Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 109 - Freya vs Kisara

"Freya you wanted to deal with Valkyrie right! go and deal with her" Odin said to Freya a.k.a Kaname who nodded her head and walked forward.

Kisara looked at Kaname who was walking towards them and she started walking forward as well and both stopped walking when both were Standing just few gets apart from each other.

Sitting on top of the crane was Ogata himself looking at the scene with curiosity. Though he noticed that members of Ryozanpaku sitting at the river bank across from them all. All except the elder, who was clearly missing.

"Leaving Ragnarok is one thing but joining those guys is other this isn't going to end will for you Kisara." Kaname said.

"We will see about that" Kisara said and launched a kick towards Kaname.

Kaname blocked the kick and thrusted the staff forward but Kisara jumped back dodging from it "In order to defeat a man, a woman must use a weapon. Is that something you find hard to accept" Kaname said.

"Hmph, it's no longer about that," said Kisara as she got into a fighting stance, "I've said it before. I want to walk my own path and that's out of your shadow!"

With that statement, Kisara launched a barrage of Taekwondo kicks at Freya, who blocked them with her staff.

"You are good. This was one of the reason i chose you. But you're attacks are useless against me!" Freya said as she knocked one of her kicks away, leaving Kisara open before thrusting her staff into her stomach. Kisara coughed as she felt the impact before stepping backwards.

"Kisara-sama!" shouted Shiratori in fear.

"Why do you oppose me so strongly?" asked Freya as she readied her staff once more, "You used to be so loyal to me."

"It's like Kenichi, Miu and Saeko said" spat out Kisara once again going back in her stance "I want to pursue my own ideals just like them. I wanted out of Valkyries, not because I saw weapons as cheating, but because I wanted to prove that I can become strong with my kicks! The Kimono girl who beated you said weapons are extensions of your body, just like a fist to karate practitioner or elbows to Muay Thai"

Freya winced as she remembered how the Kimono girl beated her without any effort, Kisara took advantage of this by deflecting Freya's staff, using the added momentum from pushing the staff to spin so as to get behind Freya and kick her in the head.

Freya blocked it but before she could do anything else, Kisara spun once more and landed a kick to her back, sending her flying. Freya quickly recovered, slamming her pole into the ground to control her landing.

"This ain't a battle between between Taekwondo or staff, it's a battle between you and me" Kisara said.

"Then let's see how much you will far in it" Freya said as she ran towards Kisara while spinning her staff sending swift strikes to Kisara.

Kisara was forced to land in a defensive position as she had to block the staff attacks. Though she tried to hammer a kick it was easily blocked by Freya. "Shit. Long, medium and close range are all bust" thought Kisara as she took another hit to her arm.

"Gotcha" Kisara shouted as she caught the staff but Freya merely spun her staff, separating it into two half causing Kisara to loose grip.

"You are not the only one who took the Kimono girls words to the heart, my staff is the extension of my body, I may have forgotten about it initially when i pursued power. But with this you will never defeat me" Freya said as swiftly put them back together, delivering a strike to Kisara's head.

"Powerful," thought Kisara as she dodged the staff, "But since Miu and Kenichi can do it so can I"she thought as she stamped down on the ground and glared at Freya.

"Still standing... you were always the type to never go down easily" Freya said and charged in ready to deal the finishing strike on Kisara.

"Oh. Looks like this is going to be over soon" Odin said with a slight smirk on his face.

"Dammit! if dairy cow can do it then so can I!?" Kisara told herself then her movement completely changed.

Everyone noticed this instantly as Kisara began to dodge all of Freya's attacks, her stiff movements were gone though the moves weren't totally his own as Saeko who have sparred against Miu and Miu herself knew that that's how she moved and those movements were still a bit stiff and unsuited for her. Still, it would be enough for this fight.

"Kisara, try to predict her movements as well dodging won't help much" Miu shouted.

"Your kicks should be the position you want to occupy only then will they become succesful" added Saeko.

Kisara didn't had the time to actually think what they were saying but when she looked at Freya's attacks, she could see her movements clearly and even predict them well allowing her to see the opening at the top of her head.

Kisara jumped in the air, then quickly spun and Launched an ax Kick to freya's head, but managed to bring her staff above her head to block it in time.

"I told you, this staff is my fist. There's no place I can't hit or defend" Freya said as she began to push Kisara's leg but she wasn't done yet as she brought her other leg down while shouting "This is the fight between my legs and your fists"


Kisara's double Kick broke Freya's staff in half while slamming the attack onto Freya's Head.

"Freya-sama / Kisara!" came the voice from both groups as both collapsed onto the ground, one from the attack and the other because she totally forgot about landing.

"Stay back" shouted Kisara as she got up, looking at Freya, "It's not over yet."

Freya slowly stood back up, both her hands holding her broken staff.

"Tch, I made it more dangerous" said Kisara as she looked at the jagged staff, now capable of stabbing someone.

Though the next thing that happened wasn't expected by other's except Saeko.

"I have lost," said Freya throwing down her broken staff "When a staff user's staff is broken... we must admit defeat"

"What do you mean by that you can still move" Kisara shouted.

Saeko walked forward and pressed her hand on Kisara's shoulder's then said "Everyone has their own ideals Kisara, yours is to prove that you can win any battle with your kicks and weapo users have their own beliefs"

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