Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 131 - Niijima's Message

"Next time I won't go easy on you" said Sakaki hearing which Kenichi looked at Christopher as he thought "All his bones are broken and you say that you were going easy on him"

"haa..... Kenichi I am going to handover this bastard along with his girls to the police while you stay here and keep an eye on Gauche" said Sakaki

"OK, Master Sakaki" replied Kenichi after which Sakaki left with dragging Christopher and his girls.

After seeing the man who was trying to kill him dragged away by Sakaki, Gauche took a deep breath then looked at Kenichi and said "Th-Thank You for saving my life"

"I did it because of my principles so no need to be thankful or sorry as it really doesn't matter" Kenichi said.

"Principle!?" questioned Gauche.

"Principle s are beliefs through which a person lives by. Mine is to always keep my promises and protect my loved ones and since we promised to keep you safe we did" explained Kenichi then looked at Gauche who was lost in his thoughts, "By the way you should start hiring strong bodyguards and I mean really strong as you have seen that the chances of someone like Christopher coming after you aren't short"

Gauche's face turned pale as he asked "What should I do!?"

"Don't know man maybe sell your company since that's the reason they are after you or make a will saying that after your death all your property will be given to the charity and I strongly suggest to not give your company to your relatives in the will if you have any, as they will become the target of Yami after you" Kenichi suggested.

"Yes, Yes I understand Thank you" Gauche said and then Sakaki came back.

"Let's go it's time for your flight" Sakaki said as beckoned Gauche to follow which he did without speaking anything.

Kenichi stood up ready to follow them but at that time his phone vibrated informing him that he has just received a message.

Fishing out his phone from his pocket Kenichi looked and saw that Niijima has just messaged him which was weird as he usually called him, opening the message he saw that it was a big one.

[Dear Kenichi,

Hope I am not troubling you during your mission I waited till now because I thought by this time you would be free from whatever mission you were doing. There are few things that happened while you weren't here and it was exactly as you said they would happen.

Gangs are being targeted one by one and all of them were asked the same question about you. From the information I have gathered the Yomi which are the direct disciples of Yami are behind it and they want the title of history's strongest from you and have sent few peoples to check whether you are strong enough for them to move or whether it was hoax and nothing else.

Important facts are that these people attacked Thor's gang, Kaname's Valkyries and another group at the same time Thor's gang and the other group was destroyed as Thor wasn't with his gang while the Valkyries were able to defend themselves against the attack as they had Kaname and Kisara there all of them together were able to fight to the standoff until both sides retreated. He he he cause of this incident Kaname has decided to join our Shinpaku Alliance and she also visited Shigure yesterday.

But the important thing is that all were attacked together and there were three peoples in every team which means that there are at least 9 people who are looking for you and I don't think that even the full strength of Shinpaku Alliance will be enough if there are more then that

I have called everyone and we are in the main base of Shinpaku Alliance's to fight against them so the moment you finish your job come fast and help us.

P.S - The Main Base is Kisara's old hideout if you don't remember]

"Nine people how the hell are there 9 people even if Tenmon Li sends her daughter along with those two Zanshin Taishi-ryuu disciples then they would have been totaled to 3 but now there are nine how the f.u.c.k there is so much change in the timeline" cursed Kenichi as he ran downstairs as he called Sakaki.

"Yes What happened Kenichi" asked Sakaki.

"Yomi has moved and they are targeting my friends in Shinpaku Alliance although it wouldn't have matter if there were only one or two coming after him but Niijima said that there were at least 9 people who are actively hunting them to find me and if they don't see me there then they will release there anger on them. Now though Saeko, Miu and Renka can take 3 high class disciple each on their own I don't want to take the risk that there will be more than that" explained Kenichi hurriedly as he descended the twin tower.

"Then it's serious go and help your friends and I will take care of the problems here as there isn't much left to do" Sakaki said.

"Thanks, Master Sakaki" said Kenichi as he went directly towards the parking lot where he asked the Bodyguards of Gauche to Park his bike.

Sitting on his Bike Kenichi sped through the traffic of the city not caring about haw many red lights he broke or how many speeding tickets he will get as his mind was only thinking about his friends and family.


Everyone was here Takeda, Ukita, Siegfried, Kisara, Kaname,Thor, Miu, Saeko, Renka and Niijima and were waiting there as they knew that the ones who have been attacking the gang lately will be coming here to ask them about Kenichi.

All of them were standing in the courtyard as from everyone's consensus they have decided to fight here instead of inside the hideout as it could be constricted to fight there with the likes of Kaname, Saeko who uses weapons along with Miu and Renka likes the free space to jump here and there while attacking and dodging.

Niijima was standing at the back right at the entrance of the hideout so that he could run inside the moment something goes wrong. While holding the binoculars he was looking at the road to see if there was any sign of the people they were waiting for as he looked around he saw some people walking towards them and they weren't at all ordinary.

"Here they come!!"

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