Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 924: : Promotion to special envoy

Redbeard's status is respected, and in terms of respect, it is much higher than the special envoy.

The reason why I personally invited the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion was to get a secret report, so I had to deal with this person.

After all, the Special Envoy is no longer good. He is also a formal member of the Supreme Military Commission within the Galaxy Army, and he also serves as the special envoy of the Zongmen Affairs Mission.

Ordinary people, coming here, can't handle him!

"Prince prince, I am wronged!"

Special Envoy, debating desperately.

Although the Galactic Army has not stipulated that being a soldier, it is not allowed to join with the female practitioners of Tianyin Pavilion. However, if the two parties have different identities, they secretly engage in secret work, without the approval of the above, they are selfish and selfish. In exchange for fake news, leaking core secrets, this is indeed a felony, and it should be punished according to law!

Gao Meng on the side was completely stupid-stunned.

What, he turned out to be the illegitimate child of Special Envoy and Elder Qiubai.

So to put it this way, the special agent with a crooked mouth is not his brother at all.

No wonder, Gao Meng feels that Special Envoy has always cared for him. Although Gao Meng is under the special envoy, even though it is not so good, Special Envoy always regards him as his own, and even treats him very patiently. It's doubled.

Gao Meng felt strange at first. Later, after a long time, he felt used to it.

Now, after the red beard said the whole story.

Gao Meng was shocked.

Regarding his background, Gao Meng was stiff, staring at the envoy and asked, "Is the envoy, the Privilege Ambassador saying true?"

Special Envoy said bitterly: "It's true. At first, I was confused for a while, but with you. But, for my own sake-you-mom-career, I will put you in a friend's house, the crooked mouth is my friend's Child, the two of you grew up together, the most rewarding, and I have always taken care of you silently! "

"Unfortunately, there is no airtight wall in the world. This news is still known to Shangguan!"

Special Envoy smiled helplessly.

Elder Qiubai also looked at Gao Meng with "ci-love".

"It hurts you, boy!"

Elder Qiubai, let out a grief!

People are sentimental, but the patriarchal clan is ruthless.

The combination of the two is not tolerated.

Now, when things are revealed, not only do they harm oneself, but also Gao Meng and crooked mouths, they also have to achieve their future and even die.

Nantian also secretly smacked.

Unexpectedly, from the Special Envoy, it involved so many hidden things.

Elder Cang Lan, an old face, frosty.

"Qiu Bai, you are so abominable! Fei Zongmen has nurtured you for many years. Now, though, you have been expelled by the Virgin and removed from your post. But the mistakes you have committed are really intolerable. Now, the evidence is conclusive . "

"According to the internal patriarchal system of Tianyin Pavilion, kill you!"

Elder Cang Lan, eyes cold.


Elder Cang Lan, throw it away.

Elder Cang Lan shot with a cane in his hand.


The crutches swept through the power of terror, and the elder Qiubai's chest was penetrated at once.

In addition, in the crutches, the aftermath of the -contained-with-, even smashed the five internal organs of Elder Qiubai.

Elder Qiubai died instantly, with a pair of bright eyes that could not be closed. Before his death, he still stared at Gao Meng and looked at it.

Don't look away!

Extremely miserable!


The crutches flew back to Elder Cang Lan.

There was a lot of blood on the crutches, and it ticked to the ground and fell to the ground, looking very gloomy.

Gao Meng was very miserable and howled: "No, no!"


Gao Meng knew his life experience for the first time today, but did not expect that it would be so miserable!

Special Envoy looked at Elder Qiubai and died on the spot, but also clenched his fists and burst into tears.

"Qiu Bai, Qiu Bai!"

"I lost you!"

Elder Cang Lan glanced at the red beard.

"My Tianyin Pavilion has been dealt with."

Elder Cang Lan, indifferent in tone, but glanced at Gao Meng and Shi Envoy's gaze, but it was extremely cold, including-inclusive-endless killing intention.

It was only because of the identity of the Red Beard and the Galaxy Army, so he did not shoot.

Red Beard nodded slightly: "Relax, I will handle the internal affairs of my Galaxy Army."

Immediately, Red Beard turned towards Special Envoy, shouting sharply: "Special Envoy, can you be guilty?"

The envoy Shi Shi was pale, without any trace of blood.

The death of Elder Qiubai caused him a fatal blow.

"Prince, if you want to do it, do it!"

Special envoy, born unbelievable.

However, immediately, Special Envoy seemed to remember something.

The envoy, who knelt down to the ground with a red beard, kowtowed heavily: "Prince ambassador, you have a high weight, you are in charge of one side, and you have a generous heart. Your subordinate, there is a ruthless invitation, before you die, you still hope for your lord Complete. "

"My son is Gao Meng, no, it's Shi Meng. He hasn't been informed since he was a child, he hasn't done anything wrong, and he hasn't done anything harmful to the Galactic Army and Zongmen Mission. He also hopes that adults will show mercy and keep him alive. In addition, he has a crooked mouth, and he is an outsider. He also asks adults to raise their hands high and let him die. "

"In hell, Shimou will also thank Dade for the adults!"

Special Envoy burst into tears and begged for Red Beard.

The look of the red beard didn't move at all, it was still extremely hard, like a stone sculpture.

"Did you finish?"

Redbeard said coldly.

"Private Secretary ..."

What the Special Envoy wanted to say, the Red Beard was already a knife.

A big head of Special Envoy, suddenly fell to the ground.

Blood sprayed and splashed all over the ground.

"The military's executive document has been issued, and the verdict is as follows: Anyone who has anything to do with this matter will be killed without amnesty!

Red Beard stuck the verdict document on the body of Special Envoy.

Gao Meng's heart and soul were swaying, and boundless fear spread.

"Special Envoy!"

"Special envoy ..... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ..."

Think of it, the envoy has taken care of them all these years.

Gao Meng was heartbroken.

"Stop grief, let's go down together!"

Red beard waved coldly.

He is a second-rank mech warrior with strong power.

A sharp mecha whirlwind came across the sky and directly cut Gao Meng into two pieces.


Blood flowed to the ground.

"One less!"

Redbeard, like an indifferent law enforcer, walked step by step, his eyes locked sharply, and the trainee agent who had been paralyzed to the ground crooked his mouth.

"Sir, don't kill me!"

"Master, spare your life!"

"I don't know anything!"

Crooked mouth is incontinent, crying for mercy.

Indeed, he is an innocent person, completely unaware, nor an illegitimate child of Elder Qiubai and Special Envoy.

It stands to reason that it is not necessary to kill.

However, Red Beard shook his head and sighed: "In the next life, cast a good fetus. Patriarchal ruthless!"

"My generation is ordered to act impartially!"

Red beard finished, like a kill-chicken, screwed the crooked head off.

Elder Cang Lan looked coldly at the side. Until then, he arched his hand at the red beard: "Work!"

Red beard waved his hand: "It's not necessary to say this, it's the negligence of our two forces. The traitors and the related parties have all gone down!"

Elder Cang Lan smiled meaningfully: "Senior Red is a prince of the Privy Council. My Tianyin Pavilion headquarters is too small. Master, after finishing things, you should leave as soon as possible!"

"This is natural! I won't stay long."

Red Beard replied immediately.

"it is good!"

Elder Cang Lan nodded in satisfaction, and soon disappeared.

However, Red Beard frowned.

The red beard is powerful, and it is considered to be very outstanding among the **** missions of the missions.

Redbeard can clearly sense that there are several strong breaths falling on him.

The headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion is too high-strength, they sit in the headquarters, naturally will not let red beard.

As long as Red Beard doesn't leave, those masters will stay in the dark and monitor Red Beard.

Nan Tian was on the side, witnessing the whole process of the matter.

Suddenly, a feeling of "rabbit dead fox sadness" and "lip death tooth cold" rose.

Isn't your lover "Li Leyin" in Tianyin Pavilion?

And Nantian himself, isn't he just working in the Galaxy Army now?

With the forces of both parties, the forces of incompatibility, and today's handling of the envoys of Special Envoy, Elder Qiubai, Gao Meng, and crooked mouth.

Nan Tian clenched his fists, secretly swearing in his heart: "I must become stronger!"

"It has been getting stronger and stronger so that it can break through the rules. The special envoy, Elder Qiubai, they have no strength, they have violated the patriarchal clan, just like grass mustard, pigs and dogs, let anyone kill.

"If I don't have the strength in the future, if I am with Leyin, I will also be chased by the Galaxy Army and Tianyin Pavilion.

"Such a thing, my Nantian, absolutely not allowed such a thing to happen!"

Nan Tian clenched his fists, his nails into the flesh, and he couldn't help the sword, the blood flowed down the tiger's mouth.

"Never, let Tragedy such as Special Envoy repeat itself!"

Nan Tian secretly admonished himself.

Previously, Nantian and Special Envoy Shi had many contradictions, and even shot a lot.

In some respects, Special Envoy does not have good character.

However, it is good for elder Qiubai, Gao Gaomeng, and crooked mouth for husband and father and uncle.

It is a pity that all of this has been reduced to annihilation.

The four of them, under the patriarchal clan, were ruthlessly crushed by the two forces, and even the ants are not as good as they are, and there is no place to bury them!

The ending is tragic and thought-provoking.

Nan Tian looked at the body of Special Envoy Shi, his eyes dignified and complicated.

The position of Special Envoy is not low. If there is no accident, in a few years, he can even be promoted to the Standing Committee of the Supreme Military Committee of the Galaxy Army, which basically steadily pressed the head of Wei Chiyi.

But even so, he had to die today.

The road ahead is long, the strong one is still moving forward!

At this time, Red Beard was striding toward Nantian.

"General Nantian!"

With a full smile, Red Beard patted Nan Tian's shoulder.


Nantian salutes, does not dare to neglect.

"The special envoy has been conquered. There is a special envoy missing from the Zongmen affairs mission. On the way, the military's appointment letter was prepared. At the same time, your position in Ziyuanwei should also change. ! "

"In addition, with your strength and current status, you can also be stationed in the Galaxy Army to compile the Supreme Military Committee. I am a standing member and can directly mention a person to be a formal member. From now on, you will be a formal member . "

"Also, you are relatively young and have weak foundations, but since you have been worshipped by officials, you can't be too cold. So, I am the master, and I will transfer all the property of the special envoy to you."

Red beard, throwing hands in a row to give Nantian several big cakes.

"Ding Dong!"

With the change of position, Nantian's property panel is also changed:

Host: Nantian

Status: The third-ranking prince of the Galaxy Alliance, a formal member of the Supreme Army Committee of the Galaxy Army, Ziyin Ziyuanwei, the internal honor of the Galaxy Army, the special envoy of Zongmen Affairs

Wealth value: 10,000 universe coins (+10 million universe coins + 300 million universe coins)

Physical fitness: 62.9 (62.9)

Mental Power: 6-4

Vitality: 61.9 (61.9)

Strength: 61.9 (61.9)

Agility: 61.9 (61.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 62.9 (62.9)

Main Class: Mech Warrior / Eighth Grade Mech Warrior

The first vice occupation: Ancient Warrior / Bapin Wusheng

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of the Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the Tianyin Pavilion Master! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"General Glory!"

"I am now also a glorious general of the Galaxy Army! A full member of the Supreme Military Commission!"

Nan Tian shuddered, and unconsciously, he was a little taller than Wei Chiyi.

After all, Wei Chiyi did not concurrently serve as the special envoy of the Zongmen Affairs Mission.

This is the fat difference is a senior position in a special department.

Prior to this, the Special Envoy had secretly manipulated Shan Juyuan and others to do things for him by virtue of his special envoy status.

"General Nantian, you are very young and work hard! In the future, the future is promising."

Redbeard smiled.

"Do not take the old road of Special Envoy! After all, you are different!"

In the last sentence, Red Beard said with a slight reminder.

Based on the capabilities of the internal intelligence department of the Galaxy Army ~ ~ Nantian knows that he and Li Leyin probably know that Red Beard already knows.

Nan Tian was stunned, but, now, after all, it was not the time to turn his face with the Galactic Army.

Red Beard whispered to Nantian again: "Your little girlfriend, at Tianyin Pavilion, is not easy, and she missed her thoughts as soon as possible. In addition, General Nantian, in his place, seeks his administration and does not violate the patriarchal system. Keep silently paying attention to your growth, you must not be disappointed!

"It is up to you to say this, and you should leave. Your military appointment letter, you have it! Next, for a month or two, you will be on behalf of Zongmen Special Mission in Tianyin Pavilion. The regiment is solely responsible! "

Red beard, again called a few times.


Red beard turned around, driving the mech, and flew away.

Nan Tian looked at the back of the red beard and looked at the corpse on the ground, his expression complex.

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