Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 103 - Training with the elder

"It's Okay sister Kisara, I just know the solution for it" Honoka said and she putted two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly.

"Why did you do that!?"" asked Kisara and Miu together when they felt the shadow of someone big approaching them and as they turned back they saw Apachai jumping down from a roof right behind them.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh..." the guard shouted in shock and fear as he fell on the ground when he saw Apachai appear out of no wear.

Kisara flinched a little but didn't attacked Apachai which she generally does.

"Oh Apachai did you came after hearing Honoka's whistle" asked Miu.

"Yes Apachai told Honoka that Apachai will come if she whistles" said Apachai.

"Apachai you can take care of Noir until we come back from the store as they do not allow pets inside" Honoka said to which Apachai smiled and said "Apachai will take care of Noir" as he raised his hand to take Note from Kisara but she didn't wanted to give him to Apachai.

"You can trust Apachai with Noir, he is always loved by animals and little kids" said Miu to Kisara who finally relented and gave Noir to Apachai.

"Note let's go and start shopping" Honoka said as they entered the store.

Near Tanimoto Villa.

Kaede has just returned with his brother from the school she has recently joined.

"Yo Tanimoto how are you!?" came a noise from behind the brother and sister.

Both of them turned to look at the person who called them and saw Niijima along with the members of his Shinpaku Alliance.

"What are you doing here Alien!?" Natsu asked

"Come-on Tanimoto we are friends, that's why I came here to ask you to join our alliance" Niijima said.

"Who is your friend don't try to get chummy me Alien!?" said Natsu.

"But I am trying to help you by allowing you to repay your debt to Kenichi" said Niijima.

"Big brother Kenichi!!??" Kaede said.

"Yes, you remember that he challenged the Ragnarok for an all out fight right!? it's going to happen in the next 3 days so I thought it would be good if Tanimoto here could join our alliance and help Kenichi defeat those Ragnarok guys" said Niijima.

"You should help Big brother Kenichi, other wise I won't reason to you Hmnp" said Kaede as she stormed inside there Villa.

"Wait Kaede listen to me" said Natsu as he tried to stop his sister but she didn't listened to him and entered the the villa.

"You bastard using my sister as a leverage!?" said Natsu and attacked Niijima without letting him speak.

*Baam* *Boom* *Bang* the noise came and everyone from Shinpaku alliance was lying on the ground.

"I know I have a huge debt to pay Kenichi Shirahama and I will do that but don't think that I will help you in any of your agendas" Natsu said as he started walking towards his Villa gate "Just send me the address of your clash with Ragnarok and I will be there to help Kenichi" be says while entering his front yard.

"He he he no matter what you say Tanimoto, you won't be able to get away from me" Niijima said as he and the others stood up to leave from the place.

"Ho ho how do you like my new invention Kenichi" said Akisame but Kenichi wasn't able to say anything as he didn't have time to retort back since with his new weights saving himself from the electrical dolls was really hard.

"If you don't punch each of the wooden dolls 30 times then they will stand up and give you and electrical shock! I have incorporated Kirichioff's Law in this training Machine" said Akisame.

"Hey... you are testing your new inventions on him again! Why don't you let him practice on a normal machine" Sakaki said while practicing his karate.

"He adapts really fast so I have to make up new inventions to give him surprises every now an then" said Akisame.

"It's good that he gets surprise that's why I also try to use unusual method to train" said Kensei why reading a book.

"Hmm.... I am thinking that's it's time for me to take Kenichi for the training" said Elder Furiniji.

"What!?" Akisame asked in surprise while Sakaki and Kensei flinched as well and looked at Elder Furiniji.

"Yes I think that since Kenichi is going to fight against Ogata's Disciple hence he will need to learn at least one Technique from me" said Elder Furiniji.

"If that's what you think elder then we should do that" Akisame said then looked at Kenichi who was punching the lady electrical doll standing.

"So elder is going to teach Kenichi for next 3 days, then I will just drink my Booze and take rest" Sakaki said.

"Huh!? Elder teaching me for 3 days!?" Kenichi asked as he came down from Akisame's electrical doll machine.

"Yes are you ready to learn from me Kenichi!?" asked Elder.

"Sure why not!? I have been waiting for you to ask me that!" said Kenichi with a smile.

"Oh ho... taking my special training lightly are you!?" said Hayato Furiniji as his eyes shone smoke came from his nose.

"No... I am just excited to learn from once of the strongest martial artist in the world" said Kenichi.

"Good then we will go right after Miu comes back with others" said Hayato Furiniji.

After 1 hour Miu with Noir in his hand came back with Honoka, Shigure and Apachai and when they learned that Kenichi was going with Miu's grandfather they posted for his safety while Miu warned her grandfather to not intentionally try to harm Kenichi cause of they're relationship making elder's eyes shine in anger.

After which Miu told Kenichi about her talk with Elder Furiniji making Kenichi sweat in bullets.

"Miu! Why!? Why did you went and looked the hornet's nest!!!!? Now I know that the intensity of my training will increase many folds" Kenichi said while shaking his head.

Miu's head was down as she knew that she created for him and said "I am sorry Kenichi...

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