Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 917: : Hit the door


Several female practitioners in Tianyin Pavilion were surprised. They didn't expect that Nantian, who was dressed in ordinary clothes and looked unpredictable, had such a skill.

This group of female nuns, all of whom are the first-class mech warriors, will be inferior to the half-sage of the Black Burning Valley.

However, Nantian raised the hand and solved the gang of people in Heifensha Valley. The gap was huge!

"Don't worry about me, it's just a little trick. I beat them, it's easy!"

Nantian said slightly.


The ladies, blushing.

I have to say that Nan Tian took a closer look and was still handsome and handsome.

Plus, Nan Tianxiu is so high.

For a time, these female nuns were somewhat nympho.

The people in Heishasha Valley were basically injured by Nantian's blow just now.

However, the half holy saint of the Black Burning Valley is a vicious character.

"Okay, okay!"

"Today, we have admitted to planting!"

"You are powerful, can you tell me that you are that force?"

"In the future, we will go to visit the meeting in Blackburn Valley!"

The half-holy of Heifensha Valley said coldly.

"Why don't you tell?"

"I'm inside the Galaxy Army to prepare the Zongmen Affairs Mission!"

Nantian, said simply and neatly.

"The Galaxy Army internally prepares the Zongmen Affairs Mission? No wonder, good skills! Ha ha, I remember!"

The half holy saint in Heifenshagu closed his eyes and smiled grimly in the corner of his mouth.

Nan Tian frowned: "How to drop? It's very unconvincing to see what you look like!"

Nantian for a time, the murderous skyrocketed.

Chopping grass doesn't eliminate roots, spring wind blows again!

The half-holy of Heishasha Valley, Nantian is ready to solve him 1

A nun in Tianyin Pavilion stopped Nantian. She shook her green fingers in front of Nantian and persuaded Nantian to say, "Son, this is the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion. We are surrounded by our elders Stand by at any time. It's okay to make a little fuss. Once someone's life is lost, it's not easy to explain. And they are still the people of Hei Fa Sha. This time, the leader of Hei Fa Sha is still the crossbow burner. "


"This is Tianyin Pavilion after all!"

Nan Tian thought of Li Leyin.

"Even if it is to give music, a face!"

Nantian heart said.


Nantian stepped away.

Along a secluded bluestone slab, Nantian went all the way to the west!

The headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion is very large, and this blue stone road leads to the place, very deep.

Nantian unknowingly walked through the day and night.

At the end of the blue flagstone is a valley.

Next to the valley, there is a stone tablet.

The stele reads: "Awesome Valley"!

Nantian flew up and looked away.

Sure enough, this valley looks very much like a "guqin" from the topography.

"Tianyin Pavilion, which has always been famous for its musical instruments, is famous all over the world. This stunning valley, the terrain is also strange, and it is also a place with wonderful characteristics. Just go in and see!"

Nantian smiled and flew into the Valley of Juqin.


On the other side, the half-sage of Blackburn Valley, the identity is not simple.

Although he is not strong, only half-holy, but he has a great relationship with the crossbow burning son.

This guy has complained about adding fuel and vinegar.

The crossbow burning son, young and vigorous, is the pinnacle of the young generation. When he saw his followers, he was beaten so "pig-headed", and he was suddenly angry!


"It's abominable!"

"The Zongmen Affairs Mission, although it is from the Galactic Army, but dare to bully us like this, I cannot swallow this breath!"

The crossbow burns the son, and beats the table!

"Please son, let us decide!"

The half holy man in Heifensha Valley, prostrate to the ground, with a snot and tears.

"Sure, it's up to you!"

The crossbow burned the son, his expression was cold.

"Go, you guys leave for me. Let's go to the people of their sect affairs mission now and ask for a statement!"

The crossbow burned the son with a big wave.

Huh lala, the group of Heifenshagu went away with great force.

At the moment, Special Envoy made most of them, still in their respective rooms.

Where they live is marked.

Crossbow Incinerator has an extraordinary identity, and also knows some insiders, it is easy to come to the door.

"All the people of Mission Zongmen, get out of me!"

The crossbow burned the son and shouted coldly.

The roar of the Crossbow Burning Master shocked many people around him.

Many people came over to see if there was any conflict between the two parties.

Among them, the extraordinary Longmen sword faction, the Tang family.

Also, some elders in Tianyin Pavilion.

Elder Qiubai, when he heard this, he came.

The envoy Steve dared to take Wei Huang and walked out.

The crossbow burned at a glance and stared at the special envoy: "Are you the leader of the Galaxy Military Affairs Mission?

The special envoy nodded slightly: "I am the special envoy!"

"I care about you, what kind of **** envoy, your person, who beat me!"

The crossbow burns the young man, without giving face to the special envoy!

The special envoy is also angry, and the mech summons itself.

"Yes, the fifth-rank mech Warrior? It's a strong player, but I'm afraid of you!"

The crossbow burned the son, and he laughed.

Special Envoy, Wei Huang next to him was angry.

"Insult Special Envoy, you are looking for death!"

Wei Huang directly attacked the crossbow burning son.

The crossbow burns the son, does not look at Wei Huang, only a cold sneer across his mouth.

"Dog-shit, dare to shoot me?"


A flaming arrow suddenly flashed out.


The rocket arrows suddenly fell into Wei Huang's abdomen.

Wei Huang was pierced by arrows, and blood and intestines flowed to the ground.

Wei Huang fell to the ground in pain.

"Look at you as a special commissioner for Zongmen affairs, spare your life!"

"Next time, dare to shoot me without permission, will shoot you-sieve!"

The crossbow burned the son and smiled coldly.

The onlookers all took a breath.

Wei Huang has a strong breath just now, and his mecha abilities are extremely powerful. He is a top six-rank mech warrior.

But ~ ~ faced with the crossbow burning son, he could not stop even one blow, and was seriously injured.

"A fire cloud arrow, also from the Black Burning Valley? You are a crossbow burning son!"

The envoy of the Special Envoy was sweating coldly, and he worked in the Zongmen Affairs Mission all year round. He was also familiar with the outstanding figures in the major schools. Soon, he recognized the identity of the crossbow.

"That's right, I'm the crossbowman!"

"Your men hurt my person. Now, I will give you a choice. I will immediately find that person and find it out for me, otherwise, I don't mind, give each of you a lesson!"

The crossbow burned the young man, saying incomparably.

As soon as the words fell, the crossbow burned the son, and the mecha was summoned again. A powerful mecha ability covered the audience.

The special envoy was shocked and incredulously said: "Sixth Grade ... Mech Warrior! Crossbow burning son, you are already a Sixth Grade Holy Realm ... strong?"

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