Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 944: : 6 followers

Through the large screen in the control room of Xianzhou, Nantian also saw in the starry sky, roaring and arrogantly in black and thin old men.

Through the Wushen system, Nantian scanned the strength of the two.

"Temple Warrior, Second Order Mecha Warrior!"

"Head of the ascetic monk, the third-rank mech warfare!"

"These two, if I fight against them, they are not their opponents at all. Only by releasing the four generals and cooperating with Xianzhou's super attack can they kill them."

Nantian already has a plan in mind.

Xiuwei reached the third-grade mech warrior or above. With the help of Xianzhou, he could not kill them.

Unless, these two men, who are peerless, are standing in the same place in a daze, letting Nantian's fairy boat bombard continuously.

"This spaceship, I underestimate it, it seems that the grade is definitely above the SSS level!"

The thin old man, in the eyes, the light flashed.

"We joined forces and directly dismantled this spaceship!"

"Damn, Lao Tzu, whimsical, even the SSSS-class spaceship, shot down by hand, afraid-he-bird!" The man in black laughed.

"Revenge for my dead men, sacrifice for the adult in Caiyi, and make a contribution!"

The man in black and the thin old man shouted at the same time.

"Huh huh!"

Two masters flew towards Nantian.

Nan Tian was crackling and pressing the button on the console.



The artillery fired and the smoke dispersed.

The attack weapon carried on the Xianzhou is indeed powerful.

However, this skinny old man and man in black are also not vegetarian.

Their mecha repairs are extremely sophisticated, combined with powerful mecha repairs and special skills.

They basically attacked Xianzhou to avoid them all.

"Sure enough, relying on Xianzhou alone will not kill them!"

"Four generals, come out!"

From the realm of life, Nantian will kill the generals and others, and summon them out.

"Get rid of those two people, their hands and feet are quick!"

Nan Tian ordered.


The four generals responded in unison, "Poof!" The four flew out of the Xianzhou.

"Hey, look, who are those four?"

The thin old man, doubtful.

"These four are dressed strangely."

A trace of dignity flashed in the eyes of the man in black.

"No matter, kill it first, then talk!"

The man in black sneered and relied on his cultivation to be strong, ranking among the second-class mech warriors.


The man in black jumped high, holding a mecha sword and glancing at the Ming killing general.

The man in black is also intuitive. He knows that the strength of killing a general is the most powerful.

Suddenly wanted to control Fu Ming to kill the general.

Killing the general, a sneer crossed his lips.

The Ming Dynasty generals fought for life, followed the Sauber Emperor, and made great achievements, with great strength.

In the face of people of the same level, the generals have been killed without fear.

"You are much worse than Prince Chiba and the elders of Tianyin Pavilion."

"Cultivation is also loose and loose, and the foundation is not strong, and you still want to challenge me? Ridiculous, sad!"

Killing the general, sneered at the man in black.

The people in black were extremely angry. First, the men he brought were all killed by Nantian's Xianzhou.

Until now, he was ridiculed by the killing general.

"I am the warrior leader of the galaxy galaxy, the little kid, and dare to insult me, really to death!"

The man in black was furious and authentic, and the attack under his hand became more and more fierce.

"The God of Light is above, give me divine power, kill!"

The man in black used the taboo method and attacked the general. .

"Great light kills!"

One move is to win or lose, and to kill the generals without delay.

After the gorgeous light came to an end, the wild man in black was cut off.

Blood is surging out like spring water, which is very afraid of people.

A second-rank mech warrior, died on the spot!

After killing the general, he stood still and proudly stood in the Xinghai, free of a peerless master.

The same is the second grade holy realm, killing the general, but far exceeds the men in black. Basically, in the second grade holy realm is an invincible existence.

On the other side, the skinny old man could hardly resist.

General Qingshan, General Yingying, and General Raining Killing are all powerful players comparable to Sanpin Holy Realm.

The thin old man just resisted three or two moves desperately.

Then, the whole body was torn apart.

The head of the ascetic monk group also fell!

"Oh, there are still a group of cow-pen-men."

Nan Tian smashed his mouth. At this moment, he was sitting on the lounge chair in the fairy boat, drinking juice leisurely.

The four generals came back to life again.

Nantian started the Xianzhou, preparing to continue to the Holy Empire.


The surrounding space was suddenly and extremely unstable.

The space was torn apart.

A spaceship approached at speed.

Cardinal Galactic flew directly out of the spaceship.

Nan Tian also opened the hatch after seeing it.

The Galactic Bishop flew in anxiously.

As soon as he came in, he saw Nantian, the bishop of the Galaxy, and said in a panic: "His Royal Highness, someone will assassinate you!"

Nantian smiled, indifferently: "Oh, I know this."

"It's just two miscellaneous pieces, just bring some little things."

Nan Tian understates the authenticity.

The Bishop of Galaxy was startled: "What, they have come over?"

"Damn, it's abominable!"

"The colored clothing sacrifice is really becoming more and more lawless! Even your highness, dare to assassinate, I will go to bring them to justice now. Highness, where are they now?

The Bishop of the Galaxy, with great force, was ready to kill the people in the colored clothes sacrifice.

Nan Tian waved his hand: "No need, those people, I have all solved it."

The Bishop of Galaxy immediately knelt down and said, "I'm too late to save my driving, and I hope His Royal Highness will forgive sins!"

"It's okay, you're busy with you. I'm close to the Holy Empire. You will be there after you cross this asteroid belt."

Nan Tianluo took a sip of juice.

The Bishop of Galaxy sighed: "I am responsible for ~ ~ I am the bishop of the Galaxy. I can't leave the Galaxy without the Pope's command. Your Highness, take care of me along the way! Pay more attention to safety! The colored clothing sacrifice, this person, I know that he is extremely fierce. This assassination was not successful, and there will definitely be next actions. "

"I brought a few followers, they are all first-rate players, they can be used to protect your highness."

The Bishop of Galaxy said six people were recruited.

These six people are all under the command of the Galactic Bishop.

They also served in the Guangming Church for many years and were cultivated by the Bishop of the Galaxy.

"Although their strength is not very strong. However, the lowest is also the fifth-grade mecha battle saint repair, the strongest silver one, last month, has just been promoted to the third-grade saint."

"This trip to the Holy Empire will be dangerous along the way, and they will fight to protect His Highness!"

Bishop Galaxy said sincerely.

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