City, Chen Haoran of the East Factory suddenly received a message.

"The factory supervisor, the murderer who killed Duan Ruthless was found out. It seems that it was a man named Tiantu. He came from Modi City. One of his little girlfriends is still in Lankai City."

An East Factory Emerald Commander reported the news.

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