Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 934: : Too elder

People who miss their dreams all day long!

A vow to practice for life.

"I'm late and make you suffer!"

Nantian was extremely regretful.

"Go, I will pick you up!"

"Let's go back to Sea Blue Star!"

Nan Tian said.

"Um, um, I listen to you."

Li Leyin said softly and obediently.

Nan Tian took Li Leyin's hand and walked out of the chamber.

Miaoxin and the four generals are also waiting for a long time.

at this time.


The system reminder that I haven't remembered for a long time sounded.

"Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of Tianyin Pavilion or raise Li Leyin into Tianyin Pavilion Master! Complete! (Super gift pack, already in the storage box.)"

"Main task, completed?"

Nantian is also incredible.

"Miaoxin, this time, thank you very much."

Nan Tian arched his hand.

"It's better to go with us!"

"You left the head of the Chamber of Secrets, and when this happened, you were exposed. You are in the Tianyin Pavilion, and you can't mix it."

Nan Tian said slowly.

Miaoxin hasn't spoken yet.

A cold voice came over.


"Oh, where else can you go?"

A few middle-aged women with stereotypes came over coldly.

Among them, the leading woman held a ring ruler in her hand.


Seeing this leading woman, Miao Xin was shocked.

Except, this secret room manager.

Elder Cang Lan, who is familiar with Nantian, also came slowly with his cane.

At the same time, more and more nuns came from all directions.

They surrounded Nan Tian and Li Leyin and others.

"It seems that today, this is a game!"

Nantian coldly authentic.

Li Leyin is also the same, look cold.

The head of the secret room at the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion, cultivated to be tyrannical, is a strongman of the Second Grade Saint Realm.

The head of the light-tight room can hold the Ming General.

Also, Elder Cang Lan, she is also a second-grade saint.

Elder Cang Lan estimated that he could contend with the combination of the three generals, the Green Mountain, Shadow Kill and Rain Kill.

As for the rest of the female practitioners, they are all above the Fifth Grade Holy Realm.

Among the crowd, there is also a senior elder with a look and extraordinary temperament.

Their cultivation practices are not bad, they are all strong third-grade saints!

Li Leyin put Nantian behind him, and he already had an Guqin when he didn't know when.

"Secretary, Elder Cang Lan, do you really want to stop me?"

Li Leyin asked coldly.

Li Leyin is the sage of Tianyin Pavilion, and her status is extremely honorable.

The ordinary senior elders did not enter Li Leyin's eyes at all.

Even if it is, the secret director, elder Cang Lan, Li Leyin is not afraid of them.

Regarding her strength, Li Leyin is already a second-grade holy realm, and she has a guqin lore.

"Holy Lady!"

The secret director and elder Cang Lan bowed to Li Leyin.

"We, of course, dare not disrespect the saint. But this man is a senior general of the Galactic Army. Miaoxin is brave enough to dare to design and steal the secret key of the secret room. The crime is to be blamed! No sin can be forgiven!"

The head of the Chamber of Secrets, in charge of the punishment of the Chamber of Secrets, is one of the extremely cruel people in the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion.

"Today, as long as the saint, you go back to the secret room to reflect. We, retreat as you please. As for a few of them, you have to leave a good head.

The head of the secret room pointed to several people in the guide.

Li Leyin was suddenly angry.

Miaoxin is her good sister, who gives her meals and food, and helps her meet Nantian.

Nantian is her love.

How could she ignore Nantian and others.

"Secretary of the Chamber of Secrets, don't deceive people too much!"

Li Leyin said angrily.

"Holy lady, please step back, don't embarrass us. Otherwise, my ruler will be ruthless."

The secret room chief was cold and authentic.

Over the years, I do n’t know how many strong men died under her precepts.

"Do it! Don't talk nonsense, kill first, the wrong person!"

Elder Cang Lan took the lead.

Impressed with Nantian, she directly killed Nantian.

As for the secret director, he aimed at killing the general.

The head of the Chamber of Secrets is the pinnacle of second-class mech warrior. With her intuition, she knows that killing a general is the most difficult and the most powerful.


Li Leyin's reverse scale was offended!

Elder Cang Lan, relying on his cultivation behavior of the Second Grade Holy Realm, shot against Nantian.


Li Yueyin plucked the strings of Guqin.

A piano sound wave hit Elder Cang Lan.

Elder Cang Lan, where is it comparable to Li Leyin.


Elder Cang Lan yelled in pain and was slightly injured.

Nan Tian also raised the Meteor Sword and Li Leyin to fight side by side.

"Music, I didn't expect it. I haven't seen it for years. Your changes are so big!"

Nan Tian secretly talked.

Elder Cang Lan is much stronger than Shui Lan and confronts each other head-on.

Ten Southern Heavens is not enough to kill Elder Cang Lan.

However, Li Leyin could hit Elder Cang Lan at a loss, enough to reflect Li Leyin's unmatched strength.

"Nantian, once, you protected me."

"Now, let me protect you."

Li Leyin smiled.


The thunder bursts into the sky and sounded through the sky!

Li Leyin's face suddenly changed.

Li Leyin quickly protected Nan Tian behind him, looking very alert.

At this time, an old woman with an old style of dragon clock descended from the sky and flashed out of thin air.

"Too elder!"

"Subordinate, see Taishang Elder!"

The secret director and elder Cang Lan quickly saluted.

This old woman appeared with great momentum, unmatched vision, and swept past Ming Ming.

"The brave general in the army, did not expect that the inside of the Galaxy Army is also full of talents!"

Old lady, comment on it without being too salty.

General Ming Shao was shocked and secretly sent a message to Nantian.

"Young Master, this is a super power that is comparable to Prince Chiba, even more than Prince Chiba!"

The killing of the general also moved to Nantian, very nervous, ready to be a "human shield" for Nantian.

"Le Yin, Le Yin!"

"Why are you so ignorant. Being a teacher, but good for you!"

"You and this soldier in the army will only hinder your development!"

Old woman ~ ~ sighed suddenly.

Li Leyin, toward the old lady, "pop", Changji down.

"Master, treat me like a mother, cultivate carefully, teach the grace, such great grace, there is no reward! However, Nantian is also my favorite person, he is my man. I always love him, Leyin asks Master Complete! "

Li Leyin tapped towards the old lady.

The old lady sighed and said nothing for a long time.

"Today, if I insist on killing them?"

The old woman asked suddenly.

"Leyin, don't dare to be an enemy of Master. But he is willing to die with his beloved one!" Li Leyin said without regret.

"You know, you are: the double combination of divine sound constitution and happy spirit, the talents of hundreds of millions of people are hard to find? Your achievements are difficult to limit in the future!

Old lady, continue to ask.

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