Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 941: : Mysterious big man

"Go to the altar of the Guangming Church?"

Nantian smiled.

For the unknown holy empire, Nantian knew nothing.

Now, Nantian is not fully prepared, and for the time being, is not going to take a look.

Moreover, in the Milky Way galaxy, Nantian still has a series of messy things that need to be solved.

Where, so much control.

Nantian immediately refused: "Go to the general altar, let's talk about it later."

"Presumably, you also know that I am now an officer in the Galactic Army. I go to the Galactic Army headquarters and there are still some confidential things to deal with."

"Say goodbye!"

Nan Tian said.

Bishop Galactic looked surprised, and after seeing the shield of light, the attitude of Bishop Galactic was also kind.

"Your Highness, it is very important to verify your identity. Once you have confirmed your identity, your Highness, you can really enter the top of the church."

"By the way, there is this, a special communicator. You can use this to talk to me directly. My Bright Church has been in the galaxy for many years. Whether it is the military or the political world, there are enough backgrounds! What is the difficulty? , Tell me directly. "

Bishop Galactic, said with a serious heart.

"Oh, let's talk later."

After all, Nantian took over the communicator and left without looking back.

There are several masters in white church who want to stop Nan Tian.

However, they were scolded by the Galactic Bishop.

"Bishop, what should we do?"

Someone asked.

"Well, just wait and see!"

"Naturally, this kind of coercion is impossible."

Bishop Galactic, with a long sigh.


Back in Xianzhou, Nantian did not dare to delay time.

Directly flying the spacecraft, flying towards the headquarters of the Galaxy Army.

"We should go too!"

Bishop Galactic sighed.

The silver spaceship soon disappeared into the starry sky.

At the same time, near the nucleus of a small hidden planet.

Some people in the church gathered together in secret.

Among them, headed by a colored clothing sacrifice.

"Sacrifice Galaxy-Ministry-Long!"

"The Son of God is falling. The Galactic Bishop is already looking for it."

"What should we do now?"

A burly tall warrior, Shen Sheng asked.

There are many internal factions in the Bright Church.

Among them, the Inquisition, the Templar, the Ascetic Order, and the Sacrificial Department all belong to the jurisdiction of the Archbishop High Priest.

Among the branches in various places, the leader of the sacrifice department is the most honorable.

In the Milky Way galaxy, there is also a sacrificial department.

The head of the sacrificial department is the colored clothing sacrifice.

"The Pope, if they get the Son of God, will inevitably strengthen their position. The high priest will be threatened!"

"This thing must never be allowed to happen!"

The colored clothes sacrifice, the tone is murderous and awe-inspiring.

"But Bishop Galactica has already met him. It is estimated that in the next step, the Son of God will go to the church altar under the protection of Bishop Galactica!"

"Once the identity is verified, our forces will be greatly suppressed!"

A master referee said.

"It is true, for the high priest and for us. We must strangle the Son of God in the cradle. Otherwise, once he successfully verified his identity and came out of our galaxy, we will all be killed Take off the skin! "

Cai Yi said with some fear.

The high priest, the archbishop, is a ruthless person. Otherwise, he will not fight against the pope until now.

"Assassination, I will give it to you!"

"Temple warriors and ascetic monks!"

Caiyi sacrifice, ordered.

"Best, before the Milky Way galaxy, kill the Son of God!"

Cai Yi urged.


"Surely not humiliating!"

All the templars and ascetic monks responded.

Nantian did not know that an assassination against himself had already begun.

When the night came, Nantian drove the fairy boat and landed at the headquarters of the Galaxy Army.

The headquarters of the Galaxy Army is truly extraordinary!

Directly recreated a mechanical planet!

This mechanical planet is completely artificial.

Moreover, the area is not small, it is hundreds of times larger than the sea blue star!

A few dozen light-years outside the planet, many card posts were established.

However, Nantian had their own identity plates, and after confirming their identity information and calling the whistle, they were all released.

Park Xianzhou on a special apron.

Nan Tian and his party, as soon as they got out of the Xianzhou, were ready to go to the Red Privilege.

On that day, after Nantian was expelled from the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion, the Red Privilege told Nantian to come to the Galaxy Army headquarters.

Looking at it, the majestic headquarters of the Galaxy Army was full of battleships and tall artillery.

For no reason, Nantian's heart rose with a sense of pride.

In this life, the Galactic Army for which he lives is the real master of the Galactic Alliance!

Nantian knew that this mechanical planet could still travel through space, as long as it angered the Galactic Army.

Yes, direct military headquarters, horizontal air strikes, all firepower.

In minutes and minutes, all the rebellious forces will be wiped out!

"You are here!"

Haven't found the Red Privilege Envoy.

Red Privilege, but came over on his own initiative.


Nantian salutes.

"Nantian Special Envoy, you come with me. Someone above, looking for you!"

Red Privy Secret, smiled meaningfully.

"By the way, the few of you are here, don't leave. Later, there will be officers, come and take you to other places!"

Red Privilege, and ordered to Zuozi and others.

"Up, someone looking for me?"

"No, does Red Privilege make you?"

Nan Tian asked with some curiosity.

The Red Privilege Envoy is already the boss of Wei Chiyi, and also the Privy Envoy, a glorious general, and his status in the military headquarters is very high!

Above him, unless it is the chief and deputy chief ambassador?

Or is it a certain senior officer of the Supreme Military Committee?

"When you get there, you know."

Red Privy Secret, dry cough.

Following the Red Privilege, he walked around the ground in a huge military building for a long time.

The Red Privilege took Nantian and entered the top floor of a military building.

Open a room in the top floor.

Red Privilege, made a "please" gesture.

"Go in!" Red Privy Envoy ~ ~ smiled.

"Red Privilege, don't you go in?"

Nantian frowned slightly.

"I'm not going in. It's a sir. I will talk to you alone!"

Red Privy Secret, explained lightly.

The matter has come to this point, even though Nan Tian's heart, no matter how curious and doubtful and worried, there is no way back.

Only went in.

"Surely, the top of the Galactic Army has discovered the connection between me and the Bright Church?"

Suddenly, Nantian's heart rose with a bad hunch.

Who is the mysterious big man in the room?

For a time, Nantian felt suspicious in his heart!

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