Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 907: : Return to the main star of Dry Mountain

"Yes, I'm back. By the way, let's take a look at Mochen. How are you all living?"

Nan Tian asked with a smile.

Boss Lan also introduced Nantian into a grand hall.

Boss Lan made a cup of tea for Nantian.

"We are all okay. However, Mochen, that kid, is now in retreat, as if he is hitting a realm. My family Lan'er also passed with him."

"They are in the back room of my restaurant ..." boss Lan said slowly.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "No, I just stopped by. The Mochen retreat should be the key bottleneck for sprinting. If it is disturbed, it will be bad."

"You all have a good life, and I'm relieved. After Mochen goes out of trouble, you tell him, if you have the opportunity, you can come to the Mecha era. The coordinates of the Milky Way galaxy in the Mecha era, I Put it here. Trouble, boss Lan has time to hand it over. "

Nan Tian said, putting the space coordinates of the Milky Way galaxy on the table.

"I will definitely pass it on. Master Nantian, you are a rare visit, here, stay a few days longer. I want to treat Master Nantian well."

Boss Lan retained.

Nan Tian shook his head: "No, I still have things, I have to leave. By the way, Babalu, Sam, Shou Peking, they are now here? Boss Lan, you have their news, tell me. "

Boss Lan immediately said: "This is no difficulty. Now. Babalu, Sam, they are also very famous generals, they are guarded in the city of Qi Ke. As for the defending Beigong, they should be in the capital and participate in important meetings! "

Nan Tian smiled: "Hole! Thank you, and leave."

Nantianfengfenghuohuo, just leave.

Like a gust of wind, Nantian left the Bilan Restaurant.

Nan Tian didn't deliberately greet the players like Babalu and Sam.

Nantian was in the distance, watching quietly.

Looking at it, the team members at the beginning gradually grew up and were able to play their own roles. Nantian was very pleased.

As for Shou Peigong, Nan Tian originally went to recount his old life with him, which was also a reward. At first, Shou Peigong took care of him.

However, Nantian had just arrived at Wangdu, and Shoubeigong and his party went out of town quietly because of the emergency.

"Oh, okay. I should have looked at everything, I have said everything. This‘ travel 'really should be over. "

Nantian whispered.

"It's time to go back! The Mecha era, the Milky Way galaxy, my hometown!"

Nantian was nagging, and at the same time, Nantian was wearing a meteor mecha and split the space wormhole.

Because the world of magical fighting spirit is very far away from the Milky Way galaxy.

Relying on Nantian flesh-body alone, such a space travel is really exhausting.

Fortunately, the Meteor Mecha has now been upgraded to: a super state, comparable to the standard SSS-class mecha.

General SSSS-class mechas have the ability to sail long distances, that is to say, wearing such mechas is like if you are driving an advanced spaceship battleship.

"Start, mecha sailing long distances, target: the main star of the dry mountain!"

Nantian set the destination, "Boom!"

Meteor mech, wings-jet-shot-out, huge flames, boosting the southern sky, fast navigation.


The star of Dry Mountain, the situation has changed dramatically in the past few months!

Dark race, constantly increasing troops.

More and more powerful people are dispatched.

The fight between the two sides on the main star of Dry Mountain is getting more and more intense.

In the internal organization of the Galaxy Army, Nantian's death was confirmed.

However, Wei Chiyi has always loved the old, do not believe that Nantian died like this.

Wei Chiyi used some power. For several months, he has kept the position and rank of the army in the army, identity information, etc. for Nantian.

As for the dark race, it ’s also uncomfortable.

Dark race high-level turbulence.

Three veteran dark county kings are under tremendous pressure.

In addition, that is, the dark prince Akat, stepped into the holy realm a few days ago, and was officially promoted to the new king!

Now, the four monarchs are meeting together for a meeting.

The four looked sad and uneasy.

"It's weird. In the past few months, basically, we've almost turned the star of the dry mountain. But it just fell without a princess!"

A county king said in a deep voice.

"The human race seems to have discovered my intentions. These days, there have been continuous reinforcements from the human race, which has caused great damage to our search work!"

Another county king shook his head.

"It's no use saying that! We can't find Princess Nine, we all have to die!"

Akart, the voice was cold and biting.

"For several months, the emperor and the emperor should be in a hurry. We are running out of time. After some time, when the emperor sends an envoy, we can just ... "

Akart, made a neck motion.

In the end, the king of Baibu County snapped the table violently: "Look! Continue to look for it, dig the ground three feet, and you have to look for it too! Once you turn it over, if you ca n’t find it, you turn over the second time! Princess Nine, surely did not leave the main star of Dry Mountain. This is the Milky Way galaxy. At present, in addition to the main star of the dry mountain, our dark race has some forces. Outside the main star and colonial planet, most of them are the world of the human race. "

"It can only be so! We split up!"

Akaka nodded in character.


After a few more days.

Nantian successfully shuttled to the main star of Dry Mountain.

Reappearing the main star of the dry mountain, let Nantian have a feeling of being like another world.

At the beginning, on the continent of Atlantis, Nantian thought that he would never come back.

However, the situation on the main star of Dry Mountain is not optimistic.

Nantian can be seen everywhere. The fighting is spreading everywhere, and hundreds of people are displaced.

"The war is more serious. The dark race has not been expelled!"

Nantian frowned.

After a while, Nantian released Luan Luan and the Big Bear from the realm of life.

As soon as Luan Luan came out, he was very excited.

"Hey, Xiao Nantian, my magic weapon can be used!"

Luan Luan grinned again, like a "little devil".

Nan Tian scolded: "Don't make trouble! Now, when it's not nonsense, look around!"

Luan Luan looked around, and his face also changed. "

"What's wrong with this?"

"Death everywhere, ruins, war! It's terrible!"

After all, Luan Luan was just a little girl. When he saw this scene, he was shocked.

"It's war!"

"Endless wars, let the star of Dry Mountain fall into huge suffering!"

Nan Tian said slowly.

"Dark races invade the main star of Dry Mountain.

Nan Tian added another sentence.

Suddenly, Luan fell into contemplation.

"Brother Nantian, I don't want them to fight again!"

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