Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 1 - A Horrible Death

Kenichi was running late from his dojo as he was practicing for final match in world's karate championsh.i.p.s which he have after two days.

Kenichi Shirogane was a martial arts fanatics he loved martial arts he always liked to fight in all types of martial arts competitions. Other than this his other hobie was reading Novels, Mangas and watching anime his favourite manga was History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

He liked that novel because it's main character has the same name as him and it had the same genres which he liked that were Martial arts, Romance and Ecchi the only thing he thinks that wasn't good was that the main character only had a single girl other than that he liked it over all. Specifically the part where it shows that hardwork can beat the talent by showing Kenichi beating talented martial artist one after the other.

While he was running towards his house he heard a shout of a woman.

?!:"Help please somebody help me"

When he looked towards the source of the voice he heard. It came from a construction site which was supposedly closed thinking that the women was in problem he ran towards the construction site and saw three men trying to **** a girl.

Kenichi:" You bastards leave the girl alone"

Punk 1:" Yo kid just don't mess with us or you won't be having a happy ending"

Punk 2:" Hmnp wanting to be a hero go try it somewhere else"

Kenichi:" I said leave her alone"

Punk 1 standed up ran towards Kenichi trying to punch him while shouting "Shut the f.u.c.k up"

Kenichi dodged the punch easily and gave a roundhouse kick to punk 1 which connected and he didn't even had the time to shout before he was on the ground.

Punk 2 and Punk 3 looked at their friend who was on the ground and was crying from the pain. Both of them stood Punk 2 picked up an iron rod that was lying there while Punk 3 took out his knife. They ran towards him and Punk 2 swinged the iron rod at him but he ducked down and sweeped his leg towards punk 2 making him fall on the ground and when Punk 3 slashed his knife, Kenichi dodged it by taking a step back and punched at his gut, then kneed him on his face.

After all three of them were down he went towards the girl and asked

Kenichi:" are you alright Ms. "

Girl:"Th-Thank you sir I am fine"

Kenichi:" It's ok Ms. everything is fine know"

After assuring the woman Kenichi looked at the three Punks and was going to deal with them but he was stabbed by the woman standing beside him.

Kenichi looked at the woman who was smiling at him and was going to twist the dagger but Kenichi slapped her hard which made her lose her grip on the dagger after which she went towards the Punks.

Kenichi wasn't able to understand the situation until he saw the girl hugging the new man who came into the scene. Kenichi new that man as he was his opponent for the final match in the world championship Kirishima.

Kenichi:"Why!? just for the title"

Kirishima:" Hmnp championship isn't the only reason the girl I liked had started to develop feelings for you hence this"

Kenichi:"*Shouting in anger* You twisted son of bitch"

Punk 2:" Boss he really beated us badly you have to pay us more if you want us to end him"

Punk 1&3:" Yes yes boss"

Kirishima:" Fine just deal with him first"


All three Punks ran towards Kenichi to end hi life.

Kenichi:"Like hell I will die just like that"

He pulled out the dagger from his body and ran towards the three and without any hesitation slashed the dagger at them. All three of them fell down when the girl hugging Kirishima saw this scene she was terrified all three Punks had there throat slitted.

Kirishima:" Oh! you really are a stubborn person even refusing to die"

Kenichi didn't said anything ran towards the two of them but "Baang" there was a noise heard Kenichi was shot at his stomach.

Kenichi:"Y-YO-YOU bwahh..."

Kenichi spitted blood from his mouth and wasn't able to say anything.

Kirishima:" I never thought that I will have to use it but now that I have used it you can die now"

Kirishima was going to pull the trigger once again, Kenichi new he was going to die but he didn't wanted to die like this he looked towards Kirishima and his dimm eyed shined. Kenichi with his whole strength throwed the dagger towards Kirishima " bang" Kirishima pulled the trigger again this time Kenichi fell the dagger went from above Kirishima head and he laughed at his last desperate throw.

Kirishima:" Hahaha where were you aiming for...."

Before he could finish he heard some noise the girl also heard it hence both of them looked at their surroundings but couldn't find the source finally when the looked above their heads they shouted " Aaaaahh" " boooom" the recking ball fell on them and they died while being crushed from it .

Kenichi who was in his last breaths smiled when he heard the voice. When he looked towards Kirishima earlier he saw the liver of recking ball which was right above Kirishima's head hence he knew the only way to make sure that Kirishima follows him in afterlife was throwing the dagger at the liver of the recking ball and crushing them.

Kenichi:"Bhww bhuu haa haa looks like I won't be able to become champion now. Fine then I will become the strongest martial artist in my next life so that I don't have to die like this again.."

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